Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2318 Sealing God Training Box

Chapter 2318 Sealing God Training Box

At the same time, everyone in the tavern was also very surprised. How old was the young man sitting at the bar? He actually had the ability to kill the Dream Moon Beast King? Actually have the ability to slaughter the entire Mengyue Forest?

Isn't this too exaggerated?
  But Lao Wu didn't know what the drinking friends present were thinking, and he didn't know why they gasped. Seeing that everyone was still sitting there, unmoved, he immediately said anxiously: "You are still stunned. What are you doing? Let’s go quickly! We won’t get anything if we wait any longer! There are already quite a few people heading to Mengyue Forest, and these people won’t be polite to us, let alone leave their treasures to us!”

Hearing this, Lao Fang and Lao Yao came to their senses. Without saying anything, they followed Lao Wu and left the tavern in a hurry.

In this way, the second group of people left the Courage Tavern.

And with the departure of Lao Wu and Lao Ma, the tavern suddenly became much empty.

The remaining warriors looked at each other at this moment, paid for their drinks, and left the tavern in a hurry.

In an instant, the Courage Tavern was empty, and all the guests had left.

No, that's not right. There is still one guest who has not left, and that is Tang Yi.

In the entire tavern, only bartender Tian Jiu, owner of Courage Tavern Xi Shasha, and Tang Yi were drinking.

Xi Shasha looked at Tang Yi in surprise and said, "I didn't expect you to have such strength! You were able to slaughter the entire Mengyue Forest and kill the Mengyue Beast King!"

"Didn't I tell you before? Could it be that everything I told you before was a lie?" Tang Yi said.

"I was rude."

Xi Shasha said: "I will order Tian Jiu to get the reward promised before. In addition, in order to express my gratitude to you, I decided to give you a treasure that I have always treasured."

Saying that, Xi Shasha waved her right hand and took out something from her storage space.

Originally, Tang Yi didn't have high expectations for the treasure Xi Shasha mentioned.

However, when Xi Shasha took out the treasure, Tang Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

It was a square brocade box, about the size of two fists. The brocade box was engraved with various complicated patterns. On the four sides of the brocade box, there were a row of dark green gems inlaid with it. On the top, there was a large " The word seal.

Seeing such a brocade box, Tang Yi threw it up with a celestial eye technique.

[Sealing God Training Box]: Special Item (Supreme Level)

Attributes: sealing, domestication, refining, purification

Seal: Can imprison living beings.

Domestication: Can tame non-human creatures, turn them into puppets or pets, and control them at will.

Refining: Able to refine non-human beings and obtain pure energy.

Purification: Can purify items and creatures to obtain higher quality items or creatures.

Supreme combat power index: 8000 points.


"Sealing the Heaven God Training Box? A supreme level item!"

Tang Yi was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that the Courage Tavern could actually produce such an item.

Just as Tang Yi was surprised, Shasha's voice also sounded in his ears.

Just listen to Xi Shasha's introduction: "This box is very special. In fact, we don't know what its specific function is, let alone what it is called. We only know that this is a very extraordinary item. Because we once Put some heavenly materials and earthly treasures into this box for storage. After some time, I discovered that not only did the quality of heavenly materials and earthly treasures not deteriorate at all, but the quality even improved by a few points! It can be said to be amazing!"

"Another time, we stored the meat of monster beasts inside. Not only did the meat become extremely fresh, but the quality also improved a bit!"

"The same is true for wine. As long as you put the wine into the brocade box, it will make the wine extremely mellow."

"The reason why our drinks and dishes at Courage Tavern are so popular and have so many functions is because of this brocade box. It is what makes these drinks and dishes so popular."

"That's it!" Tang Yi nodded, secretly thinking that no wonder the food and drinks in Courage Tavern were so delicious, it turned out to be because of the Sealing God Training Box.

The Sealing God Training Box has a purification function. Although Xi Shasha and others cannot activate the Sealing God Training Box, the Sealing God Training Box will still automatically purify the items placed there, making the quality of the items better. Okay, let’s make the food and wine more delicious.

However, using the Sealing God Training Box to purify wine and food is a bit overkill and overqualified.

Although Tang Yi has not used this box yet, he knows from the information obtained through the Sky Eye Technique that this box has powerful functions such as conferring gods, taming monsters, refining creatures, and purifying items.

Each of these effects is extraordinary.

Therefore, the Sealing God Training Box is not used to refine wine and food or to preserve heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

"Since we cannot use this brocade box, we still don't know what functions and functions this brocade box has. Now I will give this brocade box to you as a thank you. It is up to you to explore its efficacy and functions. ”

Xi Shasha said to Tang Yi.

With that said, he handed the brocade box to Tang Yi.

"Thank you! I am very satisfied with this thank you gift!"

After receiving the Sealing God Training Box, Tang Yi thanked him.

At the same time, a reminder sounded in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the supreme item, the Sealing God Box."

"Since this item is a mission gift, players do not need to pay the pickup fee."

"Ding, player Tang Yi needs to pay an unlocking fee to obtain external items. The items can only be used after they are unlocked."

"Ding, the unlocking fee for the Sealing God Training Box is 200 Supreme Coins. Do you agree, player?"


"200 Supreme Coins!"

Tang Yi was shocked.

Although the pickup fee is waived because it is a gift item, the unlocking fee is not free.

And this unlocking fee actually requires two hundred supreme coins!
  This is too expensive!

You know, the most expensive item Tang Yi transformed before was thirty supreme coins?
  This is expensive enough.

But now, this Heaven-Sealing God Training Box actually requires two hundred pieces, which is several times higher!
  Of course, although it is expensive, the properties and effects of the Sealing God Training Box are extremely outstanding!
  Even the increased supreme combat power index reached 8000 points!
  With this 8000-point increase in the Supreme Combat Power Index, Tang Yi had no reason to refuse to unlock it.

Therefore, no matter how expensive the Sealing God Training Box was, and the unlocking fee reached two hundred supreme coins, Tang Yi still paid it honestly.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for successfully unlocking the game. He spent 200 supreme coins and obtained the Sealing God Training Box."


After unlocking it, Tang Yi immediately equipped the Sealing God Training Box on the special item slot.

There are a total of five special items that can be equipped in the special item column. Currently, there are two items, the Supreme Mountain and River Fan and the Supreme Spirit Bead. Together with the Sealing God Training Box, there are three items.

In the future, Tang Yi can equip two more special items.

After equipping the Sealing God Training Box, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index increased by 8000 points again, from 115296 to 123296 points.

New high!

(End of this chapter)

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