Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2317 Completed the mission with strength

Chapter 2317 Completed the mission with strength
  Facing the sneers from everyone in the tavern, Tang Yi remained calm and composed, drinking his own wine and eating his own delicious food.

Looking at Tang Yi's appearance, Xi Shasha said with some uncertainty: "Tang Yi, are you telling the truth? Did you really kill the Mengyue Beast King?"

"Of course. I don't need to lie to you about this." Tang Yi replied without raising his head.

Seeing Tang Yi's completely unconcerned look, Xi Shasha was still unsure whether what Tang Yi said was true or false.

However, regardless of whether it is true or false, since the other party has completed her task, she must also fulfill her promise.

However, just when Xi Shasha was about to fulfill her promise and give Tang Yi the reward he deserved, a warrior hurriedly entered the tavern.

As soon as he entered the tavern, the warrior said to the two warriors gathered around a square table: "Old Fang, Old Yao, are you still drinking here? Something big has happened!"

"It turns out to be Lao Wu, something big happened? What big thing happened?"

"Lao Wu, I'm not telling you, even if something big happens, what does it have to do with us little minions? What are you doing in a hurry? Are you in a hurry to eat melon? Even if you eat melon, there is no need to be in a hurry."

The warrior known as Lao Fang Lao Yao didn't take it seriously and continued to drink.

"What a big deal!"

"The Mengyue Beast King has fallen! The entire Mengyue Forest has been slaughtered! Now, everyone is going crazy to the Mengyue Forest to find the treasures of heaven and earth!"

The warrior named Lao Wu said in an astonishing way.


"Did the Mengyue Beast King really fall?"

"The Mengyue Forest was slaughtered?"


Hearing the news, not only the warrior known as Lao Fang Lao Yao was shocked, but everyone in the tavern was shocked. Everyone stared at the warrior named Lao Wu with wide eyes.

"Lao Wu, don't make random jokes. This joke is not funny."

"Yes, this kind of thing cannot be joked about. Moreover, the Mengyue Beast King is a top holy god-level monster. How can it be killed so easily? And do you know how many monsters there are in Mengyue Forest? How can it be slaughtered all? ?”

Lao Fang and Lao Yao didn't believe it.

"I almost believed it."

"I guess he heard our conversation just now, so he came in and played such a joke on us."

"It's probably the fake news that came out in order to cooperate with the young man sitting at the bar."

"The Meng Yue Beast King has fallen, and the Meng Yue Forest has been slaughtered. Such fantastic news, no matter what, I don't believe it."

"Everyone is crazy. I think he is the one who is crazy."


The warriors in the tavern also said this.

It seemed that because no one believed his words, the warrior named Lao Wu suddenly became anxious.

"How is it impossible? Everything I said is true. Everyone is going crazy outside now! If you don't believe it, you can go out and take a look."

However, everyone still didn't believe it.

At this moment, another warrior rushed into the tavern furiously.

As soon as he entered the tavern, the warrior said to the three warriors at the other table: "Lao Li, Lao Ma, Lao Qian, why are you still here? Hurry, let's go to Mengyue Forest! If we are later, it will be too late. Got it!"

"What's wrong? What happened? Why are you going to Mengyue Forest?"

"Why are you in such a hurry? Why would it be too late if you were later?"

"You don't want to say that the Mengyue Beast King has fallen and all the monster beasts in the Mengyue Forest have been slaughtered. Let's go to the Mengyue Forest to pick up the leaks, right?"

Lao Li, Lao Ma and Lao Qian said. "How do you know? That's it! The Mengyue Beast King has fallen, and all the monster beasts in the Mengyue Forest have been slaughtered. Now, there is no threat to the Mengyue Forest at all. People in the city are going crazy, and they are all going crazy. We are going to Mengyue Forest to find treasures of heaven and earth! We have to hurry up now, if we are later, it will be too late!"

The warrior said.


"Is this true?"

"My goodness!"

Lao Li, Lao Ma, and Lao Qian were shocked.

At the same time, the three of them inadvertently looked at the young man sitting on the bar and drinking!

None of the three people expected that what this young man said was actually true!
  The Mengyue Beast King really fell, and all the monster beasts in the Mengyue Forest were slaughtered...

Plus the unicorn of the Dream Moon Beast King that this young man took out...


Could this really be the fault of the young man sitting at the bar?

The three of them were surprised.

At this time, the voice of the warrior from before came, "What are you still doing? Hurry up and leave! If it's too late, we won't even be able to pick up the hair, let alone the treasures of heaven and earth!"


"oh oh!"

"Let's go!"

Hearing this, Lao Li, Lao Ma, and Lao Qian no longer thought about it. They paid for their drinks, followed the warrior and hurriedly left the Courage Tavern.

Seeing this scene, Lao Wu, who had come to report the news before, but no one believed it, suddenly said at this moment: "Look, what I said! I didn't lie to you! The Mengyue Beast King has really fallen, and the Mengyue Forest's All the monsters have been slaughtered, and now Mengyue Forest has become an ownerless treasure land, and everyone is going crazy looking for the treasure!"

"It's actually true!"

"The Mengyue Beast King actually fell!"

Lao Wu's friends, Lao Fang and Lao Yao were surprised.

If it was said that only Lao Wu came in to report, Lao Fang and Lao Yao still thought it was a joke and did not believe it.

So when the second warrior came in to report the news, no matter how dreamy they felt, they believed it at this moment.

After all, when you lie or make a joke, you can't have other people joining in on the fun, right?
  It's impossible, the other group of people are also lying, right?

If one person says it may be false, then two people say it is probably true!

Therefore, Lao Fang and Lao Yao believed it.

And when they heard such news, they were extremely shocked.

Not only Lao Fang and Lao Yao, but everyone drinking in the tavern also believed it and were all shocked.

Everyone's faces were filled with incredible looks.

At the same time, everyone's eyes were turned to the young man who was calmly drinking at the bar!

Everyone present did not expect that what the young man at the bar said was actually true, that the Mengyue Beast King was actually killed, and that the monster beasts in Mengyue Forest were actually slaughtered.

Since what happened is true, the young man sitting at the bar got the unicorn of the Dream Moon Beast King again.

So that means...

It was this young man who killed the Mengyue Beast King and slaughtered the entire Mengyue Forest!

Thinking of this possibility, everyone couldn't help but take a breath!
  At this time, they suddenly realized, no wonder, no wonder this young man brought back the unicorn of the Mengyue Beast King!
  It turns out that he really accomplished this task not by any other means, but by his strength!
  (End of this chapter)

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