Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2287 The latest attribute panel, super supreme combat power index!

Chapter 2287 The latest attribute panel, super supreme combat power index!

"Ding, the player chooses to Devour Xuanwu Slash. After the Soul Devouring is over, the player will receive a permanent increase of 1100 points in the Supreme Combat Power Index."

"Ding, the player chooses to Devour Xuanshui Break. After the Soul Devouring is over, the player will receive a permanent increase of 1200 points in the Supreme Combat Power Index."


Eight unknown levels of martial arts brought Tang Yi a permanent increase in the supreme combat power index of 9200 points!

The accumulated supreme combat power index at this moment has been permanently increased, reaching 12640 points!
  The unknown-level equipment that was swallowed included the Human Faced Griffin Divine Armor, Crown of the Underworld Lord, Qing Jue Sword, Wuji Heavenly Martial Hammer, Great Sun Returning Immortal Dagger, White Mist Royal Void Ring, Red Star Panlong Armor, and Black Tort Shield.

"Ding, the player chooses to devour the human-faced griffin armor. After the soul-eating is over, the player will receive a permanent increase in the supreme combat power index of 1000 points."

"Ding, the player chooses to devour the Crown of the Underworld Lord. After the Soul Devouring is over, the player will receive a permanent increase of 1200 points in the Supreme Combat Power Index."

"Ding, the player chooses to devour the Qing Jue Sword. After the Soul Devouring is over, the player will receive a permanent increase of 1500 points in the Supreme Combat Power Index."

"Ding, the player chooses to swallow the Wuji Heavenly Martial Hammer. After the Soul Devouring is over, the player will receive a permanent increase of 1500 points in the Supreme Combat Power Index."

"Ding, the player chooses to swallow the Great Sun's Return to Immortality Dagger. After the Soul Devouring is over, the player will receive a permanent increase of 1500 points in the Supreme Combat Power Index."

"Ding, the player chooses to devour the White Mist Royal Void Ring. After the Soul Devouring is over, the player will receive a permanent increase of 1500 points in the Supreme Combat Power Index."

"Ding, the player chooses to devour the Red Star Panlong Armor. After the Soul Devouring is over, the player will receive a permanent increase of 1200 points in the Supreme Combat Power Index."

"Ding, the player chooses to swallow the Xuanwu Shield. After the Soul Devouring is over, the player will receive a permanent increase of 1400 points in the Supreme Combat Power Index."


There are also eight pieces of weapons and equipment of unknown level.

In total, they brought Tang Yi a permanent increase of 10800 points in the Supreme Combat Power Index!

Including the previous ones, at this moment, Tang Yi has accumulated a total of 23440 points! !

As long as Tang Yi's Soul Devouring is over, he can increase his supreme combat power index by 23440 points!
  Moreover, it does not occupy any grid and acts directly on Tang Yi's body!
  This is simply unparalleled power!

Seeing such a string of numbers, Tang Yi was extremely excited.

I checked the system backpack again to see what else could be devoured. I found that the system backpack contained almost all materials, as well as two unknown-level array flags, the Five Elements Palace Sky Formation, and the Flag of Truth. Other items that should be devoured had been All devoured.

As for the Five Elements Palace Heavenly Formation and the Flag of Truth, Tang Yi was not prepared to swallow them.

After all, he doesn't have any formations at hand. This Five Elements Heavenly Palace Formation and the Flag of Truth may bring him a considerable increase.

After the devouring was completed, Tang Yi chose to complete the devouring.

"Ding, player Tang Yi has chosen to complete the Devouring. Do you want to end the Devouring of Souls? This Devouring of Souls is a one-time opportunity. Once confirmed, it cannot be undone or reset."


Tang Yi thought silently in his heart.

next moment.


Tang Yi's body lit up with a dazzling light, and countless brilliance flew out of his body.

Among them, there are martial arts, weapons and equipment, and various elixirs.

These things were probably the items Tang Yi had chosen to devour before.

