Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2267 Regretful Sun Xiaofu

Chapter 2267 Regretful Sun Xiaofu
  "Is it impossible? Go down and ask your companions yourself."

Tang Yi said coldly, not intending to explain anything.

When he heard Tang Yi's words, the hair on the young man's body stood up instantly, and a feeling of fear rose up unconsciously from the bottom of his heart.

"You...what are you going to do."

The young man in green asked Tang Yi in horror.

At the same time, his figure continued to retreat.

But Tang Yi didn't speak. What he answered to the young man in green clothes was a look, a golden look.


The familiar Sanskrit sounds sounded again, as if gods and Buddhas descended from the sky, extremely sacred.

Under this golden light and Sanskrit sound, the figure of the young man in green slowly disappeared...

In this way, more than a hundred warriors from the Beitian Empire were all annihilated by Tang Yi without knowing anything...

Without any effort, without even moving his hands, he just glanced at them, and they all turned into ashes.

This scene made Sun Xiaofu and others speechless. They all opened their mouths with horror on their faces.

However, he didn't dare to make any sound!
  Because it’s too scary, too scary!

He killed hundreds of warriors instantly without even moving his hands. What kind of concept is this!
  This means that as long as Tang Yi is willing, he can kill them in an instant.

Sun Xiaofu's body trembled when he thought about how he had gone to trouble Tang Yi before, when he thought about how he had provoked and laughed at Tang Yi just now...

"Tang Yi, you..."

On the side, Ji Hongru was extremely pleasantly surprised. He looked at Tang Yi as if he were looking at a gem, sparkling.

Ji Hongru didn't expect Tang Yi to be so powerful!

He knew that Tang Yi was very strong, but he didn't expect that Tang Yi was so powerful.

To be so powerful that he can annihilate hundreds of saint-level warriors with just one look is simply an exaggeration.

There had been many exaggerated rumors in Tang Yi before, but because those rumors were too far-fetched, Ji Hongru didn't really believe them.

And now that he believed it, he felt that those rumors should be true!
  Tang Yi has that strength!
  Tang Yi's strength was exaggerated to the point where those rumors spread!
  "It seems that sometimes, the rumors are not groundless."

Ji Hongru thought so in his heart.

Tang Yi ignored Sun Xiaofu and others, and had no intention of retaliating against Sun Xiaofu and others.

After all, in Tang Yi's view, Sun Xiaofu and others are just ants.

With Tang Yi's current strength and status, it would be too disrespectful to argue with some ants.

In addition, the Lord Tianshui once asked Tang Yi to take care of Sun Xiaofu and the others, so Tang Yi would not argue with Sun Xiaofu and the others.

Don't even want to deal with it.

Wei Wei took a look at the places where the warriors of the Beitian Empire fell, and saw that there were dots of golden light shining in those locations. Tang Yi immediately turned to Ji Hongru and said: "Brother Hongru, I have dealt with the powerful enemy for you. Now I am still If you have something to do, I won’t stay any longer. You will clean up the battlefield later, and then find a safe location to wait for the end of the road to empire. There is no need to fight desperately.”

After saying that, Tang Yi straightened up and flew into the sky.

It has taken Tang Yi too much time to rescue the two warriors from the Zijin Kingdom, so Tang Yi must now enter the depths of the Empire Road as soon as possible. Otherwise, Tang Yi may not have enough time.

Just like that, Tang Yi's figure disappeared in front of Ji Hongru's eyes.

Looking at Tang Yi's figure, Ji Hongru not only sighed, but fortunately Tang Yi was a warrior from the Zijin Kingdom. If he were a warrior from other kingdoms, this would be a nightmare.

Sun Xiaofu and other three warriors from the Tianshui Kingdom came to Ji Hongru at this moment, hesitated for a moment, and then said unspeakably: "Well... Brother Hongru, the three of us are here to fight with you, Brother Hongru." I apologize, I hope you, Brother Hongru, will not remember the faults of villains and forgive us."

Sun Xiaofu and the other three were now frightened.     Yes, I was frightened by Tang Yi's strength.

Although Tang Yi left directly and did not cause trouble for them, they are now very afraid of Tang Yi settling the score.

They were afraid that after going back, Tang Yi would take action against them or report what happened here to Lord Tianshui. In that case, they would be doomed.

Not only will he not be able to get any rewards this time, he may even be punished.

To be serious, they may even suffer revenge from Tang Yi!

So can Sun Xiaofu and the other three not be afraid?

Scared to death.

At this moment, they came to Ji Hongru to apologize, hoping that Ji Hongru could say something nice to them.

As long as Ji Hongru can say something nice to them, even if they are not rewarded, at least... they will not be punished, right?

But who would have expected that after hearing Sun Xiaofu's words, Ji Hongru not only refused to accept it, but even smiled coldly and said, "Why are you apologizing to me? You should just save your breath and go back to apologize to Tang Yi."

After speaking, Ji Hongru turned around without looking back.

Arriving at the location where the warriors of the Northern Empire fell, he picked up the Mayan gems and various trophies left behind by the warriors of the Northern Empire, and then slowly left.

He really didn't want to be with these three warriors from the Tianshui Kingdom anymore, so he had to act alone.

These three warriors from Tianshui Kingdom are really disgusting.

But after taking a few steps, Ji Hongru turned his head again.

The reason why he turned around was because he forgot that there was something he hadn't taken.

Ji Hongru returned to Sun Xiaofu. The latter thought that Ji Hongru had changed his mind. Before he could be happy, Ji Hongru stretched out his hand towards the three of them and said, "Give me back my super-high-quality Mayan gem. This is what I found." .”


Sun Xiaofu and the other three were stunned.

If Tang Yi hadn't shown off his might, if Tang Yi hadn't killed hundreds of warriors from the Beitian Empire, Sun Xiaofu and others would never have been able to return the super-grade Mayan gem to Ji Hongru.

But now, he dare not not pay it back.

After seeing how powerful Tang Yi was and knowing how powerful Tang Yi was, how could he still dare to covet something that belonged to the Zijin Kingdom?
  Are you tired of living?
  Therefore, after hearing Ji Hongru's words, he immediately returned the super-grade Mayan gem to Ji Hongru.

After Ji Hongru got the super-high-quality Mayan gem, he disappeared in front of Sun Xiaofu and the others.

Looking at Ji Hongru's disappearing back, Sun Xiaofu and the others smiled bitterly, feeling regretful in their hearts.

Nonsense, of course I regret it!

If they don't go to trouble Tang Yi, if they persist with Ji Hongru until the end this time, they will definitely have their share of the super-best Mayan gems.

Even more, they can get more!
  After all, they and the Zijin Kingdom are friendly countries, and we all share the same spirit.

And Tang Yi is so powerful, he will definitely be able to obtain more Mayan gems!

If they stand with Tang Yi, if nothing else, Tang Yi will definitely take care of them and give them some Mayan gems so that they can achieve better results.

But now...

It's your own fault...

Sun Xiaofu and the other two sighed repeatedly, feeling extremely regretful.

(End of this chapter)

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