Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2276 Supreme combat power index, the attribute panel that has undergone huge changes

Chapter 2276 Supreme combat power index, the attribute panel that has undergone huge changes

Tang Yi was startled and hurriedly opened the properties panel to see what happened.

However, the moment he opened the properties panel, Tang Yi was shocked.

Because several more reminders rang in his mind!
  "Ding, the supreme combat power is being calculated..."

"The player's actual strength, the supreme combat power index is 320 points."

"Basic skills such as holy-level boxing, holy swordsmanship, holy swordsmanship, holy-level archery, and holy spearmanship have a supreme combat power index of 4 points."

"The special column is False Yan Yanhuo, and the supreme combat power index is 40 points."

"The current player supreme combat power index totals 364 points."


These prompts sounded the moment Tang Yi opened the panel.
  After this series of prompts sounded, Tang Yi's attribute panel appeared in his mind.

[Player]: Tang Yi
  [Title]: Bandit Suppressor Butcher
  [Level]: 200 (Second-level Saint)
  [Supreme Point]: 0/100
  [Supreme Coin]: 105
  【Angel Coin】: 34773100
  [Supreme Combat Power Index]: 364
  [Supreme Skill]: None (not transformed)
  [Supreme Body Technique]: None (not transformed)
  [Sub-professional]: Supreme Alchemy (Alchemy Supreme), Supreme Blacksmithing (Forging Supreme), Supreme Puppetry (Puppet Supreme)...

[Special Column]: False Yan Yanhuo (Strange Fire) (Sleeping...)
  [Special parts]: None (not converted)
  [Halo]: None (not transformed)
  [Special Items Column]: None (not converted)
  [Vehicle]: None (not converted)
  [Equipment Column]: None (not converted)
  Materials: A total of 15114521485 special materials including Holy Spirit Pill

Special Item: Gypsophila (40/50)

Vehicle: Kui Niu Chariot

Unknown martial arts: Spiral Mind Aura, Fission of Heaven and Earth, Thousand Dragon Soul Gathering Fist, Ghost Shadow Flash, Divine Breath Finger, Supreme Immortal Body, Divine Light Soul-Destroying Slash, Shanggong Ningyue, Xuanwu Slash, Xuanshui Break
  Unknown weapons and equipment: Human-faced eight-winged griffon mask, human-faced griffon armor, Crown of the Lord of the Underworld, Sword of Qingjue, Legguards of the Ancient Dragon King, Infinite Heavenly Martial Hammer, Great Sun Returning Immortal Dagger, White Mist Imperial Void Ring, Red Star Panlong armor, basalt ring, basalt shield, Dragon King's Wings, Centipede King Boots, and the Flag of Truth.

Unknown level formation flag: Five Elements Palace Heavenly Formation
  Quest item: The unicorn of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.



"Supreme combat power index? What is this? Is this my combat power? Does it mean that after becoming a second-level supreme, all the skills, my equipment, and even the power on my body will be converted into combat power?"

"Then my current combat power is 364 points? The total of body strength, basic skills, and strange fire?"

"That's not right! Then how come my weapons and equipment, as well as my martial arts and body skills, are not converted into combat effectiveness?"

Tang Yi frowned slightly.

But then, he seemed to understand something again: "I understand, the reason why weapons, equipment, martial arts, and body skills have not been converted into combat effectiveness is because these are currently unusable. I have not equipped these things, so they are not It didn’t bring me any increase in combat power!”

"That's how it should be!"

Tang Yi just thought about it for a moment, and immediately understood what the Supreme Combat Power Index was.

To be precise, it was Tang Yi's fighting power.

In the past, there was no intuitive reflection of Tang Yi's combat effectiveness. He didn't know how strong he was or how strong he was.

You can probably know how strong your combat effectiveness is through your opponent.

However, there is no clear and intuitive numerical representation.

But now it's different.

After breaking through to the second level of supreme, Tang Yi's strength completely changed into a variable value and became the supreme combat power index, which allowed Tang Yi to clearly and intuitively know how strong his combat effectiveness was at the moment!
  The composition of combat power is composed of Tang Yi's body, weapons, equipment, martial arts, body skills and other methods that Tang Yi possesses.

These will be included in the supreme combat power index.

The reason why they are not included now is because these things are still unavailable, and Tang Yi has not equipped these things yet.

So these things are not included in the supreme combat power index. After thinking about it for a moment, Tang Yi understood the Supreme Combat Power Index.

And today's attribute panel has also undergone tremendous changes because of the advancement to the second level supreme.

First, the Holy Points were transformed into Supreme Points. Later, the points gained by Tang Yi from killing monsters were transformed into Supreme Points.

As for currency, holy value has also been converted into supreme coins.

A conversion rate of one to ten billion turned Tang Yi's trillions of holy values ​​into one hundred and five supreme coins.

Tang Yi has already seen these from the prompts.

Next, there is a column of martial arts and martial arts, now it has become the ultimate skill!

Due to changes, the supreme skill is now in the state of 'none', and Tang Yi needs to open the martial skill column later to transform it.

The body skill column has become the supreme body skill. It is also in a state of 'nothing' at this moment and needs Tang Yi to transform it.

What Tang Yi didn't expect was that the finishing move column on the attribute panel disappeared.

It has disappeared without a trace in the properties panel and is no longer displayed!
  Tang Yi didn't know why he disappeared, and he didn't know if he could still use his finishing move in the future!
  In short, the finishing move has been completely removed from the attribute panel!

How sad. . .

You should still be able to see it in the martial arts panel, right?
  Check it out later.

Continue to see the next changes.

Apart from the above changes, the sub-professions have not changed much. What they were before the advancement is what they are now.

As for the special column, Strange Fire has not changed either.

At this moment, the strange fire is still sleeping.

Although Tang Yi used the strange fire to illuminate before, only part of the power of the strange fire was used, and the actual strange fire was still sleeping.

The special parts column is also in a state of 'none' at this moment and needs Tang Yi to transform it.

The [Special Power] column simply disappeared.

The remaining halo column, special prop column, transportation tool column, and equipment column have all become "none" and need to be transformed.

The inventory has not changed. Everything Tang Yi obtained before is all in the inventory.

To be precise, it is in the system backpack.

After Weiwei checked the attribute panel for a while, Tang Yi immediately opened the martial arts panel to check the status of the martial arts. Now the status of the martial arts was in an unconverted state. Tang Yi had to go and see what the status of the martial arts was.

Before advancing, Tang Yi had a total of six martial arts.

They are the defensive martial arts space-time barrier at the middle level of the Holy Heaven level.

A sword-type martial skill at the middle level of the Holy Heaven level, Sky Slash.

There is also a sword martial skill at the upper level of the Holy Heaven level, the Earth Splitting Wave Sword.

And the boxing skill, Holy Dragon Destruction Fist.

Finally, there is a spiritual power martial skill at the upper level of the Holy Heaven level, Divine Power Storm.

(End of this chapter)

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