At this moment, these things turned into rays of light and flew out of Tang Yi's body, and then turned into a stream of extremely pure energy, which re-entered Tang Yi's body, making Tang Yi's body extremely dazzling.

Without the obstruction of clothes, you can see that Tang Yi's skin is exuding a glistening light, and the skin is very delicate, like a newborn baby, crystal clear.

Just by looking at it, it feels extraordinary. “Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for completing Soul Devouring, and gaining a total of 23440 points in the Supreme Combat Power Index!”


A reminder sounded in Tang Yi's mind.

Hearing this prompt, Tang Yi opened the properties panel again.

[Player]: Tang Yi
  [Title]: Bandit Suppressor Butcher
  [Level]: 202 (Second Level Supreme)
  [Supreme Point]: 30/300
  [Supreme Coin]: 1
  【Angel Coin】: 34773100
  [Supreme Combat Power Index]: 64082
  [Supreme Skill]: Time and Space Barrier (300), Sky Slash (1500), Earth Splitting Wave Sword (1800)

[Supreme Body Technique]: Supreme Divine Movement Jue (2500)

[Sub-professional]: Supreme Alchemy (Alchemy Supreme), Supreme Blacksmithing (Forging Supreme), Supreme Puppetry (Puppet Supreme)...

[Special Column]: False Yan Yanhuo (Strange Fire) (Sleeping...)
  [Special Parts]: Eye of the Supreme Holy King (5000), Supreme Eternal Body (3000), Hand of the Ancient Power King (3500)

[Halo]: Supreme Ruler (1200)

[Special item column]: Supreme Spirit Pearl (1200), Supreme Mountain and River Fan (800)

[Carrying Vehicle]: Supreme Warship (1500)

[Weapon Column]:
  Main weapon: Supreme Red Moon Apophis (5000)

Secondary weapon: Supreme Ice and Fire Divine Bow (4800)

[Armor Column]:
  Helmet: None
  Mask: none
  Armor: Supreme Earth Spirit Divine Armor (4000)

Cloak: None
  Arm guards: none
  Gloves: None
  Pants: None
  Leggings: None
  Shoes: None
  【Accessories Column】

Necklace: Supreme Heart (800)

Rings: Huayu Ring (2000), Supreme Xuanling Ring (1600), Supreme Heavenly Beauty Purple Star Ring (1000)

  Materials: A total of 2114521485 special materials including Holy Spirit Pill

Special Item: Gypsophila (40/50)

Unknown martial arts: spiral mind aura, ghost flash
  Unknown weapons and equipment: Human-faced eight-winged griffon mask, ancient dragon king leggings, basalt ring, dragon king wings, centipede king boots
  Unknown level formation flag: Five Elements Palace Heavenly Formation, Flag of Truth.

Temporary items: X253985 top-grade Mayan gems, X37539 super-grade Mayan gems



The level, due to killing the lion-faced king Ansaki, was promoted to two levels in a row, reaching 202!
  Due to various transformations, there is only one Supreme Coin left!
  However, the supreme combat power index!
  Tang Yi has currently reached 64,082 points!

It has reached a very scary number!

You know, when Tang Yi had a combat power of 211, he had already easily killed the -level BOSS, the Lion-faced Man King Ansaqi, instantly!
  Now that the supreme combat power index has increased six times, to what extent has the strength increased?
  How strong should it be?
  Even Tang Yi himself doesn't know how strong it is now.

All I know is that I am full of strength now.

Very very powerful!
  And you must know that this is only when the equipment is not full, it has reached a supreme combat power index of more than 60,000, which is already so powerful.

What if the equipment is full and the martial arts are full?
  How powerful should it be?
  What about leveling up in the future?

I'm afraid it's possible for the supreme combat power index to exceed 100,000!
  even more!

As for how powerful the Supreme Combat Power Index can be if it breaks through 100,000, and how much improvement in strength it can bring, it is simply unimaginable.

Tang Yi was full of expectations for this.

(End of this chapter)

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