Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2273 Kill the Shadowless Wind Insect!

Chapter 2273 Kill the Shadowless Wind Insect!
  Tang Yi accurately captured this flash of inspiration.

"It can appear out of thin air and disappear quickly out of thin air, and it's not because of its own speed. Then... there is only one reason! That is, it can become invisible!"

Thinking of this, Tang Yi quickly looked for anti-invisibility items in the special item column of the system store.

In a moment, an item was purchased by him.

[Real Gems]: Consume special items at one time.

Attributes: After use, it can make all invisible units within one thousand meters invisible.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Price: 100 billion holy points.

  The price of real gems is 10 billion holy points, and it is a one-time consumption item.

I have to say, this is very expensive.

However, for Tang Yi, who had nothing to do with the black shadow at the moment, 10 billion holy points were nothing at all.

As long as the real gem can make the black shadow reveal its original shape, as long as the black shadow can be found, then Tang Yi is willing to take it out, not to mention 10 billion holy points, even 100 billion holy points!

You know, the fruit of divine consciousness is right in front of you.

As long as he defeats the black shadow and obtains the Divine Consciousness Fruit, then... he will be able to break through the bottleneck and enter another realm.

Compared to breaking through the bottleneck, what does 10 billion holy points mean?

Not worth mentioning at all, right?
  Therefore, Tang Yi bought the True Vision Gem instantly and used it immediately.

The method of use is very simple, just say it silently.

When Tang Yi silently used it, the real gem in the system backpack immediately turned into a green light and disappeared.

At this time, a green light surged out of Tang Yi's body, then floated to Tang Yi's head and turned into a green eye.

When this green eye appeared, one green ripple after another continued to surge out of the green eye and spread towards the surroundings.

In a moment, the entire one-kilometer area around Tang Yi was covered.

Under the cover of green waves, the black shadow that Tang Yi couldn't catch or find at all suddenly appeared in Tang Yi's field of vision.

It was lurking three hundred meters to the right of Tang Yi at the moment, seeming to be waiting for an opportunity!

This black shadow looks similar to a bee, its body is covered in pitch black, its body is filled with sharp thorns, and its tail is in the shape of a barb, a bit like a scorpion's tail.

"it works!"

Seeing the real gem reflecting the black shadow, Tang Yi suddenly smiled. At the same time, a celestial eye technique was thrown towards the black shadow not far away.

Name: Shadowless Wind Insect (God-level BOSS)

Level: 200 (Top Holy God)
  Description: A terrifying monster from ancient times, it has always been around the treasures of heaven and earth. It can become invisible and is good at sneak attacks.

Attributes: Weak relative to the player.

Ability: Weak relative to the player.

Skills: Weak relative to the player.

Judgment: Slightly threatening (the opponent's strength is hundreds of times worse than the player's, but it may also pose a threat to the player)


"It turns out to be the Shadowless Wind Bug! It turns out it can become invisible! No wonder it can appear inexplicably and disappear inexplicably after attacking. That's it!"

After reading the attributes of the Shadowless Wind Insect, Tang Yi suddenly realized.

Immediately afterwards, he remained calm, pretending not to see the Shadowless Wind Insect, and slowly approached the Shadowless Wind Insect.

The Shadowless Wind Insect didn't know that Tang Yi had discovered it, and it still stayed where it was, lurking quietly.

Tang Yi slowly approached, and after approaching the Shadowless Wind Worm for less than fifty meters, he suddenly raised the Red Moon Apophis and launched an attack on the Shadowless Wind Worm.

"Sky Slash!"

"Wow!" The white sword light roared out and hit the Shadowless Wind Insect!
  Because Tang Yi's attack was so sudden, the Shadowless Wind Insect didn't react at all!

In addition, Tang Yi had swallowed the third level Holy Level Violent Pill and opened the Light of the Wind God LV3, and his speed was extremely fast.

Even if the Shadowless Wind Insect saw Tang Yi launching an attack, it would have no time to react.

and so.

The white sword light made it impossible for the Shadowless Wind Insect to avoid it.

However, before dying, the Shadowless Wind Insect was still desperately resisting.

I saw it raised its tail and shot the barb-like tail directly towards the Sky Slash performed by Tang Yi.

In this way, he wanted to hinder the Sky Slash and win himself a chance to survive.

However, how could Tang Yi let the Shadowless Wind Worm escape when he had already gained the vision of the Shadowless Wind Worm?

Seeing the movements of the Shadowless Wind Insect, Tang Yi smiled coldly, and then continuously waved the Red Moon Apophis in his right hand, continuously performing Sky Slash.


Just like that, under Tang Yi's continuous use of Sky Slash, white sword light roared out one after another!

Each ray of white sword light blasted in different directions, blocking all the retreat routes of the Shadowless Wind Insect.

Countless sword lights turned into a large net of sword energy and moved towards the Shadowless Wind Insect Net.

Facing such a terrifying sword energy net, the Shadowless Wind Insect had no way to avoid it, and was directly caught in the sword energy net.

next moment.

"Puff puff!!"

A series of crisp sounds sounded, and streaks of white sword light flashed from the Shadowless Wind Insect.

I saw that the Shadowless Wind Insect, which had repeatedly deflated Tang Yi and had never been touched even once, instantly shattered into countless pieces and turned into a pile of minced meat...

Shadowless wind insect, suddenly!
  "Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the top holy beast Shadowless Wind Insect and gaining 3000 billion holy points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the super-premium special material, Wings of the Wind."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the super special material, the Shadowless Needle."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining unknown level equipment, the Flag of Truth."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for winning 100 billion Holy Spirit Pills."


As the body of the Shadowless Wind Insect turned into minced meat, reminders rang out in Tang Yi's mind, announcing the fall of this sacred beast that could become invisible, bring huge trouble to Tang Yi, and almost kill Tang Yi.

This time, by killing the Shadowless Wind Insect, Tang Yi once again gained 300 billion holy points, which made Tang Yi's holy points directly exceed the two trillion mark!

In addition to the harvest of holy value, Tang Yi also obtained two super-grade materials and an unknown level of equipment!
  Of course, there are also 10 billion Holy Spirit Pills with unknown effects!

Killing the Shadowless Wind Insect, Tang Yi once again reaped a bumper harvest!


The biggest gain is actually not the kill reward brought by the Shadowless Wind Insect.


Fifteen spiritual consciousness fruits on the adult tree of an unknown sacred tree! !
  And that golden fruit of divine consciousness!

With these spiritual fruits, Tang Yi's mental power level can reach level 200!

Tang Yi obtained the blood of the top holy beast, and achieved one trillion points of holy value.

The last condition for breaking through the bottleneck is a mental power level of 200. If it is completed again, then Tang Yi will have met the three conditions for breaking through the bottleneck and can break through the top holy god and enter the next great realm!

As for the big realm, Tang Yi is very much looking forward to it!

(End of this chapter)

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