Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2265 Do you believe me? Do you think I'm bragging?

Chapter 2265 Do you believe me? Do you think I'm bragging?

"So what if you go back on your word?"

"In addition, I am actually very trustworthy. I only said that I would let you go, but I did not say that my companions would let you go. Brothers, will you let them go?"

The young man in green asked his companion.

"of course not!"

"How is that possible! These are points!"

"Hahaha, are they too naive? They are surrounded by us here, and they still want to beg us to let them go?"

"If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place? Why didn't you compromise when I asked you to hand over the top-quality Mayan gemstones? Now you know you were wrong? It's too late!"


These warriors from the Beitian Empire expressed that it was impossible to let the four of them go, Sun Xiaofu.

This couldn't help but make Sun Xiaofu and the other four look even paler.

"Did you hear that? I am willing to let you go. But my companions are not willing! To you, I can only say I'm sorry!"

The young man in green said with a smile.


Sun Xiaofu gritted his teeth and hated it terribly.

Zhong Lijun and Xiang Anhe also looked livid.

But at this time, the young man in Tsing Yi didn't care what expressions Sun Xiaofu and the others had. He teased Sun Xiaofu, and after laughing at them, he waved his hand and ordered: "Go ahead, deal with them."

The next moment, hundreds of warriors from the Beitian Empire rushed toward Sun Xiaofu and others.

Four against one hundred, Sun Xiaofu and others had no chance of winning.

Ji Hongru, who was on the side, simply closed his eyes and was ready to die.

But at this time.


The space shook, and a figure was seen quickly arriving in front of Ji Hongru.

At the same time, a voice reached Ji Hongru's ears.

"Giving up now? As a warrior of Zijin, this is not acceptable."

Hearing the voice, Ji Hongru felt familiar at first, and then seemed to think of something. His face was overjoyed, and he hurriedly opened his eyes and said: "Tang Yi!"

That's right, the person who came was none other than Tang Yi.

In fact, Tang Yi arrived from the beginning, but he wanted to see how Sun Xiaofu and others would handle the crisis, so he never took action.

However, the way Sun Xiaofu and others handled it really disappointed him.

Obviously they have the life-saving scroll given by themselves, and Sun Xiaofu and others will be safe as long as they hide in the shield and persist until the end of the road to the empire.

But Sun Xiaofu and others just came out!
  And he also took the initiative to show weakness and wanted to hand over the super-high-quality Mayan gems!

This is beyond stupid!
  Now Tang Yi finally understood why Sun Xiaofu and others dared to shout at him in the first place. It turns out that brainless people like to do stupid things.If the King of Tianshui had not asked Tang Yi to take care of some of the warriors of the Tianshui Kingdom.

Tang Yi is afraid that he will not rescue Sun Xiaofu and others this time.

But Tang Yi saw Ji Hongru's performance and was very satisfied with Ji Hongru's performance.

"Tang Yi, why are you here?"

Ji Hongru said excitedly.

Four against one hundred, that is simply impossible.

But with Tang Yi, the situation would be different.

After all, the legend that appeared on Tang Yi has spread to the sky. Even if Tang Yi's strength is not as exaggerated as the legend, it is still extremely strong.

After all, just taking out a scroll and blocking the attacks of hundreds of warriors, can its strength still be weak?

Certainly not!

So when Ji Hongru saw Tang Yi, he was very surprised, and his originally desperate heart gradually ignited and became hot.

Sun Xiaofu and others also saw Tang Yi.

When they saw Tang Yi, they were not as surprised as Ji Hongru and others. On the contrary, they showed impatient expressions.

I saw Sun Xiaofu saying: "So what if Tang Yilai is there? What's the use? It's just letting the other side kill one more person for nothing."

Zhong Lijun also said: "Tang Yi, why are you here at this time? Didn't you see that there are more than a hundred people on the other side?"

Xiang Anhe said: "Tang Yi, I have to say that your brain is really bad. If you don't show up, but go to unite the teams of other kingdoms, or find ways to cause some trouble for these warriors of the Beitian Empire, maybe We can still be saved, but now that you show up, we will definitely die. Five against one hundred, we have no chance of winning."

Tang Yi ignored the three people from Tianshui Kingdom. Their words fell on deaf ears.

I saw him saying to Ji Hongru: "Brother Hongru, I have seen your performance just now, and you have done a good job. You have not lost the face of Zijin. As warriors of Zijin, we cannot compromise at will! No matter it is face-to-face The same goes for allies and enemies!"

"Thank you Tang Yi for your compliment, but what's the use of doing well? Faced with such a crisis, I can't change anything at all."

Ji Hongru said disappointedly.

"Who said you haven't changed? Of course you have. You have changed my view of you. If you behaved the same way as these people from the Tianshui Kingdom, maybe I wouldn't show up at all, and I wouldn't care about your life or death at all. But your performance has won my approval, so I will definitely show up to save you! Your performance has already earned you a chance to live! Isn’t this a change? "

Tang Yi said with a smile.

Ji Hongru looked up at Tang Yi, then looked at the densely packed Beitian Empire warriors in the air who were approaching, and said worriedly: "But Tang Yi, there are more than a hundred of them, do you have the confidence to deal with them?"

"More than a hundred people? Haha!"

Tang Yi laughed disdainfully and said: "In my opinion, they are just more than a hundred ants. You can die with just a wave of your hand. There is no difficulty at all."

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Sun Xiaofu smiled and said sarcastically: "You really know how to brag. There are more than a hundred people on the other side, and each of them is a one-star saint or above! With such a power, even if the Holy Emperor sees it You want to run away, but you actually say that the other party is just an ant, which is really ridiculous. Do you really think you are the Holy God? Is there no difficulty at all? "

Zhong Lijun said: "Tang Yi, I admit that you have some strength, but are you too arrogant? There are more than a hundred people on the other side, and you actually compare them to ants? Bragging is okay, and I don't object if you like to brag. , but I still want to advise you, don’t brag at any time. Bragging now is meaningless, and you can’t solve the current crisis just by bragging.”

Xiang Anhe said: "Tang Yi, it's already this time, what are you talking nonsense about? Hurry up and think of a way, otherwise when they come over, how can the five of us be their opponents! Five versus one hundred, this is simply There’s no chance of winning! You’d better stop talking nonsense and think of a solution quickly.”

Tang Yi ignored the three people from Tianshui Kingdom and asked Ji Hongru directly: "Do you believe me? Do you think I am bragging?"

(End of this chapter)

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