Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2309 The Empire’s Martial Arts

Chapter 2309 The Empire’s Martial Arts
  Just as Tang Yi was sorting out his harvest and constantly transforming equipment, the outside world and major empires were in turmoil.

Northern Empire.

"What? You said you had zero harvest this time? More than 300 people went in, and not even fifty came back, not even a harvest? Please explain why this is! Who can tell me?"

The Northern Emperor roared angrily at the warriors of the Northern Empire who came back from the Imperial Road.

However, the returning warriors remained silent, lowered their heads, and said nothing.

"Can't anyone explain it? If I don't get your explanation, then your kingdoms will no longer want this year's resource ration. Also, don't want it for the next three years!"

The Northern Emperor said coldly.

Hearing the words of the Beitian Emperor, everyone present was slightly startled.

Immediately afterwards, these returning warriors all looked at Yuan Zimo, the first person in the Beitian Empire.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Yuan Zimo could only bite the bullet and said: "Emperor, this time our skills are inferior to others! We are defeated, and defeated!"

The Emperor of Beitian looked gloomy and asked in a cold voice: "What is going on?"

"All our warriors in Beitian were robbed by a warrior named Tang Yi from the Mengyue Empire. Moreover, most of our warriors in Beitian were also killed by him."

Yuan Zimo said.

"Being robbed by warriors from the Mengyue Empire? Most of the warriors were killed by him? You'd better explain it to me!"

The Emperor of Beitian's face became even more gloomy, as if Yuan Zimo could not explain clearly, the Emperor of Beitian would kill him.

Yuan Zimo trembled and immediately told everything that happened on the road to the empire.

From when they discovered the divine light to when they arrived at the scene of the incident and met Tang Yi.

Then they collectively forced Tang Yi to hand over the treasure, but Tang Yi counterattacked and thousands of warriors were robbed of Mayan gems.

Yuan Zimo told everything exactly.

Hearing Yuan Zimo's words, the Northern Emperor frowned and said, "That Tang Yi, is he really that powerful?"

Yuan Zimo nodded and said: "Yes, Emperor! That Tang Yi is really powerful. There were thousands of us present at the time, and we were no match for him. Even the Sheng Sui Empire was wiped out by him easily."

"Yes, Emperor, that person is really awesome. It really has nothing to do with us getting zero results this time."

"Emperor, we are helpless. Who wants to return to the empire in such a mess! Who doesn't want to come back in glory?"

"Lord Emperor, it is already a very lucky thing to be able to return to the empire! We were almost like the Sheng Sui Empire and could not come back."


The warriors from the kingdom of Beitian Empire all echoed, looking very aggrieved and helpless.


The Emperor of Beitian snorted coldly and thought to himself, when I asked, why didn't you tell me? Sold out now?

And this cold snort immediately made everyone shrink their necks in fright.

After thinking for a moment, the Northern Emperor said to Yuan Zimo: "Come with me!"

"Emperor? Where to go?"

Yuan Zimo was confused.

"Go and see how strong that Tang Yi you are talking about is!"

The Northern Emperor said.

…    Like what happened in the Beitian Empire, it also happened in the Shitang Empire, Lanyi Empire and Shengsui Empire.

The emperors of every empire were very shocked and very angry at the outcome of this imperial journey.

At the same time, they all decided to go to the Mengyue Empire to see how powerful the person who caused the major empires' zero achievements was!
  The Sheng Sui Empire went even further. Seeing that none of the warriors from the major kingdoms had returned, the emperor of the Sheng Sui Empire immediately used various channels to inquire about the situation on the road to the empire. When he learned that the warriors of their Sheng Sui Empire had After the failure to come back was caused by the warriors of the Meng Yue Empire, the emperor of the Sheng Sui Empire suddenly became furious.

Except for leaving a few strong men to stay behind, the emperor of the Sheng Sui Empire brought many strong men with him and headed to the Mengyue Empire aggressively!
  Apparently, he went to find the Mengyue Empire, or to find trouble with Tang Yi.

Of course, after all, Tang Yi killed all the warriors from the Sheng Sui Empire who participated in the Imperial Road. It is strange that the Sheng Sui Empire did not get angry or cause trouble to Tang Yi.


After Tang Yi checked the harvest and sorted out the system backpack, he immediately went to Tianmeng Palace.

Tianmeng Palace is the meeting hall of Mengyue Empire, the third largest hall in Mengyue Palace.

Arriving at Tianmeng Palace, Emperor Mengyue was already waiting there.

In addition to Emperor Mengyue, there were several young men and women, as well as some old faces.

Holy God Junrong, who had competed with Tang Yi before, was also there.

"I, Tang Yi, have met the emperor."

Tang Yi bowed slightly, neither humble nor arrogant, to show courtesy.

"Tang Yi, you're here! I didn't expect that our Mengyue would actually have such a pillar of talent like you. However, I didn't even notice it before! This is really my negligence."

Emperor Mengyue said.

"The emperor is ridiculous. I wonder why the emperor kept me here?"

Tang Yi said modestly and then asked, very directly.

If someone else had asked Emperor Mengyue so directly, he would have been kicked out of the hall by Emperor Mengyue.

But now, Emperor Mengyue will not do this.

Neither Emperor Mengyue nor anyone else in the hall cared about Tang Yi's attitude.

Seeing that Tang Yi spoke frankly, Emperor Mengyue did not hesitate and said directly: "That's it, Tang Yi, the reason why I keep you here is because I want to ask you a favor."

"Please ask me a favor?" Tang Yi looked at Emperor Mengyue.

"That's right, we would like to ask you to take our place, Meng Yue, and participate in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition in seven days."

Emperor Mengyue said.

"The empire debates martial arts?"

Tang Yi showed a confused look.

Seemingly seeing the doubt in Tang Yi's eyes, Emperor Mengyue smiled slightly, and did not immediately explain, but asked: "Tang Yi, do you know anything about the world outside the empire?"

"The world outside the Empire?"

Tang Yi thought for a while and replied: "I don't know much about the world outside the empire. I only know that the world we are in is called the Tianmu Realm, and there are thirty-six empires in the Tianmu Realm. Our Mengyue Empire , just one of them.”

"Oh? You actually know about the Tianmu Realm? You actually know that our Mengyue Empire is just one of the thirty-six great empires?"

Emperor Mengyue was slightly surprised, then nodded and said: "Yes, that's right, the world we are in is called the Tianmu Realm, and our Mengyue Empire is one of the thirty-six great empires in the Tianmu Realm!

This time Emperor Meng Yue did not show off and said directly: "In the eyes of many people, the territory of an empire is very vast and huge, and it is like a behemoth. But in the eyes of some people, the empire is just a holy thing. In the Martial Continent, there is an extremely tiny existence. Outside the empire, there is a broader world, such as the 'world'."

(End of this chapter)

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