Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2281 Kill the Lion-faced King Ansaki and continue to transform equipment

Chapter 2281 Kill the Lion-faced King Ansaki and continue to transform equipment
  "Are you Dao Zu?"

Tang Yi smiled and asked, "Are you sure you are Dao Zu?"


"if not?"

Lion-faced King Ansage looked at Tang Yi, wondering why Tang Yi was still struggling at this time.

"I feel that I am Daozu, and you are the fish. Now it's my turn to say, please hand over all the treasures on your body quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." Tang Yi said.


Lion-faced King Ansage frowned. Unexpectedly, Tang Yi refused to bow his head until death. He suddenly laughed angrily: "Okay, okay, originally I came here just to see who was promoted to the Holy Lord. By the way, Take action to solve it. After all, the road to the empire is my territory. How can I allow the emergence of a second supreme? So, no matter you compromise or not, you will only have one end, and that is death! The only difference is that if you Give me the opportunity, and I will leave your body intact."

After a pause, Ansage, the lion-faced king, said again: "Since you don't want this opportunity to leave the whole body, then I have no choice but to grant it to you."

With that said, Lion-faced King Ansaqi did not wait for Tang Yi to answer. He moved and rushed towards Tang Yi quickly!

With a squeeze of his right hand, he punched Tang Yi!

There was nothing fancy about this punch, it even looked very ordinary.

But such a punch was very powerful. Tang Yi felt that if he had faced such a punch in the past, even if he was wearing a lot of god-level equipment, even if he had taken a large number of attribute pills, even if he had changed special parts, he would not be able to fight such a punch. Still can't resist!
  With one punch, he might turn into powder.

but now!

Tang Yi gently stretched out a finger.


The fist of Lion-faced Man King Ansage collided with Tang Yi's fingers.

The violent power bloomed and rippled out in all directions, turning everything in its path into dust.

In just the blink of an eye, all the flowers, plants, and creatures within thousands of meters around were turned into powder!

Just one blow, just the energy that spilled out, caused the surrounding area to be covered with red ground for thousands of meters!

Even the ground sank in part, and a layer of it was cut away by the terrifying force.


The punch of the lion-faced king Ansaki was firmly resisted by Tang Yi's finger.

No matter how hard the lion-faced king Ansaki tried, no matter how powerful this punch was, he couldn't get even an inch!
  "This is...the supreme power!"

"Impossible. Not only have I just advanced to the Supreme level, how can I transform the power of the Supreme immediately? Even if I transform immediately, how can I be my opponent? Impossible!"

Ansage, the lion-faced king, had a look of disbelief on his face.

He didn't understand at all how Tang Yi, the newly promoted Supreme, did it. How on earth could the supreme power be transformed in such a short period of time!
  What I don't understand even more is that even if the other party has transformed the supreme power, it has only transformed a little at most. Why can he withstand his own punch!
  "Do you know why? That's because your supreme combat power index is only 326 points, while my supreme combat power index is 13742 points. There is a huge gap between our strengths."

Tang Yi said calmly.

"What supreme combat power index? What 326? What 13742?"

Lion-faced King Ansaki looked confused and had no idea what Tang Yi was talking about.

Tang Yi did not explain to the Lion-faced Man King Ansage. He only saw him point out a finger and click on the fist of the Lion-faced Man King Ansage.

All of a sudden.


The lion-faced king Ansage instantly turned into a pile of powder...

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the second-level Supreme Lion-faced King Ansaki and gaining 111 Supreme Points and 10 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the second-level supreme monster for the first time. He received an additional 200 supreme points and 30 supreme coins."    "Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion to level 201."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. He is currently level 202."


As the lion-faced king Ansaki turned into ashes, a reminder sounded in Tang Yi's mind.

Tang Yi took back his hand, looked at his fingers, and then at the ashes turned into by the Lion-faced Man King Ansaki, his face was full of shock.

So strong!

I have become so strong now!

You know, the lion-faced man king Ansaki just now is the second-level supreme!

If he encounters such a being before he breaks through to the second level of supreme being, he may not be able to deal with it at all!
  After all, the power is fundamentally different!

The power of the Supreme cannot be resisted by those below the Supreme.

Even if Tang Yi was able to leapfrog the challenge when he was a top holy god, he would only be able to fight back when encountering such a being.

but now.

Just one finger and it's done!
  "Is the Supreme Combat Power Index of an ordinary Supreme only a few hundred points? Then it seems that I am much stronger than the average Supreme!"

Tang Yi thought slightly.

Only then did he take stock of what he would gain after killing the Lion-Faced Man King Ansaki.

Although you didn't get any special items by killing the Lion-faced King Ansaki, you did get 40 Supreme Coins.

And, it has been upgraded two levels in a row!

Converting 40 Supreme Coins into the previous holy value, that is 4000 billion holy points, which is a good harvest.

Of course, the biggest gain is to upgrade two levels in a row.

This will make Tang Yi become even more powerful.

Tang Yi checked the attribute panel and found that the supreme combat power index had increased by 300 points.

Originally, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index was 13742 points, but now, it is 14042 points.

Upgrade two levels and gain 300 points?
  It’s not much, but it’s pretty good!

If it were upgraded to a hundred levels, wouldn't it be possible to increase tens of thousands of points?

How powerful will it be by then?
  In addition, the higher the level, the higher the supreme combat power index will definitely be!
  Now, it's just the beginning!

After getting rid of the annoying thing called Lion-faced King Ansage, Weiwei checked the harvest, and Tang Yi immediately continued the transformation.

I saw the supreme combat power index bonus brought by the transformation of martial arts and weapons, and saw the powerful strength that the supreme combat power index brought to me.

Tang Yi became more and more concerned about the transformation of armor!

And he is full of expectations for his ultimate supreme combat power index!
  Using only two martial arts and two weapons, he increased the Supreme Combat Power Index by tens of thousands of points, easily killing second-level Supremes of the same level instantly. What if he put on all the armor and accessories?
  What about installing other means?

How powerful should it be?
  Tang Yi is full of expectations!
  But now, the transformation of martial arts and weapons is complete.

Next, it’s time to transform armor and accessories.

And armor and accessories...

Tang Yi's strategy is the same as before. Tang Yi does not intend to transform some ordinary armors and accessories, but only intends to transform some more powerful ones with higher bonuses.

(End of this chapter)

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