Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2275 Promotion to Supreme, new level, new system, new power!

Chapter 2275 Promotion to Supreme, new level, new system, new power!

Because this divine light is filled with an extremely sacred aura, and because this divine light is filled with endless energy, even the monsters covet it. Their eyes looking at the divine light are full of fiery and crazy.

This divine light made the monsters flock to him.

Just like that, because the divine light was so special, not only the warriors of the kingdom rushed towards the location where the golden divine light fell, but also countless monsters and monsters gathered towards this location! !
  In an instant, the location where the golden divine light fell became the center of the storm!

And this position is exactly where Tang Yi stands!
  Tang Yi was bathed in golden divine light.

Tang Yi is now in no mood to pay attention to the commotion caused by the outside world.

He stood quietly at the moment, enjoying the comfort of the golden divine light, and constantly absorbing the divine light.

I don’t know how long this process lasted, it seemed like a year, and it seemed like just a few minutes.

at this time.


A powerful aura erupted from Tang Yi's body, and the divine light above his head suddenly increased greatly.

Originally, this divine light was only as thick as a bucket, but at this moment, when Tang Yi's momentum exploded, the speed of the dark cloud vortex increased a hundred times in an instant.

This bucket-thick golden divine light seemed to be squeezed, and large streams poured out from the whirlpool of dark clouds.

At this moment, the divine light as thick as a bucket suddenly became more than ten meters wide!
  Falling from the sky, the momentum is even more terrifying.

Under Tang Yi's explosion, the golden divine light became thicker and fell faster!

Tang Yi's absorption speed also became faster!

The absorption that originally took a long time to complete was quickly completed under Tang Yi's explosion.

Not long after, the golden divine light falling from the sky finally disappeared and all fell down, being absorbed by Tang Yi.

At this moment, it seemed that because Tang Yi had absorbed too much golden divine light, his whole person became extremely sacred.

The whole person is like a god.

Just standing there, there are countless rays of light.


Tang Yi roared wildly, and his god-like aura suddenly erupted again. His entire aura increased a lot at this moment, at least tens of millions of times!
  If Tang Yi's momentum value was one hundred points before the breakthrough, then Tang Yi's momentum value now is ten million points!
  Improved by at least ten thousand times!
  Become unparalleledly terrifying!
  At the same time, following Tang Yi's roar, a golden halo of light rippled away from Tang Yi's feet.

An invisible shackle suddenly shattered!
  "Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for breaking through the top Holy God level and being promoted to the second level of Supreme!"

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for unlocking a new level, the supreme level."

"The supreme level is divided into ten levels. Every time you increase the level by 100, you can advance to one level, and so on."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for unlocking the new power system. The power is about to undergo a substantial transformation..."

"The conversion is in progress... Ultimate Power LV2 and various power attributes will be converted into supreme divine power."

"Ding, the conversion is completed. Player Tang Yiyuan's strength attribute disappears and he gains 32 points of supreme divine power."

"Warm reminder, the power system has been significantly transformed. Please open the attribute interface to view the specific content."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for unlocking the new experience mode, Supreme Point."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for explaining the new currency, Supreme Coin."

"Ding, the currency will be converted soon, and the holy value will be converted into supreme coins."

"Conversion in progress..."

"Ding, the player Tang Yi has 10532 billion holy points. If converted at a ratio of 1:100 billion, the player will receive 105 supreme coins."   "Ding, the player Tang Yi has consumed 10532 billion holy points and received 105 supreme coins. .”

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for getting a chance to devour spirits. Please choose the target you want to devour."

"Warm reminder, your martial arts has become unavailable, please make adjustments in time."

"Warm reminder, your weapon has become unusable, please make adjustments in time."

"Warm reminder, your equipment has become unavailable, please make adjustments in time."

"Warm reminder, your body technique has become unavailable, please make adjustments in time."

"Warm reminder, your magical power has become unavailable, please make adjustments in time."

"Warm reminder, your special props have become unavailable, please make adjustments in time."

"Warm reminder, your delivery vehicle has become unavailable, please make adjustments in time."

"Warm reminder, the items you hold have become unavailable, please make adjustments in time."

"Warm reminder, your special parts have lost their growth, please make adjustments in time."



As the invisible shackles shattered, several reminders rang out in Tang Yi's mind.

At the same time, he felt a very powerful force suddenly appear in his body, and then turned into a warm current and integrated into every part of his body.

It makes his body seem to be sublimated and become unparalleledly powerful.

Compared to before the breakthrough, I don’t know how many times more powerful I am!
  Both attributes and strength have been essentially improved.

Clenching his fist slightly, Tang Yi felt full of strength.

It was as if the punch in his hand was not a fist, but a super powerful god-level weapon, full of unparalleled power.

It seemed that with just one punch, the secret realm of the Empire Road in front of me would instantly collapse...

As for the top holy beasts that Tang Yi encountered before, Tang Yi felt that these holy beasts were as small as ants in front of him at this moment.

He only needs to use one finger, no, just blow a breath, to blow these once extremely powerful top holy beasts to death.

This is Tang Yi's current strength.

Very strong!

Tang Yi summed up the current situation in two words!
  "Is this the power of the second-level supreme? Very good! Very good!"

Tang Yi was very satisfied with his current self, and asked curiously: "After the breakthrough, will you become the second-level supreme? Every time you increase one hundred levels, you can advance one level? In other words, after you break through to the God of War, you will reach level one hundred. , am I actually already a first-level supreme? Now that I break through level 200, will I become a second-level supreme? After breaking through level 300, will I become a supreme of the three realms? "

No one came to explain to Tang Yi, and Tang Yi didn't know whether this was the case.

But whether it is or not, it doesn't matter.

"It seems that after being promoted, not only my strength has changed, but also the power system, currency, etc., have undergone huge changes. Also, what are the many warm reminders below?"

Tang Yi glanced at the large row of warm reminders at the end of the reminder and was immediately dumbfounded.

Martial skills, weapons and equipment, body skills, magical powers, special props, vehicles, and held items have all become unusable?
  Even special parts have lost their growth?
  How is this going?

(End of this chapter)

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