Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2284 The transformation of original equipment is completed

Chapter 2284 The transformation of original equipment is completed
  "Supreme combat power index 5000 points!!"

Tang Yi didn't expect that the Supreme Combat Power Index increased by the Eye of the Supreme Holy King would be so high.

This Supreme Combat Power Index is almost the same as Supreme Red Moon Apophis.

You know, Supreme Red Moon Apophis is a weapon.

The supreme combat power index that weapons can increase is naturally extremely high.

But Tang Yi really didn't expect that the eyes of the supreme holy king could be so high.

After transforming the Eye of the Supreme Sacred King, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index increased from 24442 points to 29442 points!
  It will soon exceed 30,000!

Before, when Tang Yi only had a combat power of 211, he instantly killed the th-level Lion-faced Man King Ansaqi, who was the second-level supreme level.

At this moment, the supreme combat power index has almost tripled. How strong should it be? Unimaginable!
  Keep checking back!

[Supreme Eternal Body]: Special physique. (Supreme level)
  Description: Gong Yuehen's powerful physique was developed through countless years of research.

Basic attributes: physique, defense, damage reduction, blood volume, recovery speed.

Special attributes: five-element resistance, hard value

Passive special effects: recovery from death, ever-changing.

Recover from the ashes: No matter how serious the injury is, as long as the consciousness has not dissipated and a certain amount of strength is expended, the person can return to his original state.

Ever-changing: The body can be transformed into various shapes and appearances.

Supreme combat power index increase: 3000 points.


[Hand of the Ancient Power King]: Special Part (Supreme Level)

Description: The arm of the ancient demon lord Heras. Heras was one of the top ten demon kings in the ancient world. He had his own territory and guarded one side. He had countless strong men under his command. He was later betrayed and died at the hands of the rebels.

Heras majored in the physical body, and the most powerful part of his body was his right arm. Before his death, he preserved all his strength in his right arm, making this right arm even more terrifying.

Basic attributes: strength, attack power.

Special attributes: power, penetration
  Supernatural powers: Sky split, power and magic transformation.

Sky Splitting: Punch the ground with one punch, causing a lot of damage to enemies within 100 meters, and also has a stun effect (can only be used once a day)
  Power Demon Transformation: Greatly improved. (Can only be used once per day)
  Supreme combat power index increase: 3500 points


Not bad, not bad, the three special parts, the supreme combat power index increase, the lowest reached 3000 points.

This made Tang Yi extremely satisfied.

After transforming the Supreme Eternal Body, the Hand of the Supreme Ancient Power King, Tang Yi's Supreme Combat Power Index increased again.

It increased from 29442 points to 35942 points.

Finally exceeded 30,000 points!

And Tang Yi's strength became more powerful and his momentum became more astonishing as the Supreme Combat Power Index soared again.

At this point in the transformation, Tang Yi checked slightly. Three martial arts, two weapons, one piece of armor, and four pieces of jewelry, Tang Yi spent a total of 111 Supreme Coins.

Tang Yi only had 105 Supreme Coins at the beginning. If Tang Yi had not killed the Lion-faced Man King Ansaki and obtained 40 Supreme Coins, there might not have been enough Supreme Coins for conversion.

Even if he killed the Lion-faced King Ansage and obtained forty Supreme Coins, after transforming the special parts, Tang Yi only had thirty-four Supreme Coins left...

If we calculate it in terms of holy points, one trillion holy points will be spent in one fell swoop...

"This transformation is indeed expensive. I originally thought that the 105 Supreme Coins would be able to be used for a while, but I didn't expect that they would be used up in just such a short time."

Tang Yi thought helplessly.

Continue to convert.

After the special parts have been transformed, it's the halo bar's turn.

Tang Yi only had one halo, so there was no surprise and he directly transformed it. The simple thing is that the halo transformation is not expensive.

"Ding, player Tang Yi chooses to convert to Halo Ruler of Dignity LV1, which consumes 3 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for successfully converting and obtaining the Supreme Ruler."


[Supreme Ruler]: unique special halo, growth halo (supreme level)
  Description: Stepping on the halo, players will become more powerful.

Attributes: All attributes, attack power, defense power, recovery ability, blood volume.

Special effect: After the halo is turned on, the player will receive an attack special effect every 10 seconds, and the attack issued will be greatly improved. (Tip: As long as the halo is on, no matter what martial arts or means the player uses, he or she can get superposition of special effects.)
  Supreme combat power index increase: 1200 points.


After only consuming three Supreme Coins, he gained a halo that increased the Supreme Combat Power Index by 1200 points, which was already very good.

Tang Yi was very satisfied with this.

The supreme combat power index increased from 35942 points to 37142 points.


It’s the turn of the delivery vehicle column.

The delivery vehicle must be transformed.

"Ding, the player Tang Yi chose to convert the Western United Warship as the carrier. Converting the Western United Warship requires 10 Supreme Coins. Does the player need to convert?"


"10 Supreme Coins? Not bad!"

Tang Yi immediately transformed.

After transforming the Xitong warship, Tang Yi's Supreme Coin dropped from thirty-one to twenty-one.

Almost running out!
  "Ding, player Tang Yi chooses to change the carrier to the Western United Warship, which consumes 10 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for successfully converting and obtaining the Supreme Warship."


Name: Supreme Warship (named by the player)

Level: Supreme level
  Category: Quibao

Function: carry.

Auxiliary skills: Golden Shadow, Golden Shuttle, Wing Guard
  Golden Shadow: Use the skill and the warship will fly out quickly like a golden shadow of wings (can only be used three times a day)
  Duration: 1 hours.

Cooling time: 10 minutes.

Golden Shuttle: Using skills, the warship can enter the dimensional space and travel through it.

Duration: 1 hours.

Cooling time: 10 minutes.

Wing Guard: When you use this skill, the wings on both sides will expand and turn into two huge golden wings to wrap around the warship, improving the defense of the warship.

Duration: 1 hours.

Cooling time: 3 hours.

Supreme combat power index increase: 1500 points.


After the transformation, the basic attributes of the Supreme Warship remained unchanged, while the Supreme Combat Power Index reached 1500 points.

not bad!

Equip it quickly.

In an instant, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index increased again, from 37142 to 38642 points.

It’s not far away from 40,000 points!

At this point, the transformation can be considered officially completed. Those who can be transformed, Tang Yi has already transformed.

The rest were things that Tang Yi didn't want to transform.

After the transformation, Tang Yi still lacked a lot of equipment.

For example, there are still two martial arts skills missing.

There is no armor other than armor.

In terms of accessories, there are necklaces.

Only three rings are equipped.

Tang Yi can equip ten rings in total. After all, don't he have ten fingers?
  In other words, he still lacks seven rings.

(End of this chapter)

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