Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2280 Meeting the Supreme Being for the First Time, the Lion-Faced King Ansaki

Chapter 2280 Meeting the Supreme Being for the First Time, the Lion-Faced King Ansaki
  The speed of this golden light was very fast, and it arrived in front of Tang Yi in just the blink of an eye.

And the owner of this golden light...

Is it a person?

No, to be precise, a weirdo with a lion's head?

He has the body of a man and the head of a lion.

And in this person, Tang Yi felt a powerful force.

In other words, I feel the power of the Supreme!

That's right, the unknown monster with a lion's head and body in front of you seems to be a supreme being?
  In surprise and curiosity, Tang Yi used the Sky Eye Technique on this weirdo, and then got the weirdo's information.

Name: Lion-faced King Ansaki (God-Destroying BOSS)

Level: Level 211 (Second Level Supreme)

Description: A hybrid creature that should not have been born. It is powerful and can speak human language. It is the strongest existence on the road to the empire.

Supreme combat power index: 326 points.


"Level 211? Second-level supreme? There are actually supreme-level monsters on the road to the empire!"

Tang Yi was immediately shocked when he saw the level of the Lion-faced King Ansaki.

But the next second...

He was slightly stunned again and wondered in his heart: "Isn't it level 211, reaching the second supreme level? Why is the supreme combat power index only 326 points? Even if I don't wear equipment or have any skills, I can completely crush it. Him! Could it be that the normal supreme combat power index of the second-level supreme is more than 300 points? No way? So weak? "

And just when Tang Yi was sizing up the God-Destroying BOSS Lion-faced Man King Ansage, the Lion-faced Man King Ansage was also sizing up Tang Yi.

And looked at Tang Yi with a condescending look.

It was as if Tang Yi was just a minion who had just been promoted to Supreme, and he was the big BOSS.

After looking at Tang Yi for a moment, he noticed a surprised expression on Tang Yi's face. The lion-faced king Ansaqi smiled slightly and said, "It seems that you have discovered it. Yes, I am also a second-order supreme! You should be You were promoted to Supreme after entering the Imperial Road, right? I really didn’t expect that this year’s Imperial Road would have a genius like you among the Kingdom’s team.”

"you are?"

Tang Yi pretended not to know the other party's name.

After all, he and the other party have never met before. It would be too abrupt to tell the other party's origin in one sentence.

"My name is Lion-faced Man King Ansaki, you can call me Lion King. I'm curious, aren't you a warrior of the Kingdom? How can a mere warrior of the Kingdom break through to the Supreme? This is really strange. Or should I say, you get What special treasure did you get?"

asked Ansage, the Lion-Faced King.

"Do I need to tell you? Who says that warriors from the Kingdom cannot break through to the Supreme?"

Tang Yi was very dissatisfied with the other party's tone and said very rudely.

It is very impolite to always speak to others in a condescending tone.

We are all supreme, who is nobler than whom?
  Why can you speak in a condescending tone?

Moreover, the reason why Tang Yi spoke so rudely to the Lion-faced Man King Ansaki.

That's because Tang Yi saw a hint of evil in the eyes of the Lion-faced Man King Ansage.

Tang Yi is sure that Ansaqi, the lion-faced king, is definitely not here to make friends!

As for the purpose, I believe it will be revealed soon. As Tang Yi expected, when Tang Yi showed no courtesy, the lion-faced king Ansaqi smiled.

At the same time, it said quietly: "You know? The reason why I haven't done anything, and the reason why you are still alive now, is because I want to know what happened here, and I also want to know, you are just a warrior of the kingdom. How did you break through to the Supreme! You must know that breaking through to the Supreme is not a casual matter, and since you can break through, you must have received some extraordinary opportunity."

After a pause, the lion-faced King Ansaki said bluntly: "After listening to my words, you should probably guess the purpose of my coming here, right? I won't beat around the bush, as long as you hand over the opportunities you get. Give it to me, and give me your treasure and everything on you, and I will spare your life."

"Huh? Hand over the opportunity? Hand over the treasure? Why?"

Tang Yi sneered.

Seeing the evil look in the other person's eyes, he knew that the other person was definitely not here to make friends, and now it turned out to be true.

The other party immediately showed his true face.

And is Tang Yi afraid of it?
  Of course not afraid!
  The lion-faced king Ansage's supreme combat power index is only 326 points, but what about himself?

13742 points!
  I don’t know how many times higher than the lion-faced king Ansage.

Why is Tang Yi afraid of it?



Ansage, the lion-faced king, smiled so brightly that his lion face became even bigger because of his smile.

"Just because I am stronger than you!"

The lion-faced king Ansaki said calmly, looking determined to win.


Tang Yi also smiled, looking at the Lion-faced Man King Ansaqi as if he were looking at a fool.

"Why are you laughing? What's that look in your eyes?"

Lion-faced King Ansaqi was very dissatisfied with Tang Yi's reaction.

In its opinion, Tang Yi should be frightened and terrified. This is the attitude a weak person should have, not a smile, let alone a look like he's looking at a fool!

"To be honest, I can feel the breath of the Supreme in your body, but I can't feel how strong it is at all! I'm quite curious about this. I'm curious about how you hide your strength in front of me?"

"Of course, curiosity is curiosity, but no matter what, you are just a newly promoted Supreme. With such strength, you cannot be my opponent. Do you know why I say that I am stronger than you? Because, you are A newly promoted Supreme, a newly promoted Supreme, who has not even fully transformed the Supreme Power. You don’t even have the Supreme Power now, why should you fight me?”

"Do you know the difference between the supreme power and ordinary power? Do you know the difference between the supreme power and ordinary power?"

"I guess you don't know. If you knew, you wouldn't challenge me. You would obediently hand over the opportunity and your treasure."

Lion-faced King Ansaki said slowly.

"Oh? Just because I am the new Supreme? So I am not your opponent? But, how do you know that the new Supreme does not have the power to transform into the Supreme? Maybe, I transformed faster, and now I have completed the transformation?"

Tang Yi said.

Of course Tang Yi has not completed the transformation, he has only partially transformed.

But even if it's just the transformation part, it's enough to deal with the lion-faced king Ansaki in front of him.

"Haha, listening to your words, I know that you have definitely not transformed the power of the Supreme. Do you know what the power of the Supreme is? Do you know how difficult it is to transform the power of the Supreme? After being promoted to the Supreme, it has not been a year and a half. It is impossible to transform the power of the Supreme. So..."

Lion-faced King Ansaqi looked at Tang Yi, narrowed his eyes, and said, "So, now I am Daozu and you are Yurou. Are you sure you don't want to hand over the opportunity and everything you have on you?"

(End of this chapter)

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