Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2291 Whoever dares to take a step out will be your fate.

Chapter 2291 Whoever dares to take a step out will be your fate.
  Seeing that the disappeared people were all from the Sheng Sui Empire, everyone present was shocked. Their eyes looking at Tang Yi were full of fear and vigilance.

Even the top figures in the empires who had been clamoring before did not dare to speak.

Their eyes were full of disbelief.

At this moment, although everyone present was still not sure whether the disappearance of the warriors from the Sheng Sui Empire just now was caused by Tang Yi, but judging from Tang Yi's words and the situation just now, they felt that it was definitely related to Tang Yi.

There is even a high probability that it was Tang Yi who did it.

And can kill hundreds of people instantly in full view of everyone.

It makes people unable to react.

Not even aware of it.

I didn’t even see what the means were.

I saw a golden light.

This method is truly terrifying.

The warriors present were all frightened at this moment.

Thinking about it again, Tang Yi was already here before they came here, and he didn't have any fear when he saw thousands of them arriving.

The warriors present were even more afraid of Tang Yi.

This person is not simple.

At this moment, most of the warriors present had this thought.

After killing the warriors of the Sheng Sui Empire with just one blow, Tang Yi immediately made the powerful warriors of the major empires become trembling and fearful.

Looking at the appearance of these imperial warriors, Tang Yi smiled slightly and said: "You have also seen the fate of the Sheng Sui Empire just now! Now, you can make a bid and hand over the Mayan gems you have obtained. As long as you give a satisfactory price , I will let you go."

Everyone, you looked at me and I looked at you, but remained silent.

Tang Yi added: "There is not much time, make a decision quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Lei Ji said: "You are from our Mengyue Empire, right? As warriors from our Mengyue Empire, don't we need to hand over this Mayan gem?"


Tang Yi smiled coldly and looked at Lei Ji as if he was looking at a fool. He pointed at Ji Hongru and the two people next to him, and then pointed at the three people Sun Xiaofu and Sun Xiaofu in the distance, and said: "Except for those around me, The two of you, as well as the three people over there, everyone else will be treated equally and must pay the Mayan gem that will buy your life. Otherwise, none of you will be able to come back alive today."

Although there is a gap between Tang Yi and Sun Xiaofu, he doesn't have a good impression of Sun Xiaofu.

But the Lord of Tianshui once asked Tang Yi to help take care of the warriors of their Tianshui Kingdom.

Therefore, no matter how unhappy Tang Yi was with Sun Xiaofu and the others, he still had to take care of them.

"Do you think it's okay for you to threaten us like this?" Zhao Hexuan, the first person in the Shitang Empire, said.

"That's right, what you are doing is unkind, isn't it? Moreover, there are so many of us here, why should we give you the Mayan gem that will buy your life? There are so many of us here, are we still afraid of you?" The Beitian Empire's Yuan Zimo said.

"This friend, since you are also a warrior of our Mengyue Empire, you must be merciful and merciful. I admit that it was my fault before, but there is no need to kill all the warriors of our Mengyue Empire." Lei Ji also spoke. said.


After hearing the words of several people, Tang Yi smiled coldly and said, "Why didn't you say that threats were not good just now? Why didn't you say that you were unkind just now? Why didn't you say that you were lenient and forgiving just now? Do you know what to say now?"

After a pause, Tang Yi continued: "I don't care about you. Now I'll give you ten seconds. Anyone who doesn't take out the Mayan gem to buy his life will die!"

Tang Yi's word "death" was very strong, full of killing intent, and shocking.

"We don't need to be afraid of him. If we unite, I don't believe that he alone can be our opponent with thousands of people on the field!"

Zhao Hexuan, the first person in the Tang Empire, said.

"Yes, we don't need to be afraid of him. As long as we unite, we will definitely be able to subdue him!"

Yuan Zimo of the Beitian Empire nodded in agreement.

Lei Ji from the Mengyue Empire frowned slightly, looked at Tang Yi, and said, "We are all warriors from the Mengyue Empire. We don't look up when we look down, so we don't have to be so ruthless in everything." However, Tang Yi ignored them and was minding his own business. counting.




"Okay, if that's the case. Then don't blame me for not caring about my fellow countrymen."

Seeing that Tang Yili ignored him, the arrogant Lei Ji's eyes turned cold, and he waved his right hand and took out his weapon.

Immediately afterwards, without much words or unnecessary movements, he rushed towards Tang Yi!

Along with Lei Ji, there were dozens of warriors from the Mengyue Empire who rushed towards Tang Yi.

These warriors are all warriors from the Seed Kingdom. Their strength, looking at the many imperial warriors present, is that they are extremely powerful people.

Just like that, dozens of people rushed towards Tang Yi with fierce momentum.

Since Tang Yi didn't show mercy to them and didn't want to give them a way to survive, they didn't show mercy to Tang Yi either.

  Tang Yi just glanced at them, still counting: "5!"

I saw Tang Yi's eyes flashing with golden light again.


The magical power of the Eye of the Supreme Holy King, the divine light of destruction, is activated again.

The light flashed past, and Lei Ji and dozens of other Mengyue Empire warriors who rushed towards Tang Yi turned into ashes and disappeared.

Lei Ji, the number one warrior in the Mengyue Empire, just disappeared from this world.


The Mayan gems on their bodies fell to the ground one after another.

Tang Yi reached out and took it all in his hand.


Seeing Lei Ji and others rushing out and then disappearing, and then seeing Tang Yifeng calmly collecting the Mayan gems that fell from Lei Ji and others, everyone present took a breath.

At this time, before Tang Yi could count to four, someone suddenly took out the Mayan gems and threw them in front of Tang Yi.

At the same time, he said loudly: "Hand it over, I hand over the Mayan gems that bought my life. I handed over all the Mayan gems I got. Don't kill me!"

"Don't kill me, I'll give it all, I'll give it all!"

"As long as you don't kill me, I'll give you whatever you want!"

"I don't have many Mayan gems. I hope you can spare my life!"

In an instant, dozens of people handed over the Mayan gem and threw it in front of Tang Yi, begging Tang Yi to let it go.

Almost all of these people are warriors from the Mengyue Empire.

After all, the disappearance of Lei Ji and others just now greatly stimulated them and made them extremely frightened.

At the same time, in addition to those who were so frightened that they hurriedly handed over the Mayan gems, there were others who said nothing and fled directly into the distance. It seemed that they did not want to hand over the Mayan gems, but they were afraid of death and wanted to escape from here.

But, how could Tang Yi let these people escape?

With just a brief glance, those who wanted to escape turned into a pile of powder.

After killing those who wanted to escape and collecting their Mayan gems, Tang Yi said to the warriors who handed over the Mayan gems: "Those who have handed over the Mayan gems can leave. Those who have not handed over the Mayan gems, who dares to step out?" One step and those people will be your fate!"

(End of this chapter)

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