Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2324 Folk warriors?

Chapter 2324 Folk warriors?
  The palace is suspended in mid-air, towering into the clouds, extremely huge, like a palace in the sky, exuding its mystery.

Seeing such a palace, everyone on the black warship couldn't help but marvel.

Even the warriors who have been here several times and seen the palace several times are still amazed and sighing at the miracle.

"That is the Heavenly Palace of Kaio-sama. It is so magnificent. Every time I come to the realm of Kaio and see this palace, I can't help but sigh."

"Me too, every time I see the Heavenly Palace, my heart surges! Compared to the imperial palace of the empire, this palace is much more magnificent."

"Such a palace cannot be built by manpower. Only a person like the King of Kai who has the power to reach the heavens can build it."

"If the Imperial Martial Arts Competition hadn't been held in the Realm Palace, we might not be able to enter this palace in our lifetime."

"I'm so looking forward to it! I don't know what kind of characters the Gods will send to this Imperial Martial Arts Competition."



"Is that the palace where the King of Kai is? The Heavenly Palace? Is it the location of our imperial martial arts debate this time?"

Listening to everyone's discussion, Tang Yi was slightly stunned.

If he hadn't listened to these people's discussions, Tang Yi would not have known the news at all.

Usually the person leading the team will introduce it, but now...

Tang Yi looked at the special envoy standing on the bow of the ship, his nostrils raised to the sky.

If you want to be introduced by Special Envoy Geng, you have to go up the tree.

Fortunately, through the discussions of some imperial warriors, Tang Yi still learned certain information.

He looked at the magnificent and huge heavenly palace and couldn't help but look forward to it.

Originally, Tang Yi's expectations for this imperial military debate were not very high.

After all, he has broken through to the supreme level and is unparalleled in strength. With his strength, it is indeed very boring to participate in this competition that only the Holy God can participate in.


After seeing this towering and magnificent palace floating in mid-air, Tang Yi's expectations suddenly increased. For this imperial military debate...

Tang Yi still didn't have any expectations for this time's Imperial Martial Arts Competition, but for the Realm King, Tang Yi was extremely looking forward to it.

"Since the Kaio rules all the major empires, and the envoys under his command are all at the top Holy God level, then their level must have exceeded the Supreme level. However, I don't know what the Kaio's Supreme combat power index is. Compared with me, How big of a difference is there?"

Tang Yi thought to himself.

While Tang Yi was thinking, the black warship began to land slowly.

Seeing that the black warship began to land slowly before it reached the Tiangong, Tang Yi was slightly puzzled. Then he came to the side of the warship and looked down. He immediately discovered that the place where the black warship landed was Panheng. A huge city on a red earth.

"You didn't go directly to the Heavenly Palace?"

Tang Yi was slightly startled when he saw the black warship landing directly towards the city below.

As if he saw Tang Yi's doubts, a middle-aged warrior came over and explained: "Although the Imperial Military Contest is held in the Heavenly Palace, we will not go there directly, and we are not qualified to rest there. The Imperial Contest There are still two days left for Wu to start, and we can only go to Tiangong on that day."    "That's it!"

Hearing this, Tang Yi suddenly realized.

And the middle-aged warrior said: "You are the representative of the Mengyue Empire, right? I am the representative of the Blood Martial Empire, and my name is Guang Yongnian!"

"Nice to meet you. Representative of the Mengyue Empire, Tang Yi."

Tang Yi hugged his fist politely.

Since others came up to explain to him and introduced themselves, Tang Yi had to give him face.

"Tang Yi? It's a pleasure to meet you! It's the first time I've seen such a young representative from the Imperial Martial Arts Forum. The Mengyue Empire is really courageous. Of course, although other representatives don't think highly of you, I think very highly of you! They just said that you are a descendant of the royal family of the Mengyue Empire. The Mengyue Empire sent you here to gain experience, but I don’t think so. In my opinion, if the Mengyue Empire can send you here, I think you must be strong. You have been affirmed by the empire. And you must have something extraordinary. After all, I have met Xia Hongjian, the previous representative of the Mengyue Empire. He is very powerful. If the Mengyue Empire sends him, he will definitely be able to get a Not bad results. However, Mengyue Empire did not send him this time, but asked you to come. So thinking about it, you must be stronger than Xia Hongjian." Guang Yongnian said.


Tang Yi looked at Guang Yongnian slightly. He didn't expect that Guang Yongnian's thinking was so quick and his powers of observation were so amazing. He could think of so much through just a few details? And, almost all of them were guessed right?
  Of course, although Guang Yongnian guessed many things, Tang Yi couldn't admit it.

"The Mengyue Royal Family sent me here just because I am suitable, not because I am better than anyone else! Moreover, Xia Hongjian and I have never met before." Tang Yi said.

"You are not from the Mengyue royal family?"

"A civilian warrior in the Mengyue Empire?! The Mengyue royal family actually sent a civilian warrior to participate in the empire's martial arts competition!"

Guang Yongnian was slightly surprised when he heard Tang Yi's words.

At the same time, he looked Tang Yi up and down again, as if he wanted to see what kind of ability Tang Yi had to win the favor of the Mengyue royal family.

This is a very surprising thing.

After all, every imperial royal family...

Maybe others don't know the origin of the imperial family, but Guang Yongnian, as a member of the imperial family, is very clear about the origin of the imperial family.

The royal family of every empire is from the divine race. It can be said that they are all the divine masters of the Realm of the Realm. They have all lived in the Realm of the Realm.

It was just because he couldn't compete that he was expelled from the realm of the gods by the king of Kai.

However, even if he is expelled, after all, he is from the God Clan, and his strength is still very powerful, which cannot be compared to the civilian warriors in the empire.

For the imperial royal family, the imperial martial arts debate is extremely important. It is related to their status and whether they can return to the realm of the world.

Therefore, the imperial royal family generally does not allow civilian warriors to participate, and only sends the strongest members of the royal family to participate.

But now, a civilian warrior has actually got a quota to participate in the imperial martial arts competition?
  This makes Guang Yongnian feel incredible.

At the same time, I am very curious as to what kind of strength this extremely young civilian warrior in front of me has, which made the Mengyue Empire make such a bold decision?
  Or does Mengyue Empire really give up on this competition? Is this civilian warrior sent here just to gain experience or to be a scapegoat?
  To be able to send a private warrior to participate in the imperial martial arts debate, either the private warrior is very powerful, or he is here to gain experience or to be a scapegoat.

But obviously, the latter is not convincing, after all, Mengyue Empire has no reason to do this.

In other words, this folk warrior is so powerful that the Mengyue royal family feels that this folk warrior can help them return to the realm of the gods?

(End of this chapter)

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