Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2314 Supreme Material

Chapter 2314 Supreme Material

"In other words, Tang Yi probably killed the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle? That old guy is a top-level holy beast. After fighting with me for a hundred years, its strength is not even half weaker than mine, and it is even faintly stronger. Be stronger! Unexpectedly, he actually fell here to Tang Yi. From this point of view, Tang Yi's strength, which can kill the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, has indeed surpassed the level of the Holy God, and even exceeded the Supreme! This year, maybe Relying on Tang Yi, we, Meng Yue, really have hope of returning to the Realm of the World!"

Mengyue Patriarch Xia Hongjian was slightly startled at first, and then his eyes lit up, full of anticipation.

"God bless Mengyue!"

Emperor Mengyue sighed.

"God bless Mengyue!"

Everyone agreed.

The eyes of the two princesses once again shone with brilliance.

Although it was rejected before, but!
  It's just a rejection once. Being rejected doesn't mean it's impossible.

If you work harder and take more initiative, who knows what the final result will be!

If you want to capture a man's heart, doesn't it mean taking the initiative?


Tang Yi and the people who led the way came to Mengyue Treasure House.

There are two Mengyue Treasure Houses, one is a national treasure house and the other is a treasure house.

The national treasury only stores general items, such as Mayan gems, some mid-grade holy-level weapons and equipment, techniques, and the like.

Items in the national treasury are generally awarded to warriors with potential, or to warriors who have achieved good results on the road to the empire.

But Mengyue Treasure House is not like that.

The items stored inside are all exquisite products.

Only Mengyue's senior leaders, or those with strong Holy Spirits, are qualified to enter.

What Tang Yi came to at this moment was Mengyue Treasure House.

"Sir, here we are, my subordinates have already opened the treasure house for you, you can just go in. My subordinates have a humble position and are not qualified to enter, so I won't let you in for free."

The person who brought Tang Yilai said.


Tang Yi nodded and walked into the treasure house.

Entering the treasure house, Tang Yi looked at the treasure house slightly.

Like other treasure houses, Meng Yue's treasure house also has items classified.

Weapons, armor, martial arts, elixirs, materials, special items, etc. are divided into rooms.

It's just that the room in Mengyue Treasure House is larger, wider, and looks magnificent.

After Tang Yi entered the Mengyue Treasure House, he did not enter the weapons and equipment room, nor the martial arts room, nor the elixir room, but directly entered the materials room.

After all, Tang Yi now has no shortage of weapons and equipment, let alone equipment below the supreme level.

Although the Mengyue Treasure House contains the treasures of the Mengyue Royal Family for countless years, they are all the best among the best.

However, there are no supreme-level items!

Therefore, when Tang Yi entered Meng Yue's treasure house this time, his target was not on these items.

At this moment, when he entered the treasure house, the items he was looking for were not weapons and equipment, nor martial arts, but special materials!

Now, Tang Yi has collected eighty kinds of special materials, which is not far from his goal of collecting a hundred kinds of materials.

As long as he collects twenty more special materials, Tang Yi can carry out the forging plan.

Use a hundred kinds of materials to forge a unique piece of equipment!

Use one hundred special materials
  Tang Yi walked into the room where materials were stored in Mengyue Treasure House, and glanced at each material. It is true that Tang Yi needs materials, but not every material is needed.

The materials he needs must be special, top quality, or super top quality.

In short, there are certain requirements for quality.

Therefore, he must make all kinds of choices!
  However, such materials are not difficult to select.

As long as his eyes glance over, some distinctive materials containing energy can enter Tang Yi's field of vision and be sensed by Tang Yi.

Therefore, Tang Yi found six special materials within a short time.

And we also found three top-grade special materials, as well as one super-top-grade special material!

All of a sudden, Tang Yi obtained nine special materials!
  The number of special materials he possesses reaches eighty-nine!

Tang Yi didn't expect such an unexpected surprise. Nine kinds of special materials could be found in Mengyue Treasure House.

Originally, when Tang Yi thought about it, entering Mengyue's treasure house and being able to find one or two materials was already very good.

And just when Tang Yi had collected the nine special materials and was about to leave, suddenly, a weak energy came over.


Feeling this weak energy, Tang Yi was stunned for a moment, and then walked towards the location where the energy was emitted.

Suddenly, I discovered that the thing emitting a faint energy was a gray-black curved... wood?
  Yes, a winding piece of gray-black wood as thick as a finger.

Tang Yi threw it away with a Sky Eye Technique and immediately got the information about this gray-black wood.

[Black Scale Wood]: Supreme grade material.

Attributes: This item can be used for forging or inlaying. If you use this item to forge or inlay, the defense, toughness, all-attribute resistance, damage reduction, damage immunity and other attributes of the forged or inlayed item will be greatly improved. .

Supreme attribute: Use this item for forging or inlaying, and the forged or inlayed item will gain the energy-devouring attribute.

Energy Devouring: Able to swallow a certain amount of energy for conversion and use.


"Supreme grade material?"

"Supreme attribute? Energy swallowing?"

Seeing the attributes of the black scale wood, Tang Yi was slightly startled. He never expected that this item that exuded a weak energy breath was actually a supreme grade material!

After knowing that it was a supreme grade material, Tang Yi was extremely happy and quickly picked up the black scale wood, then unlocked it and put it in the system backpack!
  However, what surprised Tang Yi was that it actually cost twenty supreme coins to pick it up and unlock it!
  The pickup and unlocking fees are very high!

Compared with the total nine materials Tang Yi picked up and unlocked before, it was much higher!
  Previously, Tang Yi picked up and unlocked nine special materials, which only cost nine Supreme Coins.

Equivalent to a special material and a Supreme Coin!

This price is still an overflow price.

The nine special materials obviously cannot reach the price of one Supreme Coin, but the system has to charge a compulsory fee, so each material is forced to charge one Supreme Coin.

And this supreme grade material, black scale wood, actually required a high price of twenty supreme coins to be picked up and unlocked...

Of course, although the price was high, Tang Yi did not hesitate.

After all, spending twenty supreme coins to obtain a supreme grade material is still very low value in Tang Yi's opinion.

In this way, together with black scale wood, Tang Yi obtained a total of ten special materials in the material room of Mengyue Treasure House.

This brings the number of special materials he has accumulated to ninety!

There are only ten types left to reach one hundred!

The Hundred Materials Forging Plan is not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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