Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2290 Kill the Sheng Sui Empire instantly

Chapter 2290 Kill the Sheng Sui Empire instantly
  Mu Zhenghao and Ji Hongru would hand over not only one treasure, but even ten treasures.

After all, even if he gets the treasure, he can't take it away with him under such heavy siege, right?
  Not only is it impossible to take away, it may even be life-threatening.

But now, the leader of the Sheng Sui Empire not only promised to protect them, but also gave them so many resources, how could they not be tempted?

Of course, their heartbeats have no effect.

After all, the 'treasure' belongs to Tang Yi, and they have no qualifications to deal with it.

He couldn't agree on Tang Yi's behalf.

Tang Yi can only handle everything.

However, they still very much hope that Tang Yi can agree.


After hearing the words of the leader of the Sheng Sui Empire, Tang Yi smiled coldly and said, "Do you think this price is enough to buy your life?"

"What do you mean?"

The first man of the Holy Sui Empire was very puzzled.

Others also looked at Tang Yi in confusion.

"What do you mean? Isn't it clear what I mean? The conditions you just mentioned are not enough to buy your life. You have to come up with more generous conditions. Otherwise, you will stay here forever."

Tang Yi said calmly.


The first person in the Sheng Sui Empire understood clearly this time: "You mean, the condition I just offered is not a condition for exchanging treasures with you? But a condition for buying my own life?"


Tang Yi nodded.


The leader of the Sheng Sui Empire laughed, almost bursting into tears, and said: "Did you threaten me just now? Are you too ridiculous? Don't you look at the current situation? You can keep my treasure." Are you alive? Now that your survival is in doubt, you threaten me? And you change the condition I just offered in exchange for the baby to the condition of buying your life? What gives you so much confidence? "

The warriors of the Sheng Sui Empire also laughed.

But the warriors from other empires looked at Tang Yi as if they were idiots.

Everyone felt that Tang Yi was too stupid. At this point, it was good that others were willing to protect him, but he actually dared to threaten others.

If the people present were not afraid of each other, they would have taken action long ago.

To all the warriors present, Tang Yi was like fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered by them.

A portion of fish and meat, but you still dare to shout and threaten others?
  Are you tired of living?
  Although others were in competition with the Sheng Sui Empire, they were very disdainful of Tang Yi's attitude.

"What gives me so much confidence?"

"Of course it's strength."

Tang Yi laughed.

"Strength? Haha, this is the funniest joke I have heard today. Do you really not know your situation, or are you pretending not to know? You are already a piece of meat on the chopping board, why are you still talking about strength? Threatening me? Don’t you think it’s ridiculous?”

The first person in the Sheng Sui Empire said.

"Whether it's ridiculous or not, it doesn't matter. What's important is that if you only take out five thousand Mayan gems, fifty top-grade Mayan gems and five super-top gems, it won't be enough to buy the lives of your Sheng Sui Empire warriors. "

Tang Yi said calmly.

"Haha. You are too funny. Five thousand Mayan gems, fifty top-grade Mayan gems, and five super-top Mayan gems are used to buy our lives? They are in exchange for treasures with you! As for what you said about buying For the life of our Holy Sui Empire, we will not give you any Mayan gems! Don’t deceive yourself.”

The leader of the Sheng Sui Empire smiled.

"Is that so, are you not willing to spend your own life to buy Mayan gems? In that case, well, this is the choice of your Sheng Sui Empire, then I have to satisfy you. Now, the warriors of your Sheng Sui Empire can die ”

As Tang Yi spoke, his eyes flashed with light.

"Buzz buzz!"   The magical power of the Eye of the Supreme Holy King, the divine light of destruction, is activated.

The next moment, Tang Yi's eyes burst out with a golden light.

The light enveloped everyone present.


Although everyone was enveloped, only some people reacted.

The bodies of this group of people made strange sounds one after another, turned into particles, dissipated in the air, and finally disappeared.

In an instant, some people were missing from the venue.

The place that was originally densely packed suddenly became much emptyer.

Even the first person from the Sheng Sui Empire who spoke before was nowhere to be seen.


And as this group of people disappeared, something seemed to fall from mid-air and landed on the ground, making a tinkling sound.

When everyone takes a look...

What is that if it's not a Mayan gem?
  At this time, Tang Yi stretched out his hand slightly.

All the Mayan gems were gathered in his hands, and then they were collected by him.

"Why bother? Wouldn't it be better to hand over the Mayan gem honestly and buy your own life? Now it's better, the Mayan gem is not saved, and your life is lost, why bother."

Tang Yi said calmly. His expression was calm and calm.

Because the process was so fast, almost no one else present could react.

They don't even know what happened!

If it weren't for the surrounding area becoming empty in an instant.

And the scene where that part of the people turned into particles and disappeared instantly was captured by the people present.

Little did they know someone had disappeared!
  Because it was so fast and weird, there was almost no warning!
  Some people just disappeared out of thin air!

Only now did the people present realize that there were no warriors from the Sheng Sui Empire in the venue.

In other words, the people who had just turned into particles and disappeared were all members of the Sheng Sui Empire.

Including the first person in the Sheng Sui Empire...

"This, this, this..."

"What just happened? I wasn't dreaming, was I?"

"Where are the people from the Sheng Sui Empire? They, they..."

"Is the road to the empire over? It shouldn't be. We all should have come in at the same time. If it is to end, the several major empires should also end at the same time. There is no reason for the people of the Sheng Sui Empire to go out first."

"I just saw them turn into particles and disappear..."

"Just now, the people from the Holy Sui Empire did not agree to hand over the life-paying Mayan gems, and then the person said that the people from the Holy Sui Empire could die, and then, the people from the Holy Sui Empire disappeared. In other words... "

"His! Impossible, this is absolutely impossible! He is just a warrior of the kingdom, how could he have such strength. You know, there were hundreds of people in the Sheng Sui Empire just now, and among them, the first person in the Sheng Sui Empire It is the strength of a top saint. If you want to make such a group of people disappear in an instant, how can a mere warrior from the kingdom do it!"

"Everyone, be careful, this person is a little weird!"

"This is deep in the Empire Road. This person has arrived here before we came. Things are definitely not that simple! There must be something fishy about that divine light!"

"I wanted to say it before, this person is too strange. The warriors of our empire rushed here immediately before the divine light appeared. Moreover, we are definitely the closest to the divine light, but we are still lagging behind. This person. In other words, before the divine light appeared, this person had already appeared here. And this place is deep in the road to the empire! He actually dared to break in here alone! There must be a huge influence in this place. Tricky!"



(End of this chapter)

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