Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2308 The formation flag column is opened

Chapter 2308 The formation flag column is opened

[Supreme Xuanwu Ring]: Supreme level

Attributes: vitality, all attributes, defense, mental resistance.

Passive special effects: Xuanwu power, fatal protection.

Xuanwu Power: When entering a combat state, the player's defense will be greatly increased.

Deadly Protection: A tough protective shell can appear when receiving a fatal attack.

Supreme combat power index increase: 1800 points.


"The defensive ring is not bad. The supreme combat power index is 1800 points, which basically meets the requirements."

Tang Yi commented and continued to look at the next item.


[Wings of the Supreme Dragon King]: Supreme level

Attributes: Speed, all attributes, blood-sucking.

Passive special effects: Velociraptor Wings, Red Fury

Wings of the Velociraptor: When entering combat, the wings of the Supreme Dragon King will automatically unfold, allowing players to gain a certain speed increase.

Red Rage: When entering the angry state, the wings of the Supreme Dragon King will turn red, and the player will receive a certain increase in all attributes and a super high blood-sucking effect.

Supreme combat power index increase: 3000 points.


"Supreme combat power 3000 points? The cost of identification and transformation of this equipment seems to be only 15 supreme coins, right? I didn't expect that the supreme combat power index can be increased by 3000 points? Moreover, there is also a very special passive special effect 'Red Fury'. This passive special effect looks awesome! When you enter the angry state, in addition to the improvement of all attributes, you can also get a super high blood-sucking effect? ​​How high is the blood-sucking effect?"

Tang Yi was surprised.

Move on to the next piece.

[Supreme Centipede King Boots]: Supreme level

Attributes: defense, movement speed, blood volume.

Passive special effects: Hundred-foot power, escape from combat, ground movement.

Power of a hundred feet: When entering combat, you can gain a certain movement speed.

Out of combat: After leaving combat, you can gain super high movement speed.

Earth Travel: Ignores terrain restrictions and can travel freely underground.

Supreme combat power index increase: 2400 points.


"Out of combat? Can you gain super high movement speed when out of combat? Walk on the ground, ignore terrain restrictions, and travel freely underground? No wonder the hundred-legged monster escaped so fast! Moreover, it can also travel directly underground. It turns out that So! It turns out that its centipedes have such an effect!"

"What's even more surprising is that this piece of equipment also has a supreme combat power index of 2400 points!"

Tang Yi was very satisfied with the Supreme Centipede King Boots.

Whether it was the supreme combat power index or the passive special effects, they all met his expectations.

In general, none of these four pieces of equipment was of inferior quality, and all met Tang Yi's expectations.

Although there are basically no active skills, Tang Yi would rather not have active skills.

After all, if there are too many active skills, although there will be more methods, it will also make Tang Yi dazzled and he will not know what skills to use when facing the enemy.

Tang Yi's armor had active skills at the beginning, but he had never used most of them.

Hardly touched.

So at this moment, the armor has no active skills, which is great.

It also saves trouble.

After equipping all four pieces of armor on the equipment slot, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index increased by another 9600 points in an instant!
  At this moment, his supreme combat power index has increased from 100696 points to 110296 points! !

Tang Yi also felt that he was getting stronger! !
  In the past, this feeling could only be felt after leveling up, but now, Tang Yi felt this way after equipping a few pieces of equipment.

This made Tang Yi very curious. After appraising and transforming two martial arts and four pieces of armor, Tang Yi consumed a total of one hundred and twenty Supreme Coins, excluding the ten Supreme Coins he obtained from selling the Eight-Winged Human-Faced Griffin Mask. Tang Yi transformed this time, A total of one hundred and ten supreme coins were consumed.

Now, he still has one thousand three hundred and ninety-one supreme coins.

"In the system backpack, I still have two formation flags of unknown levels, and now I still have one thousand three hundred and ninety-one supreme coins. I think it should be enough to transform and identify the formation flags. Why don't I give these two formation flags to them as well?" Transformed.”

Thinking of this, Tang Yi entered the system backpack again and transformed the last two unknown-level items.

"Ding, 30 supreme coins have been consumed, and the unknown level formation flag Five Elements Palace Heavenly Formation has been successfully identified and transformed. The Supreme Level Formation Flag and Five Elements Palace Heavenly Formation have been obtained."

"Ding, 10 Supreme Coins were consumed, and the unknown level formation flag was successfully identified and transformed into the True Flag. The Supreme Level Formation Flag, the True Flag, was obtained."


After consuming forty supreme coins and obtaining two formation flags, Tang Yi immediately opened the attribute panel of the formation flags.

[Five Elements Heavenly Palace Formation]: Supreme Formation

Attributes: Based on the Five Elements, using the Heavenly Palace as a prison, it can trap powerful enemies. Once a large formation is set up, even if it has three heads and six arms, it will not be able to break through the formation for a while.

Supreme combat power index increase: 4000 points.


"4000 points of supreme combat power index?"

Tang Yi was shocked.

When transforming and appraising this formation flag, Tang Yi had no expectations. He just felt that he had no formation flags to use, and there were still a lot of supreme coins left, so he transformed it and gave it a try.

But I didn't expect that this formation flag would directly increase the supreme combat power index by 4000 points?
  So strong?
  No need to use it, just equip it, and it will directly increase the supreme combat power index by 4000 points?
  What an unexpected surprise!
  Continue to the next page.

[Flag of Truth]: Supreme Formation Flag

Attributes: After placing this formation flag, all invisible units will be invisible within a range of 5000 meters. Players can obtain the locations of all enemy targets in their minds. (Able to detect invisible units no higher than player level 30)

Supreme combat power index increase: 1000 points.


"The Supreme Combat Power Index of the Flag of Truth does not increase as much as the Five Elements Tiangong Formation. However! It can actually resist invisibility. This is an anti-invisibility formation flag!"

"Not bad!"

Tang Yi was shocked again when he saw the properties of the Flag of Truth, and then showed a satisfied look.

Although the increase in the Supreme Combat Power Index of the Flag of Truth is not high, the effect is excellent!
  You know, Tang Yi has no anti-invisibility means.

If you want to de-hidden, you have to buy one-time consumables in the system store.

For example, the last time he encountered the Shadowless Wind Bug, he had to buy real gems in the system store.

The real gem is only a one-time consumption item and can only detect invisible units of a similar level to Tang Yi.

If the level of the monster is higher than Tang Yi, then the real gem cannot be detected at all.

Therefore, facing an invisible enemy, Tang Yi's methods were very limited and he could easily fall into a disadvantageous situation.

But it is different now.

He received the Flag of Truth!

With this flag, you don’t have to worry if you encounter invisible units in the future!

As long as he doesn't exceed level 30, Tang Yi can use this formation flag to illuminate it so that nothing can be hidden!

What a good thing!

As soon as the two formation flags were identified, Tang Yi immediately equipped them.

In an instant, his supreme combat power index increased again, from 110296 points to 115296 points.

After equipping two formation flags, Tang Yi also discovered that there were restrictions on equipping formation flags. Tang Yi could only equip three formation flags at most.

But now he has equipped two sides. In other words, Tang Yi can only equip one side at most, and then he can no longer equip it.

If he gets a formation flag with better and more powerful attributes, he will have to replace the original formation flag.

Only in this way can the formation flag be used and the supreme combat power index increase of the formation flag be obtained.

(End of this chapter)

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