Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2292 The Mayan gems in my hand are much more than those on the ground

Chapter 2292 The Mayan gems in my hand are much more than those on the ground
  Hearing Tang Yi's words, the warriors who handed over the Mayan gems fled in panic without looking back, no longer wanting to stay any longer.

Those who had not handed over the Mayan gem immediately handed over the Mayan gem when they saw this scene and ran away in panic.

In an instant, half of the warriors present handed over the Mayan gems and left the scene.

As for those who haven't handed it in yet, they look hesitant at the moment.

Tang Yike ignored them and continued counting down: "3!"


"Can I know your name?" Yuan Zimo from the Beitian Empire asked.

"My name is Tang Yi!"

Tang Yi didn't shy away from it and directly informed the other party of his name.

"Tang Yi? Okay!"

Yuan Zimo of the Beitian Empire nodded, and then threw all his Mayan gems in front of Tang Yi.

The warriors of the Beitian Empire saw that even Yuan Zimo had surrendered. Immediately, they also handed over Mayan gems.

"Now I am no match for you, so I will suffer this loss, but I will come back to reclaim this place. How many Mayan gems you robbed me of, I will definitely get back double the amount!"

After saying that, Yuan Zimo turned around and left the scene.

Hearing Yuan Zimo's words, Tang Yi couldn't stop laughing.

Ask me to get double the amount back?
  Can you get it back?
  I am now supreme! what about you?
  Even if I give you a lifetime, you can't get this place back!

It seemed that in order to make Yuan Zimo give up, Tang Yi slightly revealed a hint of his own aura.

Tang Yi controlled this breath, and it didn't reveal too much or too much power. It only revealed a little bit, which was probably equivalent to the strength of the top holy god!
  And it was this breath that immediately increased the pressure in the entire audience.

"Holy... the strong Holy God! He, he is the strong Holy God!"

"I, I felt it right! This person is not the Holy Emperor, but a powerful Holy Spirit!"

"I asked him how he was so powerful! How could he kill the warriors of the Sheng Sui Empire so easily? It turns out he is a powerful Holy God!"

"A strong man from the Holy Spirit actually came to join the Imperial Road!"

"What a bully!"

"No wonder we were crushed to the point of being unable to fight back. The opponent is a powerful Holy God. It's no wonder we were able to fight back!"

"The Mayan gem was not lost unjustly. It was lost to the strong man of the Holy God. I accept it!"


The warriors present were all shocked.

Yuan Zimo, who had just turned around, felt Tang Yi's aura and heard the words of everyone present. He stagnated slightly and almost fell down.

Immediately afterwards, he left as fast as he could escape.

Shameful, so shameful.

He also found someone else to regain his position, but the other party was a powerful Holy Spirit!

How could he go to the Holy Spirit to retrieve this place?

Back at the scene, all the warriors present felt Tang Yi's aura. After knowing that Tang Yi was a Holy God-level warrior, they immediately handed over the Mayan gems without hesitation, threw them in front of Tang Yi, and then left quickly. .

Zhao Hexuan, the first person in the Shitang Empire, also gritted his teeth and handed over his Mayan gem.

"You! Stop."

But Tang Yi didn't let him go.

"Ah? Can't you just leave after handing over the Mayan gem?"

Zhao Hexuan was confused.

"Of course you can leave after handing over the Mayan gems. But the Mayan gems you handed over are not enough! Is your life worth five thousand Mayan gems?"

Tang Yi said.


Zhao Hexuan was slightly startled.

Then, he reluctantly took out fifty more top-quality Mayan gems.     “Not enough!”

Tang Yi still said.

Zhao Hexuan gritted his teeth and took out ten super-high-quality Mayan gems again.

"Let's go!"

Tang Yi finally let him go.

Zhao Hexuan left bitterly.

However, there was nothing he could do about it, he didn't dare to get angry, let alone have any dissatisfaction.

Just like that, with the departure of the first person in the Tang Dynasty Empire, not long after, all the warriors on the scene left.

And everyone has left behind more or less Mayan gems.

In the end, only Tang Yi, Ji Hongru, and Sun Xiaofu were left at the scene.

Looking at the Mayan gems left on the ground by the thousands of warriors before, Tang Yi smiled slightly and said to Ji Hongru: "Why are you still standing there? Pick them up quickly. Take these."

At the same time, Tang Yi took out all the ordinary Mayan gems he had collected before.

Ordinary, he doesn't need it.

Tang Yi's system backpack is full of Mayan gems of the highest quality and above. If you also charge ordinary ones, it will be too cheap.

So Tang Yi took out all these Mayan gems.


Ji Hongru and Mu Zhenghao were still stunned, but they came to their senses after hearing Tang Yi's words.

Ji Hongru said: "Tang Yi, give these to us?"

Mu Zhenghao was also surprised and said: "There are probably hundreds of thousands of Mayan gems here. Are these all for us?"

You know, there are a lot of Mayan gems in front of you, at least hundreds of thousands.

Among them, there are also top-quality Mayan gems and super-high-quality Mayan gems.

Tang Yi actually gave them such a resource?
  This surprised Ji Hongru and Mu Zhenghao.

At the same time, I don’t really dare to ask for it.

After all, such a resource is extremely important to everyone.

Such a resource, not to mention being able to fully satisfy the cultivation of the two of them, would be no problem even if it were used by all the warriors from several kingdoms.

If you bring such a sum of resources back, you will definitely get a huge credit, and you will definitely get a huge reward from the Purple Gold King.

And Tang Yi wants to give this resource to them?
  But you want to give such a huge credit to them?

Both of them hesitated and did not dare to accept it at all.

"Otherwise? If I don't give it to you, who will I give it to?"

Tang Yi asked rhetorically.

"But, there are hundreds of thousands of them here, too many. I dare not take them..." Ji Hongru said.

Mu Zhenghao nodded and said: "The weight is too heavy. The two of us can't bear it at all. Tang Yi, you should take it."

Hearing this, Tang Yi's face turned serious, and he pretended to be angry and said, "Just take it if I tell you to. Where did all this nonsense come from! Take it quickly!"

Seeing Tang Yi's serious look and wanting to get angry, Mu Zhenghao and Ji Hongru hurried to the place where the Mayan gems were spread to collect the Mayan gems.

Seeing the actions of the two of them, Tang Yi nodded with satisfaction and said, "That's right. Let you hold it. Just take it. You don't need to ask so many questions. And I can tell you that I have it in my hand." There are much more Mayan gems than there are on the ground, so you don’t have to bear any burden, even if you rob all the warriors on the road to the empire, there will still be no more Mayan gems than mine.”


Hearing Tang Yi's words, Ji Hongru and Mu Zhenghao were immediately shocked. Their ongoing movements could not help but pause for a second, and their hands shook slightly.

There are hundreds of thousands of Mayan gems on the ground, including top-grade Mayan gems and super-grade Mayan gems.

Tang Yi has more Mayan gems than this?
  How can this be?

How many should there be?
  The two of them couldn't imagine it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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