Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2268 Grabbing 5 Spiritual Consciousness Fruits

Chapter 2268 Grab five spiritual fruits
  Just when Sun Xiaofu and others sighed and regretted provoking Tang Yi, Tang Yi had already gone dozens of kilometers deeper into the imperial road.

Because this third main road is extremely wide, Tang Yi's speed is not too fast.

After all, it is not easy to find the direction on such a huge road.

Every time Tang Yi advances a certain distance, he will pause to look for direction.

This resulted in his speed being unable to increase.

Fortunately, even if Tang Yi was not lost, he was always heading in the right direction.

Just be slow, as long as you're not looking for the wrong place.

Two hours later, Tang Yi had advanced hundreds of miles, but at this time, he encountered another situation.

In front of Tang Yi, there were bursts of roars and shouts of killing.

And whether it was a roar or a cry to kill, there was more than one, and it was extremely violent.

It seemed that there were a large number of warriors fighting fiercely in front of them.

It stands to reason that Tang Yi is pressed for time and does not need to pay attention to the fights between these kingdoms' warriors.

You can completely use your quick speed to skip it directly.


When using his spiritual sense to investigate, he detected a vast aura of spiritual power at the place where the fierce shouts of killing came out.

It was this vast aura of spiritual power that attracted Tang Yi's attention and made him decide to go and have a look.

With a movement of his body, Tang Yi quickly came to the site of the incident. He immediately saw that where the shouts of killing were heard, thousands of people were engaged in a melee, and everyone was having a great time fighting.

Almost every minute, someone died, and someone was splashed with blood. The scene was very miserable.

The place where the fierce battle was fought was a mess, with blood everywhere, broken corpses, and weapons dropped by the warriors after they died.

With such a miserable scene, one can imagine how tragic this battle was.

Tang Yi didn't know why these were fighting together, and he didn't want to know.

At this moment, Tang Yi ignored these warriors who were fighting endlessly.

His attention was focused on the center of these thousands of warriors.

In the center of the fierce battle between thousands of warriors, a small sapling more than two meters high was exuding a glistening golden light. On the small sapling, there were several fiery red fruits. These red fiery fruits also shone with golden light, exuding An alluring aroma.

Even Tang Yi, who was miles away, asked about the faint fruity fragrance.

From a distance, Tang Yi threw a Heavenly Eye Technique towards the small sapling.

[Unknown Sacred Tree Seedling]: A divine fruit tree that should not grow in the mortal world. It absorbs the Mayan energy in the Imperial Road and can grow a magical fruit that can greatly improve a person's spiritual power.


Seeing this, Tang Yi seemed to have guessed something, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a huge surprise surged in his heart.

However, he did not rush, but once again threw a Sky Eye Technique.

This time, the object identified by the Sky Eye Technique is no longer the sapling, but the red fruits on the sapling.

【Spiritual Consciousness Fruit】

Attributes: After taking it, you can be promoted to 1 level of spiritual power (can be used by those below the Supreme Saint level)

"The Spiritual Consciousness Fruit can really increase the level of spiritual power! It seems that Purple Zhe Sheng did not lie to me!"

Tang Yi was pleasantly surprised when he saw the properties of the red fruit. Without any hesitation, he immediately rushed towards the unknown sacred tree sapling.

Ignoring the thousands of warriors around the sapling, Tang Yiyun looked at the moon and swam through the body, like a fish, slipping around a famous warrior and came to the sapling.

During this period, no one could stop Tang Yi in the slightest, no one could keep up with Tang Yi's movements, and no one could even see Tang Yi's figure. Because the scene was too chaotic and Tang Yi was too fast, no one noticed until Tang Yi came to the sapling.

Tang Yi didn't care whether others noticed it or not. After arriving at the sapling, Tang Yi immediately stretched out his hand to pick the red fruits on the sapling.

There were only five fruits, and Tang Yi picked them all in just a few trips.

At this time, Tang Yi was finally discovered.

The moment he picked all five red fruits, he was discovered.

"You little thief, how dare you!"

"Put down the spirit fruit! That belongs to our Beitian Empire!"

"Fart, that's from our Mengyue Empire's Wanxiang Kingdom!"

"Hurry up and put it down, or you'll die!"

"Are you worthy of taking the spiritual fruit? Come here quickly and hand over the spiritual fruit to me!"


Several voices shouted at the same time, shaking the sky and the earth.

At the same time, thousands of warriors who were fighting fiercely gave up their opponents and rushed toward Tang Yi quickly!

It turns out that the reason why these thousands of warriors fought fiercely here, why they fought so hard, and why they fought so hard that corpses littered the fields, was because of these five divine fruits of spiritual consciousness!

You must know that the Spiritual Consciousness Divine Fruit is the best treasure among the best!

It is a hundred times more precious than the best Mayan gems!
  How could they not risk their lives for such a treasure?

Since no one was convinced by anyone else and everyone wanted to get the divine fruit of spiritual consciousness, they fought fiercely here and fought fiercely.

But none of them expected that Tang Yi would be the first to pick the spiritual fruit.

Seeing this scene, how could they be willing to accept it, so they rushed towards Tang Yi one after another.

Desperately trying to snatch the fruit of spiritual consciousness!
  Just like that, thousands of people gave up the fight instantly and surrounded Tang Yi.

Faced with being surrounded by thousands of people, if it were anyone else, they would have been so frightened that they would have given up on the divine fruit and fled.

But, will Tang Yi escape? Will you give up the divine fruit?
  Obviously not.

In addition, the Spiritual Consciousness Fruit is already in Tang Yi's hands, who can snatch it from Tang Yi's hands?
  So what about thousands of people?

The warriors present were all at the level of the Holy Lord. With such a level of cultivation, not to mention thousands of people, even ten thousand people would be of no use.

After picking the spiritual consciousness fruit, Tang Yi ignored the shouts, clamors, and threats from the warriors around him and swallowed all five spiritual fruits.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for taking the Spiritual Consciousness Fruit, and his spiritual power level is +1."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for taking the Spiritual Consciousness Fruit, and his spiritual power level is +1."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for taking the Spiritual Consciousness Fruit, and his spiritual power level is +1."


Tang Yi's mental power level was originally level 180. After taking five spiritual consciousness fruits, Tang Yi's mental power level was instantly promoted to level 185!
  There are still fifteen levels left before reaching level two hundred! !

Getting closer!
  And as Tang Yi took five spiritual consciousness fruits, his mental power level was promoted to five levels, and Tang Yi's mental power became more and more powerful.

The entire spiritual consciousness is getting stronger and stronger.

My mind became clearer and clearer.

If Tang Yi used his spiritual martial arts at this moment, with just a slight swing, I am afraid that the thousands of warriors from various countries present would all turn into vegetative states and their souls would be wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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