Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2286 Unknown grade items in the Devouring Soul inventory

Chapter 2286 Unknown grade items in the Devouring Soul inventory

[Lingtian Holy Pearl]: A lucky special item that gave birth to self-awareness. After equipped, a golden spiritual pearl will appear next to the player, which can attack and defend independently, and can use skills independently.

Additional skills: Holy Spirit Protection, Holy Spirit Shooting.

Holy Spirit Protection: Inspires a shield to protect the player.

Holy Spirit Shooting: A small range skill that can cause a lot of damage to hostile targets within 100 meters.

Supreme combat power index increase: 1200 points.


[Qiankun Mountain River Fan]: A special item, a fan once used by Nantian.

This fan has the function of controlling the passage of time and storing it. The fan is a world of its own. As long as you enter the fan, you can control the passage of time in the fan world, and you can accelerate or decelerate it. At the same time, the world inside the fan can also store items. Even live animals are stored.

Supreme combat power index increase: 800 points.


The two special props once again added 2000 points of supreme combat power to Tang Yi, raising Tang Yi's supreme combat power index from 38642 points to 40642 points.

Officially exceeded 40,000!

At the same time, Tang Yi's Supreme Coin also declared bankruptcy, with only the last one left!
  Completely pauper!
  After transforming the items midway, Tang Yi returned to the soul-eating process again.

After selecting the eliminated items for soul-devouring, Tang Yi began to select items in the system backpack for soul-devouring.

First is the elixir!
  After all, any item can be swallowed, and pills are also allowed!
  Cihang Pill, Fengji Pill, Marrow Cleansing Pill, Shenxuan Pill, Blood Light Pill, Immortal Pill, all the pills, Tang Yi decided to eat the soul.

Some of these elixirs were of too low a level, and some of their effects overlapped with some of Tang Yi's equipment. There was absolutely no need to keep them, so I decided to devour them all.

"Ding, the player chooses to swallow the Cihang Pill. After the Soul Devouring is over, the player will receive a 10-point permanent increase in the Supreme Combat Power Index."

"Ding, the player chooses to Devour Fengji Pill

"Ding, the player chooses to swallow the Marrow Cleansing Pill

"Ding, the player chooses to Devour the Divine Mysterious Pill

"Ding, the player chooses to swallow Blood Mangdan

"Ding, the player chooses to devour the Immortal Pill


The elixir brought a total of 540 points of permanent improvement to Tang Yi's supreme combat power index!
  At this moment, the accumulated supreme combat power index reached 2440 points!
  This made Tang Yi extremely happy!

In the system backpack, Tang Yi has accumulated eighty kinds of special materials, including dozens of super-grade special materials and dozens of top-grade materials.

These cannot devour spirits, because Tang Yi plans to collect a hundred types to create a super invincible piece of equipment.

So skip the material.

As for the Holy Spirit Pill!

The number of Holy Spirit Pills has reached 20 billion!

Seeing this number of Holy Spirit Pills, Tang Yi's eyes lit up.

If you swallow all the Holy Spirit Pills, then...

But it's a pity.

Just when Tang Yi was about to swallow the Holy Spirit Pill, a prompt came from the system.

"Ding, this item cannot be swallowed..."

Can't swallow!
  Aren’t you able to swallow any item?
  Why can’t I swallow the Holy Spirit Pill?

Tang Yi was very puzzled.    At the same time, I am also very dissatisfied!

However, he was dissatisfied, so he gave up swallowing the Holy Spirit Pills and moved on to the next item.

As a means of transportation, Tang Yi obtained a Kui Niu chariot with unknown properties.

Originally, Tang Yi planned to use it after he advanced to the next level, but now Tang Yi gave up and decided to devour it.

After all, with the Western United Warships, there is no point in adding another carrier.


The carrier tool bar can only equip one carrier at most, and one more cannot be equipped at all.

So Tang Yi directly devoured the Kuiniu chariot without even looking at its attributes.

"Ding, the player chooses to devour the Kui Niu chariot. After the soul-eating is over, the player will receive a permanent increase of 1000 points in the supreme combat power index."


A permanent increase of 1000 points of supreme combat power index!
  Tang Yi didn't expect that this Kui Niu chariot would improve so much!
  Of course, after being slightly surprised, Tang Yi was relieved.

After all, the weapons and equipment that Tang Yi devoured before were only of holy level, and the increased supreme combat power index was certainly not high.

But the Kui Niu chariot in front of me is of an unknown level.

In other words, it is a supreme-level vehicle!

Since it is a supreme-level carrier, it is not surprising that it can increase the supreme combat power index by 1000 points.

So Tang Yi was just slightly surprised, and then he felt relieved.

And with the soul-devouring Kui Niu chariot, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index permanently increased, accumulating to 3440 points!

Tang Yi also has a lot of unknown weapons and unknown martial arts that can be devoured!

However, before devouring it, Tang Yi decided to leave something that could be used.

After all, only three of the supreme skills are equipped now, and there are two more that are not equipped, right?

The only armor is armor, right?
  Although Tang Yi now does not have the Supreme Coin, even if he keeps it, he cannot transform it, but it is just the Supreme Coin. Tang Yi has the strength and will definitely be able to obtain a large number of Supreme Coins quickly.

So leave these things behind and Tang Yi will be able to use them soon.

Therefore, Tang Yi began to select the items he wanted to keep.

Finally, among the unknown martial arts, Tang Yi chose two offensive martial arts, Ghost Shadow Flash and Spiral Mind Aura.

Among the unknown weapons and equipment, Tang Yi kept the human-faced eight-winged gryphon mask, the ancient dragon king's leggings, the basalt ring, the dragon king's wings, and the centipede king boots, and used the rest to devour them all!

The unknown level of martial arts swallowed include Fission of Heaven and Earth, Thousand Dragon Soul Gathering Fist, Divine Breath Finger, Supreme Immortal Body, Divine Light Soul-Destroying Slash, Shanggong Ningyue, Xuanwu Slash, and Xuanshui Break.

Eight in total!
  "Ding, the player chooses to Devour the Fission of Heaven and Earth. After the Devouring Soul is over, the player will receive a permanent increase of 1200 points in the Supreme Combat Power Index."

"Ding, the player chooses to Devour Thousand Dragons Soul Gathering Fist. After the Soul Devouring is over, the player will receive a permanent increase of 800 points in the Supreme Combat Power Index."

"Ding, the player chooses to devour the Divine Breath Finger. After the Soul Devouring is over, the player will receive a permanent increase of 1000 points in the Supreme Combat Power Index."

"Ding, the player chooses to devour the Supreme Immortal Body. After the Soul Devouring is over, the player will receive a permanent increase of 1400 points in the Supreme Combat Power Index."

"Ding, the player chooses to Devour the Divine Light and Soul-Destroying Slash. After the Soul-devouring is over, the player will receive a permanent increase of 1500 points in the Supreme Combat Power Index."

"Ding, the player chooses to devour Shang Gong Ning Yue. After the Soul Devouring is over, the player will receive a permanent increase of 1000 points in the Supreme Combat Power Index."


(End of this chapter)

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