Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2315 Go to the Courage Tavern to hand in the task

Chapter 2315 Go to the Courage Tavern to hand in the task

In order to prevent missing any treasures, even though Tang Yi had no interest in the weapons and equipment in Mengyue's treasure house, he finally took a look and strolled around.

After browsing every room and making sure that there was nothing special or worth buying, Tang Yi left the treasure house.

"Sir, have you finished choosing?"

Seeing Tang Yi come out of the treasure house, the waiter who led Tang Yi to the treasure house asked.


Tang Yi nodded and said, "I still have some things to do, so I'll leave first."

"Sir, walk slowly."

The waiter said respectfully.

After leaving the treasure house, Tang Yi left Mengyue Imperial City, and then left Mengyue Capital directly.

The reason why Tang Yi left was not because he wanted to skip the imperial military debate task, but because he still had a task that he had not yet handed in.

He had promised the Courage Tavern to help them obtain the Dream Moon Beast King's unicorn. Now the unicorn is still on Tang Yi's body, but he hasn't handed in the mission yet.

After leaving the capital of Mengyue Kingdom, Tang Yi summoned the Xitong warship.

No, it should be called the Supreme Warship now.

After the Xitong warship was transformed into the supreme warship, Tang Yi had not used it yet.

Now, Tang Yi wants to try to see what kind of changes this supreme warship has undergone.

Summoning the Supreme Warship in the wilderness outside the Mengyue Kingdom, Tang Yi immediately discovered that the appearance of the Supreme Warship had undergone tremendous changes.

The hull is smoother and the volume is larger.

Originally Tang Yi's Xitong warship was only about a hundred meters long, but now, after being transformed into a supreme warship, it has reached a thousand meters in size and looks very huge.

The originally golden hull also changed, turning into black and white, with some gray lines in it.

Although the current Supreme Warship is not as dazzling as the Western United Warship, it is a bit softer and more textured.

Looking at the new supreme warship, Tang Yi was very satisfied.

When you board the warship, if you think about it, the warship will move according to your heart.


Soared to the sky.

You won’t know if you don’t try it. You’ll be shocked if you try it.

The speed of the Supreme Warship has at least increased several times compared to before the transformation, becoming extremely fast!
  Originally, it would take at least half a day to take the Western United Warship from the capital of Mengyue Kingdom to Moon Realm City.

However, now, after switching to the Supreme Warship, it only takes a moment.

Extremely fast!

Tang Yi was even more satisfied with the Supreme Warship with such speed.

Finding an uninhabited spot on the outskirts of Yuejing City, Tang Yi stopped a little early, put away the Supreme Warship, and walked towards Yuejing City.

Not long after, Tang Yi entered Moon Realm City and went straight to the Courage Tavern.

As soon as he entered the Courage Tavern, a gaze glanced at Tang Yi.

"Guest, guest, it's you! Are you back from Mengyue Forest?" Tian Jiu, the bartender of Courage Tavern, looked at Tang Yidao excitedly.

Tang Yi nodded, walked to the bar, sat down, and said, "Yes, I'm back from Mengyue Forest."

"then you……"

Bartender Tian Jiu seemed very excited and couldn't speak clearly for a moment.

"Aren't you going to make me a drink?" Tang Yi said with a smile.

"Um. Okay, look at me, I'm just enjoying myself." As he said that, the bartender performed a gorgeous operation and made a red and blue cocktail.

"This is another signature cocktail of our Courage Tavern, called Burgundy and Sky Blue. It is also made with many precious materials. Drinking this cocktail can provide you with many unimaginable effects."

Bartender Tian Jiu introduced to Tang Yi.


Tang Yi picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and then drank it all in one gulp.

This wine is not spicy, slightly bitter, but bitter yet sweet, and full of a warm feeling.

In short, Tang Yi felt very comfortable after drinking this glass of wine.

It is not that there are no customers in the Courage Tavern. There are also several guests drinking in the Courage Tavern at this moment.

However, these guests are not qualified to sit at the bar, or even sit at the bar.

They could only stand on the square table in the tavern and enjoy the wine while standing.

These guests who were standing drinking were surprised when they saw an extremely young man entering the Courage Tavern and sitting on the bar. He even got the bartender to mix drinks himself. They all speculated about Tang Yi's identity. What is the identity.

But Tang Yi and bartender Tian Jiu didn't care about this and allowed these people to discuss and speculate.

After Tang Yi drank a glass of red and sky blue wine, he waved his right hand and took out a golden horn.
  Seeing this golden horn, bartender Tian Jiu's eyes widened, and his face was full of excitement: "This... is this the horn of the Mengyue Beast King?"

After looking at Dujiao carefully for a few times, the bartender raised his head again and looked at Tang Yi, as if he wanted to get Tang Yi's confirmation.

"Yes, this is the unicorn of the Mengyue Beast King!" Tang Yi nodded and confirmed.

"You actually did it, you actually brought back the Mengyue Beast King's horn!"

Bartender Tian Jiu said excitedly.

"The unicorn of the Dream Moon Beast King? That person brought back the unicorn of the Dream Moon Beast King?"

"Isn't it possible? The Dream Moon Beast King is the king of the Dream Moon Forest and is unparalleled in strength. How is it possible that someone can obtain the horn from it?"

"Yes, unless the Dream Moon Beast King is killed, it is impossible to obtain the unicorn. And it is extremely difficult to kill the Dream Moon Beast King."

"It is indeed very difficult to kill the Dream Moon Beast King. Let's not talk about how powerful the Dream Moon Beast King is. Let's just say that the Dream Moon Lake where the Dream Moon Beast King is located is not accessible to ordinary people. There are more than Mengyue Beast King's ten generals, and even a large number of Holy Emperors and Holy God-level monsters. It is not an exaggeration to call a place like this a forbidden place of death. How could anyone enter such a place and escape from such a place? How about hunting down their king and getting their king’s horn? This is simply impossible!”

"Coupled with the strength of Mengyue Beast King and his top holy beast, it would be even more impossible to achieve such a thing."

"The horn this man took out must be fake!"

"I think it's fake too!"

"I think so!"

"It's absolutely impossible for this to be true anyway!"


People in the tavern were talking a lot.

Tang Yi ignored their comments at all.

Bartender Tian Jiu didn't take their words to heart.

Is it true or false, doesn’t he still know?
  Does anyone else need to tell you?

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Tian Jiu thought for a moment and said to Tang Yi: "Guest, please wait for me. I will be back soon."


Tang Yi didn't say anything, just sat at the bar drinking.

Tian Jiu got Tang Yi's tacit approval and immediately asked other bartenders in the tavern to serve Tang Yi, and then left the tavern.

(End of this chapter)

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