Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2327 Tang Lian? Binglian?

Chapter 2327 Tang Lian? Binglian?
  The divine realm of the world, the Heavenly Palace, and the Ripple Palace.

"Lian'er, please stop making trouble. What's wrong with Huo Hong? He is by far the most promising person to become the King of the Realm. Why are you so resistant to him? It's been two years. Can't you forget that Tang Yi? Is it? It’s useless, you and he are not from the same world, let alone your mother, even if it is Lord Kaio, he will not agree. "

In the main hall, an old woman was persuading a beautiful girl with earnest words.

If Tang Yi were here, he would be able to find out who this beautiful girl and old woman are if they are not Tang Lian and Yun Yun who took her back.

In fact, Tang Lian's name was not Luo Lian, but Bing Lian.

She is not from the Luo family of Wuxuan Sanctuary either.

But it was the Bing family from the realm of the gods of the world.

They are the gods in the realm of the gods.

At the same time, she also has an identity, that is, one of the three major disciples of the King of Kai.

The reason why he told Tang Yi that his surname was Luo and that he came from Wuxuan Holy Domain was actually a lie to Tang Yi.

The purpose is to make Tang Yi more motivated.

After all, the Luo family in Wuxuan Sanctuary is much weaker than the Bing family in World God Realm.

This is a much easier goal for Tang Yi.

The former can also see some hope of catching up.

The latter is beyond reach.

Therefore, in order to prevent Tang Yi from despair, Binglian did not tell her life experience, but made up a seemingly white lie to give Tang Yi more motivation to work hard and catch up with herself.

"Aunt Yun, please stop trying to persuade me. I will not accept anyone except Brother Tang Yi." Binglian said firmly.

"But, your brother Tang Yi has been missing for a long time. It is said that the entire Tang family has been poisoned. It is also very possible that he..." Yun Yun was interrupted by Bing Lian before she could finish her sentence.

"No, I believe brother Tang Yi is not dead. He must still be trying to get closer to me somewhere." Binglian said with confidence.

Hearing Binglian's words, Yun Yun looked helpless. She had no idea that Binglian's feelings for Tang Yi were so deep and her obsession was so great.

Even if Tang Yi disappeared and there was no news, she still missed Tang Yi.


What a slut.

Yunyun sighed.

"I asked you why you keep rejecting me. It turns out you have a sweetheart."

Just when Yun Yun was sighing, a handsome young man walked in.

"Huo Hong, what are you doing here? This is not the place you should be." Bing Lian said coldly.

"Why can't I come? As a disciple of Lord Kaiou and your senior brother, I come to see my junior sister. What's the problem?" Huo Hong asked.

After a pause, Huo Hong said again: "Where is that man? I want to see what this man who makes junior sister so infatuated is capable of."

Huo Hong's tone was full of jealousy, and there was a bit of murderous intent in his eyes, as if someone had touched his inhibitions and made him murderous.

"What man? I don't understand what you are talking about. I don't have any men here. Also, you are not welcome here. Leave now! If you don't leave, I will tell the master!" Binglian said rudely.

Of course, it was impossible for her to admit Tang Yi's existence.

After all, in Binglian's mind, no matter how hard Tang Yi worked and had an unexpected encounter, his current strength would not be able to match that of Huo Hong, and there was no way he could be Huo Hong's opponent.

If Huo Hong knew about Tang Yi's existence, things would be terrible. With Huo Hong's narrow character, he would definitely find trouble with Tang Yi.

By then, Tang Yi's situation would not be good.

Bing Lian had never taken the initiative to inquire about Tang Yi's information, but occasionally asked Yun Yun to pay attention to it. This was the reason.

She didn't want to expose Tang Yi's existence.

I don't want Tang Yi to be hurt.

Therefore, no matter what, it is impossible for Binglian to admit the existence of Tang Yi.

But what if Binglian doesn’t admit it?
  Huo Hong had already heard what he just said.

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving, I'm leaving right now, but! Haha!"

Huo Hong smiled coldly and said, "I will find out who the man named Tang Yi is. He must not let me know, otherwise, hum!"

With a cold snort, Huo Hong turned around and left the hall without looking back, his whole person looking angry.

Needless to say, Huo Hong will definitely investigate Tang Yi after returning.

With Huo Hong's methods, it probably won't take long to find out whoever he wants to investigate.

Seeing this scene, Binglian became slightly worried and said to Yun Yun: "Aunt Yun, can you help me investigate the current whereabouts of Tang Yi? At least find the whereabouts of brother Tang Yi before Huo Hong. "

"Lian'er, why are you doing this? Huo Hong seems to like you very much, and he is strong enough. Being with him will not wrong you. Moreover, if you provoke Huo Hong, the Huo family will not let our Bing family go. Especially as the imperial martial arts debate is approaching, they are even more unscrupulous. Maybe they will take action against our representatives. If the Huo family targets the representatives of our Bing family, it will be miserable for our Bing family, and we may have to withdraw from the world because of this. God’s Domain. It’s not worth it at all.”

Yun Yun persuaded.

"Quit, just quit. There is nothing worth remembering in this kind of place. Moreover, even if our Bing family withdraws from the realm of the realm of gods, I will still be the disciple of the king of the realm. With this relationship, our Bing family will not decline. Aunt Yun, you Don’t worry, I believe dad and mom will understand.”

After a pause, Binglian said again: "Compared to our Bing family, I am more worried about Brother Tang Yi! If Huo Hong finds Brother Tang Yi's whereabouts, Brother Tang Yi will be in danger, so Aunt Yun, can you Help me?"

"It's not like you don't know about Huo Hong's energy. Moreover, Huo Hong is the only one in our Huo family, and all his efforts are devoted to Huo Hong. Once Huo Hong wants to do something, it's impossible to do it. Even if I take action, I may not be able to find Tang Yi's whereabouts before Huo Hong does. Of course, Lian'er, if you have a request, I will help, but I can only say that I will try my best, and I can't guarantee that I can definitely do it." Yun Yun said.

"Aunt Yun, just do your best!"

Binglian nodded, then sighed: "Hey, it's all my fault. Not only did it not bring any help to brother Tang Yi, but it also harmed him."

"Now you finally understand? He and you are not from the same world. If you still care about him, not only will you not be able to help him, you will even harm him." Yun Yun said.


"As long as I find Brother Tang Yi this time and help him escape this disaster, I will no longer care about him. At least, I will not have any other ideas until he grows in strength and takes the initiative to find me. "Binglian said.

Hearing Binglian's words, Yun Yun's eyes lit up, and then said: "I will go find out about Tang Yi's whereabouts now."

(End of this chapter)

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