Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2288 The warriors of the kingdom gather together

Chapter 2288 The warriors of the kingdom gather together
  Just when Tang Yi was checking the properties panel, he suddenly discovered something.

That is, the Holy Spirit Pill, which has been unable to be used and whose properties cannot be seen, actually has properties.

Holy Spirit Pill: Can increase the supreme combat power index by 0.000001 points.


Can it actually directly increase the supreme combat power index?

No wonder!
  Now Tang Yi finally understood why the Holy Spirit Pill could not be swallowed before and why it could not be converted into a supreme combat power index.

It turns out that it’s not that the Holy Spirit Pills can’t be converted into the Supreme Combat Power Index, but that the Holy Spirit Pills themselves can increase the Supreme Combat Power Index!

One that increases the supreme combat power index by 0.000001?
  Although one does not improve much, but!
  You must know that Tang Yi's Holy Spirit Pills are extremely large in quantity!

A full 20 billion!
  If one increases the level by 0.000001, then 20 billion... will be able to increase the supreme combat power index by 20,000 points!
  Twenty thousand points!

Previously, with 10,000 points of supreme combat power index, one could easily kill a second-level supreme being in an instant. Now, 20,000 points of supreme combat power index have been added. What a concept is this!
  Tang Yi took all the Holy Spirit Pills without any hesitation!

In fact, Tang Yi only used the Holy Spirit Pills in his system backpack and did not actually take them.

Even when used in the system backpack, the Holy Spirit Pill turned into a warm current, entered Tang Yi's body, and was absorbed by Tang Yi.

More than 20 billion Holy Spirit Pills were used by Tang Yi.

The more than 25114 billion Holy Spirit Pills added a total of points of supreme combat power index to Tang Yi.

With the addition of these 25114 points of supreme combat power index, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index increased again, reaching 89196 points!
  About to break through 90,000 points!
  Six figures are just around the corner!

After the Supreme Combat Power Index reached 89196 points, even Tang Yi himself didn't know how strong he was now.

He only knows that his current self is very, very strong.

Not only is his physical body unparalleled, his attack power is also frightening.

Tang Yi felt that like the second-level supreme lion-faced king Ansaqi before, Tang Yi could kill countless of them in one breath!
  In short, such an existence is not even an ant to the current Tang Yi.

"It seems that I am countless times more powerful than the average second-level supreme. I am afraid that even if I face a third-level supreme, I have the power to fight. Even...even if I are a higher-level supreme, I can also fight."

Tang Yi guessed slightly.

As for whether this is the case.

You have to try it to know.

"Now that the transformation is complete, my belongings are almost sorted out, and the Road to Empire... I think it's almost over. Then I'll just wait here for the Road to Empire to end. It shouldn't be long."

Tang Yi thought slightly.


However, just when Tang Yi was about to wait for the end of the road to the empire, there was a strange noise in the distance.

Tang Yi turned his head and immediately saw figures coming at lightning speed not far away.

There are so many of these figures. At a glance, there are at least a thousand people, densely packed!
  Seeing these figures, Tang Yi was slightly startled and thought to himself, there are actually so many people on the road to the empire?

But as soon as he had this thought, he suddenly realized it.

After all, Mengyue Empire is not the only empire participating in the Imperial Road. It is said that there are several empires participating together.

Although Tang Yi only encountered the Beitian Empire, there were still other empires on the road to the empire.

Several major imperial warriors participated together, and there were still thousands of people.

"Looking at this, warriors from several kingdoms from the major empires are all here together? Haha, interesting."

Tang Yi smiled, and he stood there, waiting for the arrival of thousands of warriors from the kingdom.

After a while, thousands of warriors finally arrived at Tang Yi's location.

Seeing Tang Yi standing there, thousands of warriors immediately surrounded Tang Yi. Among these thousands of people, there are also Mu Zhenghao and others from the Zijin Kingdom and Sun Xiaofu and others from the Tianshui Kingdom.

When several people saw Tang Yi not far away, their eyes suddenly lit up.

Mu Zhenghao and Ji Hongru happily flew directly to Tang Yi's side.

As for Sun Xiaofu and other three warriors from Tianshui Kingdom, they did not approach because they had a small conflict with Tang Yi before. Instead, they stood not far away with embarrassed expressions.

"Tang Yi, why are you here?"

"That's right, Tang Yi, didn't you say you were going to find the spiritual fruit? Have you found it?"

Seeing Tang Yi, Mu Zhenghao and Ji Hongru said excitedly.

"Why are you here too?"

"Of course I have found the Divine Fruit of Spiritual Consciousness. I don't care who I am. Is there anything I can't find?"

Tang Yi replied with a smile.

"Just now we saw a stream of divine light coming from here, and then we came here. I didn't expect to see you here."

Mu Zhenghao said.

"Yes, originally I was looking for a place to wait for the end of the road to the empire, but the light here was so dazzling that I couldn't resist the curiosity in my heart, so I came over to take a look. Who knew that the people who came here were actually like this? More. What I didn’t expect is that you, Tang Yi, actually appeared here."

Ji Hongru also said.

"Oh? Did you come here after seeing the divine light? So that means those people over there all came here because they saw the divine light?"

Tang Yi was slightly stunned.

Originally, he was curious as to how these kingdom warriors found this place.

After all, you must know that this is already deep in the Empire Road.

And this place is extremely dangerous.

If you are not careful, you will encounter a holy-level monster.

There are also countless Saint Emperor-level monsters.

Monsters of this level are nothing to Tang Yi, but they are very deadly to warriors from various kingdoms.

However, now these kingdom warriors dared to come to the depths of the empire road regardless of the danger. They dared to come to such a dangerous place, which surprised Tang Yi.

Tang Yi didn't know the reason before.

After hearing the words of Mu Zhenghao and Ji Hongru, he now knew.

It turns out that these warriors of the kingdom came from seeing the divine light.

It is estimated that these kingdom warriors saw the divine light and thought that a treasure was born, so they took the risk and came here.

So greedy for profit!
  These warriors of the kingdom are also brave, even risking their lives for the sake of the treasure.

While Tang Yi and others were talking, one warrior stood up among the thousands of warriors.

This warrior was wearing gray tights and had delicate features. Although his face was serious, it was full of arrogance.

The young man in gray tights asked Tang Yi, "Are you from our Mengyue Empire?"

On the side, Ji Hongru obviously knew this person.

Hearing the speech of the young man in gray tights, Ji Hongru introduced to Tang Yi in a low voice: "This person's name is Lei Ji, and he is the leader of the Dong Qi Kingdom of our Mengyue Empire. At the same time, the Dong Qi Kingdom is also the number one seed team of our Mengyue Kingdom. ! So this Lei Ji is very prestigious in our Mengyue Empire. Many people are afraid of Lei Ji."

(End of this chapter)

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