Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2266 Is this all you have?

Chapter 2266 Is this all you have?
  Feeling Tang Yi's gaze, Ji Hongru felt that Tang Yi was definitely not bragging, and it was impossible for him to brag at this time.

Therefore, Ji Hongru nodded and replied: "I believe you!"


Tang Yi nodded. He was really satisfied with Ji Hongru's performance.

He immediately decided in his heart that after returning, he would train Ji Hongru well and make Ji Hongru the pillar of the Zijin Kingdom!

Tang Yi and Ji Hongru's conversation as if there was no one around them not only aroused the dissatisfaction of Sun Xiaofu and others, but also aroused the dissatisfaction of the young man in green and hundreds of warriors.

They didn't expect that, surrounded by hundreds of warriors, the young man below who appeared out of nowhere could actually talk to them as if no one else was around and treat them as if they were right!

This is simply too arrogant.

"Boy, I don't know where you came from, but! Do you know what you are doing? Do you know that you are looking for death?"

"Go on, kill that kid! The last thing I want to see is someone pretending to be X in front of me."

The young man in green clothes ordered.

The hundreds of warriors originally only approached slowly, using this to cause great pressure on Sun Xiaofu and others, and to make Sun Xiaofu and others give up resistance.

In this way, the risk of them taking action is much smaller, and they may not even be injured.

After all, even if it was one hundred against four, if Sun Xiaofu and others went crazy, they would still be injured, and there might even be an accident.

So in the beginning, they handled it very steadily.

After seeing the performance of Tang Yi and Ji Hongru, and hearing the instructions from the warrior in green, they immediately speeded up and pressed forward quickly.

The encirclement gradually narrowed, and the two sides were about to collide.

Sun Xiaofu panicked.

"It's all your fault, Tang Yi, for joining in the fun! If you hadn't angered them, maybe we could have dealt with them for a while and found a chance to survive. Now that you've come and angered them, we can't even talk about it. We don’t even have to talk about it, let alone look for any opportunities!”

Sun Xiaofu said loudly towards Tang Yi. The tone was full of blame.

Even now, he is still blaming others and passing the responsibility onto others.

Facing the silly Sun Xiaofu, Tang Yi just smiled in his heart and still ignored him.

It's not that Tang Yi has a big heart, nor is it that Tang Yi has a kind heart, but Tang Yi wants to keep his promise.

If it weren't for the Tianshui warrior who promised to help the Lord of Tianshui, Sun Xiaofu might have become a dead man.

Ignoring Sun Xiaofu, Tang Yi even turned his back to Sun Xiaofu and stood up in one step, standing in front of everyone, facing hundreds of warriors from the Beitian Empire alone.

There are signs of one against a hundred.

Seeing this scene, the hundreds of warriors from the Beitian Empire who surrounded them in mid-air burst into laughter.

"Look at this fool, he actually wants to fight against us with his own strength? It's really ridiculous."

"Just now I really wanted to hear him say to one of their warriors, are we all just ants? There is no difficulty in dealing with us? Originally I thought he was just bragging, but I didn't expect that he was serious. You really have to fight against us with one person!"

"I've never seen anyone so stupid before! This is too crazy. He actually wants to fight one against a hundred, haha."

"I was really laughing to death. When I met them today, I was really laughing to death. Are all the warriors in the Mengyue Empire so stupid? The kid in front actually opened the shield stupidly and walked out on his own. Now there is another one who is not It’s so funny to fight a kid who knows where he came from, one against a hundred.”

"It seems that the warriors of Mengyue Empire are not good at cultivation, and neither are their brains."

"The Mengyue Empire will never be our opponent to the Beitian Empire. Warriors with their quality and brains will never be able to catch up with our Beitian Empire in their lifetime."     "Thanks to the emperor for being so dedicated this time. Treating the Mengyue Empire as an opponent is too flattering to them."


The warriors from the Beitian Empire said one after another.

Even the young man in Tsing Yi said: "What? Do you really want to fight one against a hundred? Are you overestimating your capabilities? Just like you, let alone one against a hundred, even if I give you one hand, you can't Could be our opponent.”

The young man in Tsing Yi looked very arrogant, and he was very comfortable facing Tang Yi and others.

But the next second, he was stunned.

I saw hundreds of warriors quickly shrinking the encirclement. When they were about to approach Tang Yi and others, before they had time to take action, Tang Yi showed a bright smile at this time.

At first, no one knew what Tang Yi meant by his smile.

Everyone thought that Tang Yi was stupid because of too much pressure.

Even Sun Xiaofu and others think so.

Although Ji Hongru didn't think Tang Yi was stupid, he was also very confused as to why Tang Yi was laughing at this time.

But the next moment, everyone present finally knew why Tang Yi was smiling, and finally knew the meaning of Tang Yi's smile.


Sanskrit sounds sounded, and golden light appeared.

After Tang Yi smiled slightly, a dazzling golden light flashed in his eyes.

This golden light is full of holiness, holiness, and unparalleled power. When people see it, they can't help but want to kneel down and worship!
  However, the hundreds of warriors in the sky who wanted to surround Tang Yi and others had no chance to kneel down.

The moment Tang Yi's eyes lit up with golden light, their bodies shattered into pieces and turned into countless flying ash, dissipating between heaven and earth.

Hundreds of warriors, all of them saint-level warriors, disappeared in the blink of an eye!

Seeing this scene, Sun Xiaofu and other three Tianshui Kingdom warriors who were still laughing at Tang Yi froze on the spot.

Although Ji Hongru believed in Tang Yi, he did not expect this to be the case, so he was stunned, with surprise and disbelief all over his face.

And the warrior in green who was floating in mid-air, had been flying higher and higher, with a look of disdain on his face, and a smile on his lips, the smile froze on his face.

The look of disdain was replaced by a look of shock.

"What...what's going on? What...happened."

The young man in Tsing Yi was so shocked that he could not speak clearly.

Underneath, Tang Yi smiled faintly and said: "What's going on? Do you have this little eyesight? Until now, you still don't understand what happened, don't you understand what the situation is? Haha!"

"You? It's you? Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

After hearing Tang Yi's words, the young man in Tsing Yi seemed to have guessed something.

However, he still didn't believe that someone could actually do this!

I don’t believe that someone can actually turn hundreds of saint-level warriors into ashes in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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