Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2310 Replace Meng Yue in the imperial military debate?

Chapter 2310 Replace Meng Yue in the imperial military debate?

"The Tianmu Realm is just one of many 'realms'. Our Tianmu Realm alone includes thirty-six major empires. You can imagine how big the outside world is!"

"In fact, I don't know much about the outside world. I only know that it is very big outside. I only know that there is a wider world above the world. How big is it specifically and what is the wider world? This is what I know. I no longer know."

"Of course, this is not important. What I want to say is that this Imperial Martial Arts Competition is a grand event hosted by the King of the Tenmaku Realm himself. If it can win in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition, then the winning empire can gain unimaginable rewards. The benefits! It can make the empire’s strength even further, so we would like to ask you to participate in the imperial martial arts competition on our behalf, Meng Yue!”

Emperor Mengyue said slowly.

"Is there a wider world above the realm? Is the Imperial Martial Arts Competition a grand event held by the realm king?"

Tang Yi is still a little confused. He has been in this world for so long, but some things are still unheard of.

Beyond the Tianmu Realm, there are other realms.

And above the world, is there a broader world?

What’s even more puzzling is, the king of the sky world?

What kind of existence is the King of Kai? ?

Seeing the confusion in Tang Yi's eyes, Emperor Mengyue knew that Tang Yi didn't seem to know much, and immediately explained again: "It's like this. Every realm has a realm king! The realm king is the one who rules the entire realm. A powerful existence. You can also understand it as the most powerful existence in the world. For example, in our Tianmu world, the king of the world who leads our thirty-six empires is named King Tianmu. He is the most powerful person in our Tianmu world. It exists to manage everything and everyone in our Tianmu Realm, and at the same time protects the Tianmu Realm from infringement by other realms."

"In other words, the King of Kai in our Tianmu Realm has the same status as the Emperor in the Mengyue Empire, right? The only difference is that the Emperor is not the most powerful existence in Mengyue, and the Kai The king is the strongest person in the entire Tianmu Realm."

Tang Yi said.

Emperor Mengyue nodded, pleased with Tang Yi's intelligence, and said, "Yes, that's right! The Imperial Martial Arts Competition is a grand martial arts event hosted by the King of the Realm himself!"

"Well, I basically understand. But Emperor, we Meng Yue should have quite a few strong men, right? Why did you let me take Meng Yue's place to participate in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition? Is it just because I defeated the Holy God Junrong? It shouldn't be Right? Although Holy God Junrong is strong, he is probably not the most powerful being in Mengyue. You can definitely send a more reliable and powerful being to participate in the imperial martial arts debate." Tang Yi asked.

Hearing this, Holy God Junrong on the side was slightly startled, and then smiled bitterly, looking embarrassed. He had no idea that he would be shot even while lying down!
  "You are right. Holy God Junrong is indeed not the strongest being in our Mengyue. There are even stronger beings in our Mengyue, but they are not suitable to participate in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition!"

Emperor Mengyue said.


Tang Yi was puzzled. I can't think of any reason why Emperor Mengyue asked me to participate in the imperial martial arts competition.

"Because they are old and can no longer represent the image of the empire. At the same time, after you appeared, they are no longer the strongest existence in the empire!" Emperor Mengyue said.


Tang Yi glanced at Emperor Mengyue, but he didn't expect Emperor Mengyue to say this.

When Emperor Mengyue said this, doesn't it mean that after Tang Yi appeared, the strongest being in the empire became Tang Yi?
  How could Tang Yi not hear what Emperor Mengyue meant?
  "The emperor has quite a lot of confidence in me." Tang Yi said. "certainly."

Emperor Mengyue nodded and said bluntly: "I think your appearance has given us hope in the empire's martial arts debate! I'm afraid your strength has already surpassed anyone in our Mengyue! Even our Mengyue The strongest existence should not be your opponent. That’s why I ask you to participate in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition on behalf of our Mengyue Empire!"

Tang Yi said nothing.

He was not thinking at the moment, but waiting.

As for what to wait for.

of course?

Of course it’s a mission!

The mission hasn't come yet, so Tang Yi is not in a hurry to agree to Emperor Mengyue.

Seeing that Tang Yi didn't speak, Emperor Mengyue thought that Tang Yi was hesitating, and immediately added: "To be honest, we, Mengyue, had already selected the candidates we sent to participate in the imperial martial arts debate, that is, because of watching. We arrived at Tang Yi, so we changed our decision temporarily and wanted to ask you to participate. Of course, it is not without benefits to participate in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition on behalf of our Meng Yue. In addition to the huge benefits that the King of Kai will give us, our Meng Yue The empire will also give you the benefits you want!"

Speaking of this, Emperor Meng Yue thought for a moment, and then said: "Let's do this, as long as you agree to participate in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition on behalf of our Meng Yue, then our Meng Yue's treasure house can be opened for you unconditionally, as long as you can You can take away whatever you like. Even if you empty out the treasure house, we Mengyue will never say a word! In addition, in addition to the treasure house for you to choose from, we Mengyue can also promise you three things! As long as we can do it, we can do it for you unconditionally! Even if it is my position! I can give it up!"

It must be said that the conditions offered by Emperor Mengyue are very generous!
  It can even be said to be unimaginable!
  Whether it is choosing a treasure house at will, asking the entire Mengyue Empire to do three things, or giving up the position of emperor, it can make people's hearts beat faster, be more shocked, and more excited.

But Tang Yi didn't feel anything about it, neither excited nor jealous.

It seems that Mengyue's treasure house, the three conditions, and the throne are just sesame seeds and mung beans in his opinion, not worth mentioning, and he doesn't care at all.

Seeing that Tang Yi still didn't speak, Emperor Mengyue thought that Tang Yi was not satisfied with the conditions he had offered, and immediately asked nervously: "What? Tang Yi? Are you dissatisfied with anything about the reward? Not satisfied? You can ask for it! Whatever you want, you can ask for it! As long as I can do it, I will do it for you!"

The Imperial Martial Arts Contest is obviously extremely important. Otherwise, Emperor Mengyue would not have offered such conditions, let alone give up the throne for the Imperial Martial Arts Contest!
  Even seeing that Tang Yi didn't speak, he even said that he could ask for anything he wanted.

Seeing that Emperor Mengyue was so sincere, although Tang Yi was not moved by these conditions, he was slightly shaken and even wanted to agree.

However, since the mission has not yet appeared, he cannot agree to Emperor Mengyue at this moment.

If you agree rashly and have no tasks afterwards, your work will be in vain.

Or if other tasks appear, that would be bad.

So he had to wait and wait for the task to appear before making a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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