Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2323 Arriving at the Realm of Gods, the huge palace on the horizon

Chapter 2323 Arriving at the Realm of Gods, the huge palace on the horizon
  "The power of the void, the power of space!"

Seeing the prompt, Tang Yi opened his eyes and was slightly surprised.

"This power of the void is probably the driving force of Geng's black warship. After the change, the warship can enter the void, shuttle through the void, and quickly reach the designated place. And the power of space... this power of space, It seems to be teleportation! After the power of the warship is changed into the power of space, it seems to have gained the function of teleportation!! Compared with traveling through the void, teleportation seems to be stronger! This is also proved by the price! "

"And this price... The power of void actually requires 500 supreme coins, and the power of space is even more exaggerated, it requires 800 supreme coins. It's so expensive!"

Seeing the price, Tang Yi suddenly felt bad.

Tang Yi glanced at the attribute panel slightly.

Now, after unlocking the Meng Yue Ring, Tang Yi only has 717 Supreme Coins left.

It is only enough to give the Supreme Warship the power of the void. As for the power of space, there is still a shortage of one hundred Supreme Coins.

Seeing the number of Supreme Coins, Tang Yi frowned slightly and thought: "Can it be that I can only evolve into a warship with the power of the void? But I can't evolve into a warship with the power of space?"

But in the next second, he denied it: "No, if you want to evolve, just evolve to the top level. And the power of space seems to be much stronger than the power of void. Because I don't have enough supreme coins, I will give up the best. This is too much." It’s outrageous. I only need 100 Supreme Coins. Let’s evolve after I collect enough Supreme Coins.”

Thinking about it, Tang Yi was about to decide to cancel the evolution, but at this time, a reminder sounded in Tang Yi's mind.

"Ding, because the player has insufficient Supreme Coins, he cannot choose the Power of Space plan. You can choose the Power of Void plan first. After the player has enough Supreme Coins, he will make up the difference between the Power of Void and the Power of Space, which is 300 Supreme Coins. , it can evolve into the power of space."


Seeing this prompt, Tang Yi was overjoyed and thought, is there such an operation? Can you still make up the difference?
  Since the system allows you to make up for the difference later and evolve into the power of space, of course it is an evolution now!

First evolve into a supreme warship with the power of the void. When the supreme coins are enough, make up the difference of 300 supreme coins to evolve into a warship with the power of space.


"Then I'll choose option two first!"

Tang Yi thought silently in his heart.

"Ding, the player chooses option two, the power of the void."

"Ding, spend 500 Supreme Coins to get the Supreme Warship."


After the evolution was completed, Tang Yi opened the panel of the Supreme Warship again.

Name: Supreme Warship

Level: Supreme Level (Power of the Void)
  Category: Quibao

Function: carry.

Auxiliary attribute: Void shuttle.

Void shuttle: shuttle in the void, pass through the void nodes, and quickly reach the destination.

Special skill: Void sneaking.

Void Stealth: Escape into the void and hide in the void, making it impossible to detect.

Supreme combat power index increase: 8000 points.



"Supreme combat power index 8000 points?"

Tang Yi was slightly stunned, then overjoyed!

I didn’t expect that after the evolution of the Supreme Warship, the Supreme Combat Power Index could increase so much!
  In addition, the Supreme Warship evolved into a speed type, and after the power was changed to the power of the void, its attributes also changed significantly.

Most of those skills are gone.    The only remaining skill is the ability to become invisible.

Moreover, there is an additional auxiliary attribute, void shuttle.

With the attribute of void travel, the Supreme Warship can travel through the void and jump nodes.

Apart from that, there is nothing else, any defensive skills and attack skills have all disappeared.

However, this does not affect the power of this warship.

After slightly taking a look at the evolved attributes of the Supreme Warship, Tang Yi said curiously: "Overall, it's not bad, but I don't know how fast it is."

Of course, curiosity is curiosity, and Tang Yi will not impulsively conduct the test immediately.

After all, it would be too exaggerated, shocking, and eye-catching to rashly take out the warship for experiments on other people's warships. Tang Yi didn't want to stand out like this, let alone expose his warship to others.

In addition, he didn't know whether a warship that could travel through the void was a rare item.

What if such a warship is very rare and hard to obtain, and he takes it out rashly, how should he explain it then?

Therefore, Tang Yi will not take it out for testing at this moment.

After equipping the Supreme Warship with the power of the void, Tang Yi's Supreme Combat Power Index has increased to a certain extent.

The original Supreme Warship's Supreme Combat Power Index increased by only 1500 points.

As for the current supreme warship, the increase in supreme combat power index is 8000 points.

In other words, after re-equipment, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index increased by 6500 points on the original basis!
  After increasing the Supreme Combat Power Index by 6500 points, Tang Yi's current Supreme Combat Power Index has increased from 134296 to 140796 points!
  Looking at such a series of numbers, Tang Yi was very excited, and a sense of pride arose spontaneously.

And Tang Yi is also looking forward to how strong he is now!
  After all, after breaking through to the Supreme, except for one attack when the Supreme Combat Power Index reached 10,000, and easily killed a Supreme of the same level in seconds, Tang Yi never made a move again.

Tang Yi is now very unclear about how strong he is.

And the 10,000 supreme combat power index is so strong, then... Tang Yi is very much looking forward to how powerful the 140,000 supreme combat power index will be now.

"I hope that in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition, there will be some opponents who can let me show my strength."

Tang Yi said hopefully.

In this way, time passed quickly. In less than half a day, the black warship picked up thirty-six representatives of the empire.

In another half day, the black warship passed through the void nodes and reached the realm of the world.

When the black warship escaped from the void, a red sunset immediately hit the warship directly.

Tang Yi faced the setting sun and saw the entire situation in the Realm of Gods.

This is a red land.

Looking down from a high altitude, the ground below seemed to be stained with a layer of blood.

What's even more magical is that there is a sun emitting a strange red light above the head.

This sun emits bright red light, which is very different from the sun in the outside world.

The sun outside is so bright that it cannot be looked directly at.

The sun in the Realm of the Realm has a very soft light. Even if you look directly at it, your eyes will not see anything strange. The only difference is that the light it emits is red.

There are high mountains, steep mountains, flat roads, and magnificent cities.

The situation in the entire World God Realm is no different from the outside world. The only difference is the red sun, the red land, and...

And the towering palace on the horizon, like a mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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