Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2283 Transforming Special Parts

Chapter 2283 Transforming Special Parts
  The Supreme Flower Healing Ring is a healing ring.

Such a piece of equipment is very valuable in online games.

And now the supreme combat power index of this piece of equipment has reached 2000 points, neither high nor low.

Tang Yi was very satisfied with this.

Equip it quickly.

In an instant, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index increased again.

Previously equipped with the Supreme Heart, Tang Yi's Supreme Combat Power Index increased by 800 points, from 16542 points to 17342 points.

But now, equipped with the Supreme Flower Healing Ring, the Supreme Combat Power Index has increased from 17342 points to 19342 points.

Tang Yi's strength became stronger again!

Continue to convert.

[Supreme Xuanling Ring]: Growth Ring Jewelry (Supreme Level)
  Attributes: vitality, all attributes, mental martial arts damage, mental resistance, defense, endurance, recovery speed.

Special effects: tough essence, item mysterious spirit repair, immortal body, doom coming, wood domain

Tough Essence: Damage is greatly reduced.

Item Xuanling Repair: No matter how serious the damage is, even if it turns into scrap metal, as long as there is a fragment left, it can be repaired slowly. (The speed of repair depends on the richness of the spiritual energy. The richer the spiritual energy, the faster the repair speed.) Immortality: It has strong vitality and can survive the years and be immortal for thousands of years.

Immortality: The wearer's life span is greatly slowed down.

Doom is coming: Within 5000 meters of the wearer, all creatures that are considered enemies by the player or are hostile to the wearer will have a 1% chance of being cursed by doom. Those who are cursed will have all attributes reduced by 90% after one day.

(Tip: This special effect is invalid for creatures that are 50 or more levels higher than the wearer)

Wood Domain: When entering the combat state, the attributes of all wood-attribute summons, wood-attribute creatures, and wood-attribute martial arts practitioners in the field will be improved to a certain extent, and a certain amount of damage reduction can be obtained.

Additional skills: Summon wood spirit, curse of weakness

Summon Wood Spirit: As long as there are trees, a powerful Wood Spirit can be summoned to fight for the wearer. The Wood Spirit has the functions of charge, ax attack, suppression, snake vines, wood thorns, healing, moon spirit, capture, and wood spirit. Darts, nine skills.

(The strength of the wood spirit will change with the strength of the wearer)
  Duration: 1200 seconds.

Cooling time: 12 hours
  Curse of Weakness: If the wearer uses this skill on any target, there is a 10% chance that the target will directly enter a weak state, with the overall strength reduced by 50% for three days.

Cooling time: 24 hours.

Supreme combat power index: 1600 points.



The attributes of the Supreme Xuanling Ring are not bad, and the increased Supreme Combat Power Index is also not bad.

Tang Yi equipped the Supreme Xuanling Ring.

Tang Yi's supreme combat power index increased again from 19342 points to 20942 points.

Next is the Supreme Heavenly Beauty Purple Star Ring.

[Supreme Tianmei Ziyao Tianxing Ring]: Supreme level

Attributes: attack, strength, skill damage.

Active skill: Power of Heavenly Beauty.

Power of Tianmei: If this skill is activated, the wearer's power will be greatly increased.

After the skill is turned on, the wearer can increase a large amount of attack power. As time goes by, the increased attack power will become higher and higher.

Duration: 300 seconds.

Cooling time: 6 hours.

Supreme combat power index increase: 1000 points.


The Supreme Combat Power Index increased by the Supreme Tianmei Ziyao Tianxing Ring is only 1000 points.

However, this piece of equipment was built by Tang Yi, Mu Xianling and Yuwen Jinyu.

It is one of the three-piece set. So no matter what, Tang Yi will not abandon this piece of equipment.

The supreme combat power index is a bit low, but it is barely usable.

Equip it.

Suddenly, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index increased again, reaching 21942 points!
  At this point, all the armors have been transformed.

Tang Yi plans to slowly search for the missing armor as time goes by.

Anyway, he would get a lot of equipment by doing quests and fighting monsters, so he didn't believe that he wouldn't be able to get good equipment in the future.

Keep converting!

After the armor transformation was completed, Tang Yi began to transform his body skills.

Shen Dharma is an essential thing.

At present, Tang Yi only has one movement technique, which is the Moon-Watching Traveling Skill, so it is no surprise that Tang Yi transformed the Moon-Watching Traveling Skill.

"Ding, player Tang Yi chooses to change his movement method to watch the moon and travel through the body, which consumes 10 supreme coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for successfully converting and obtaining the Supreme Divine Movement Art."


[Supreme Divine Movement Jue]: Supreme Level

Attributes: After use, the player's speed is greatly increased, and there is a 10% chance of being immune to damage, a 5% chance of rebounding damage, and a 5% chance of additional speed increase.

Supreme combat power index increase: 2500 points.


In battle, speed is the key. If you are one step faster than others, you will have the upper hand.

Therefore, body skills that can increase speed are extremely important.

At this moment, this Supreme Divine Movement Art can increase the Supreme Combat Power Index by 2500 points, which is equivalent to the Supreme Earth Spirit Divine Armor. In fact, this is not surprising.

Without hesitation, Tang Yi immediately equipped it.

The supreme combat power index increased again, from 21942 points to 24442 points.

carry on.

Then it's the turn of the special parts.

"Ding, player Tang Yi chooses to convert the special part of the Holy King's Eye, which consumes 15 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for successfully converting and obtaining the Eye of the Supreme Sacred King."

"Ding, player Tang Yi chooses to convert a special part of the eternal body, which consumes 15 supreme coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for successfully transforming and obtaining the Supreme Eternal Body."

"Ding, player Tang Yi chooses to convert a special part of the ancient power king's hand, which consumes 15 supreme coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for successfully transforming and obtaining the hand of the Supreme Ancient Power King."


[Eye of the Supreme Holy King]: An ancient divine eye possessing great magical powers.

Supernatural powers: divine light of destruction, realm of divine confinement, immortal body, summons of the divine supreme, control of the power of the king of gods.

Divine Light of Divine Destruction: When this magical power is activated, the Eye of the Holy King will emit super powerful divine light. Players can choose to heal or destroy the target illuminated by the divine light. (The power of divine light depends on the player's strength)

Domain of Sacred Confinement: When this magical power is activated, the Eye of the Holy King will emit a mysterious force that can imprison enemy units within a range of 5000 meters. The power of confinement depends on the player's strength.

Immortal Body: When this magical power is activated, the Eye of God will emit countless immortal substances to protect the body from harm, and the immortal substances can quickly recover the body that has been seriously injured. (The duration depends on the player's strength, with a minimum of three seconds, no upper limit, and can only be used three times a day)
  Holy Supreme Summon: Can summon three supreme god kings to attack enemy targets.

Controlling the Power of the Holy King: Activating this magical power can condense the power of the Holy King and control the power of the God's King. Players can attack enemy targets and heal friendly targets.

Supreme combat power index increase: 5000 points.


(End of this chapter)

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