Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2325 The situation of military debate in the empire

Chapter 2325 The situation of military debate in the empire

"The Xia family of the Mengyue Empire is really courageous. They actually dare to send civilian warriors."

Guang Yongnian said with emotion.


Tang Yi didn't expect that so much information would be revealed because of his words.

He even revealed that he was not a member of the imperial royal family.

This is a huge mistake.

However, a mistake is a mistake. It doesn't matter if the other party knows that he is not a warrior of the imperial family. It is not a shameful thing anyway.

Of course, you still need to install it.

Tang Yidao: "You don't need to look at me in this way. I am indeed a folk warrior."

"It's just a little unexpected. Okay, let's not talk about this. When we come here, we are both opponents, and we can also be..."

Guang Yongnian originally wanted to say that he was a friend, but when he thought of Tang Yi's age, he immediately changed his mind and said, "It can also be a friend who has been with us forever."

"Are we friends for the New Year? It's very interesting."

Tang Yi nodded and said, "Then I will boldly call you Brother Guang?"

"Brother Tang."

Guang Yongnian also clasped his fists.

"By the way, Brother Guang, you should have participated in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition many times. This is my first time participating. Can you introduce the situation to me? For example, where are we going to land now?" Tang Yi asked road.

Originally, Tang Yi was thinking of finding someone to introduce him, but now, a person came to the door. Such free explanation is not in vain.

"The place we are going to land now is the resting place before we participate in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition. The resting place is different for each Imperial Martial Arts Competition. But this time, our resting place is the territory of the Jin tribe. The city is the territory of the Jin clan.”

After a pause, Guang Yongnian introduced again: "The Jin Clan is a very powerful family among the Gods. Among the Gods in the World of Gods, their strength is probably among the top ten. This time we come to the territory of the Jin Clan. After taking a rest, you should be able to see the representatives of the Jin clan. I am very much looking forward to the representatives of the Jin clan."

"Resting place? Jin clan?"

"Sounds interesting."

Tang Yi smiled.

While the two were talking, the black warship finally landed on an open space in the giant city.

As soon as it landed, the envoy Geng, with his nostrils pointing upward, said coldly: "We're here, get off the boat."

He didn't look good on any of the warriors present, and his tone was very cold.

Seeing Special Envoy Geng's appearance, Tang Yi turned to Guang Yongnian and said, "Brother Guang, was this Special Envoy Geng the same one who came to pick up representatives from major empires in previous years?"

"It's him."

Guang Yongnian nodded.

"Did he have the same attitude in previous years?"

Tang Yi asked again.

"No, his attitude was better in previous years. Even three years ago, he was still kind to our imperial warriors. Since representatives of our thirty-six empires have not received good results for several consecutive years, his His attitude has become extremely bad. Now he even ignores us and looks at us with disdain.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on the special envoy. After all, he has picked us up so many times, but we have never achieved any good results in the imperial martial arts competition. If you are a special envoy and you pick up a batch of 'waste' every year, then I'm afraid your experience will be the same as his. ” ˆ ˜ Guang Yongnian said helplessly.

"So that's it. Why did he look like he had his nostrils turned up in the air? It turns out you were the one who forced him to do it."

Tang Yi suddenly said.

"You really can't blame us. These gods in the Realm of the Realm are really too powerful. It's natural that we, the representatives of the empire, can't get results." Guang Yongnian said helplessly again.

"Oh? Are these gods in the Realm of Gods strong?" Tang Yi was curious.

"Very strong!"

Guang Yongnian nodded and said: "Although we are all top saints, there is a huge gap between top saints and top saints. These top saints in the realm of the world have already stepped into the supreme realm. As long as they If they take another step forward, they will be promoted to the Supreme. All in all, they are extremely close to the Supreme. I even suspect that these representatives of the gods from the Realm of Gods have already been promoted to the Supreme, just because they have to participate in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition. That’s why we deliberately suppressed the level and have not yet crossed the threshold of the Holy God.”

"That does seem quite strong. But I'm curious, can't the Supreme One participate in the Imperial Martial Arts Contest?"

Tang Yi asked curiously.

"of course not."

Guang Yongnian replied: "Of course the Supreme Being can also participate."

"Then why do they want to suppress the level? Wouldn't it be better to break through the Supreme directly? Isn't the strength more powerful?" Tang Yi was puzzled.

"Because this is more deceptive, making it look like we have a chance to win, but in fact it is absolutely impossible to win. In addition, if the representatives of the Gods break through the Supreme, it will be difficult to bully us anymore. After all, with the strength of the Supreme It’s a bit too bullying for us, the top saints, to fight against each other. That’s why they haven’t been able to break through to the Supreme!”

After a pause, Guang Yongnian smiled again and said: "Of course, this is just my guess. I don't know whether they have suppressed the level."

"Whether they suppress the level or not, as long as you break through to the Supreme, won't the problem be solved?" Tang Yi said.

"Indeed. But! How difficult it is to break through to the Supreme! How can you break through if you want to? Among the representatives of our thirty-six empires, who doesn't want a Supreme to appear? Who doesn't want to return to the realm of the gods?" Guang Yongnian was helpless. road.

"Huh? What does this mean?"

Tang Yi asked.

"You don't know? Mengyue's Xia family didn't tell you?" Guang Yongnian asked.

Tang Yi shook his head.

"I didn't tell you. I thought they told you. Since you don't know about it, let me explain it."

"Actually, the thirty-six imperial royal families in the outside world are also thirty-six divine clans. It's just that under the competition mechanism of survival of the fittest, we were expelled from the realm of the gods. As for the imperial martial arts, in addition to being able to obtain rich rewards In addition, at the same time, it also determines which family can enter the realm of the gods." Guang Yongnian said slowly.

"The imperial royal family is also a god clan? The imperial martial arts debate, in addition to material rewards, also determines which family can enter the realm of the gods?"

Tang Yi was shocked. This was the first time he heard about this.

"That's right. This is a well-known thing. I didn't expect that the Mengyue royal family didn't tell you." Guang Yongnian said.

"Maybe they're afraid I'll be stressed out."

Tang Yi replied.

In fact, the Mengyue royal family did not mention this matter, which Tang Yi could understand.

After all, he is an outsider, and this matter is very important to the Mengyue Royal Family. What if the Mengyue Royal Family tells him everything and he uses it to threaten the Mengyue Royal Family?
  The Mengyue royal family must have had various concerns, so it was understandable that they did not inform them.

Moreover, the fact that the Mengyue royal family concealed this matter did not have much impact on Tang Yi, so Tang Yi did not care.

(End of this chapter)

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