Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2274 Breakthrough, golden light from the sky

Chapter 2274 Breakthrough, golden light from the sky

Tang Yi excitedly picked all the spiritual fruits of consciousness and put them into the system backpack.

Similarly, he also picked the golden fruit of divine consciousness and put it into the system backpack.

Without the threat of the Shadowless Wind Insect, Tang Yi picked these spiritual fruits very smoothly.

After picking all the spiritual fruits, Tang Yi did not rush to eat the spiritual fruit, but first opened the spiritual power panel.

Player: Tang Yi

Sea of ​​Consciousness: Sea of ​​Starlight Consciousness
  Mental power level: Level 191 (Level )
  Points required for spiritual promotion: 0/191 (unit: million points)

Mental Power Technique: Gathering the Gods (Top Level)

Practice efficiency: 9000000/D (experience points/day)
  *Players can turn on the automatic spiritual cultivation function. To turn on automatic cultivation, 10000 holy points are required per day.


Tang Yi's current mental power level is one hundred and ninety-one, which is still nine levels short of level two hundred.

In other words, Tang Yibing did not need to take all fifteen spiritual fruits of consciousness, but only needed to take nine to reach level 200.

As for the Golden Fruit of Divine Consciousness.

This is an unknown level of spiritual fruit. If you don’t know the properties at all, there are certain risks in taking it, and it will be wasted.

Therefore, after Weiwei checked his mental power level for a while, Tang Yi decided to only take nine spiritual stones.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for taking the Spiritual Consciousness Fruit, and his spiritual power level is +1."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for taking the Spiritual Consciousness Fruit, and his spiritual power level is +1."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for taking the Spiritual Consciousness Fruit, and his spiritual power level is +1."


After the beep sounded nine times in a row, Tang Yi's mental power level finally reached level 200!
  This has troubled Tang Yi's mental power level for a long time, and finally at this moment he met the conditions for a breakthrough!
  As his mental power level reached level 200, Tang Yi was able to meet all three conditions for a breakthrough.

At this time, a reminder suddenly sounded in Tang Yi's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for reaching the peak spiritual level of 10000. The conditions for a breakthrough have been met. Do you need to make a breakthrough? Breaking through requires billion holy points and a portion of the blood of the top holy god."


Tang Yi did not hesitate and immediately chose to break through.

Next body.


Just when Tang Yi chose 'yes', Sanskrit sounds suddenly rose, divine gongs roared in the sky, and waves of terrifying power gathered towards Tang Yi.

at the same time.

On the road to the empire, the originally clear sky suddenly dimmed, and countless dark clouds quickly gathered above Tang Yi's location.

In a moment, a large dark cloud covered Tang Yi's head, covering the sky and the sun.

And this large area of ​​dark clouds is constantly stirring at this moment, forming a huge vortex of dark clouds, which looks very frightening.

The wind was howling, the lightning was thundering, and the dark clouds were gathering. The scene at this moment seemed like the end of the world.

The sky was clear one moment, and the sky was covered with dark clouds the next. It has to be said that the heaven and earth changed so fast that it was unexpected.

Due to the changes in the sky, the scale was extremely large and the momentum was extremely terrifying. As long as the warriors on the road to the empire felt or saw the changes in mid-air.

Everyone saw the huge whirlpool of dark clouds gathering in the sky.

Seeing the sudden change in color of the sky and the earth, forming a strange vortex of dark clouds, the warriors of the kingdom on the road to the empire changed their expressions one after another. They raised their heads in surprise and looked at this large vortex of dark clouds, with horror on their faces.

Everyone was confused and didn't understand what was happening. “What happened there? Why is it so scary?”

"My dear, is the road to the empire about to collapse? How could such a terrifying vision appear?"

"The sky over there was completely dark, which was terrible. Fortunately, I wasn't in that area."

"What is that whirlpool of dark clouds? Let me go, it's full of thunder! The aura of thunder and lightning is too scary."

"This, this, this, is there any monster that is going to face a natural disaster? The scene in front of me really looks like the scene of a natural disaster coming!"


And just when the warriors of the kingdom on the road to the empire were confused and horrified, the huge whirlpool of dark clouds above Tang Yi's head had grown to an unimaginable size. Countless thunder snakes were drilling in the whirlpool, rolling like thunder. There was an explosion like a collapse of the sky, and the scene was very terrifying.

At the same time, gusts of strong wind continued to blow in the area where Tang Yi was located.

Hundreds of miles around Tang Yi were affected.

Fortunately, there are no Kingdom warriors in this area, otherwise, these Kingdom warriors would probably end up very miserable.

Of course, the area where Tang Yi is located is already a very deep area on the road to the empire. Monsters roam here, and they are all high-level monsters. They are extremely dangerous. Warriors from the kingdom cannot come even if they want to, let alone dare to come.

For this reason, the warriors of the kingdom were lucky enough to escape.

"Boom boom boom!"

Thunder snakes flashed continuously, and the scene at this moment, let alone, really looked like the prelude before a heavy rain.

However, is that huge whirlpool of dark clouds in the sky really a heavy rain that is about to fall?

of course not!


There was another roar, and a thick thunder and lightning exploded above the dark cloud vortex. The dazzling light reflected the dark cloud vortex, making the dark cloud vortex look like it was burning, which was very frightening.

And at this moment, something fell.

But what fell was not a heavy rain, but... a dazzling light full of terrifying momentum and carrying an extremely sacred aura!
  Yes, a divine light fell from the sky!

"what is that?"

"Divine light? Divine light from heaven!"

"What's going on! Why did the divine light fall on the road to the empire? What happened?"

"Could it be that there is a treasure on the road to the empire? Only when a treasure appears can such a divine light appear."

"No, I must go and see!"

"Let's go together. If we're late, someone might take the baby away."


Seeing the golden divine light descending from the huge whirlpool of dark clouds, the warriors of the Kingdom on the Road to the Empire were once again shocked.

Some people even speculated that this golden divine light came because a treasure appeared in the world!
  I guess this is the baby’s divine light!
  After this speculation appeared, the warriors of the kingdom suddenly became extremely jealous. They could no longer control their curiosity and went to the place where the golden divine light fell.

Even if that area is deep in the Empire Road, even if that area is dangerous and has countless monsters, they are not afraid.

At this moment, desire still outweighed reason.

The divine light that day caused a commotion among countless warriors in the kingdom.

However, the truth is far more than that. This divine light from the sky not only caused unrest among the warriors of the kingdom, but even the monster beasts were also affected.

(End of this chapter)

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