Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2328 Forging Bet

Chapter 2328 Forging Bet

After Tang Yi separated from Guang Yongnian, he left Jinjue Mansion.

According to Guang Yongnian, the Jin family's forging skills are very powerful. There are forging platforms built in various locations in Jincheng. Many Jin family members will compete in their forging skills on these forging platforms.

Of course, the purpose of Tang Yi leaving Jin Jue Mansion was not to go out and watch these Jin family children compete in forging skills, nor to go on stage to compete with these Jin family children in forging skills, but... to look for special materials.

Since Jincheng forging is popular, a lot of forging materials will definitely be needed, and there may be special materials among them.

Although special materials are rare, they are not difficult to obtain.

Therefore, Tang Yi wanted to take a stroll and see if he could find special materials.

Not much, just one is enough.

Now Tang Yi has collected ninety-nine special materials. As long as he finds one more, Tang Yi's plan of one hundred special materials can be successfully completed.

In this way, with the purpose of finding a special material, Tang Yi began to wander around the Golden City.

During this period, he also went to the so-called forging platform to watch the forging competition of the Jin family's children.

However, because the forging skills of these Jin family children were too low, they did not arouse much interest in Tang Yi.

After searching the scene and finding no special materials, Tang Yi left.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yi went to visit the major markets in Jincheng, such as the materials market, the dark market, the materials paving street, etc.

Not to mention, Tang Yi was quite lucky. After visiting three or four streets and dozens of shops, he finally found a special material in a shop named Long Yan.


"Sir, it's not that we don't want to sell Dragon Flame Bones, it's because Dragon Flame Bones are too precious and we can't make the decision. Moreover, Dragon Flame Bones are the treasure of our Long Yan shop. For our shop It’s of great significance, and it’s not something that can be decided casually.” said the shopkeeper.

"Then just tell me, who among you can make the decision."

Tang Yi said directly.

"I have to ask our elders. Master, please wait a moment."

The shopkeeper said that and then stepped back.

After a while, the shopkeeper came back, and an old man came back with him.

"Jin Tongbing, the eldest elder of the thirteenth branch of the Jin family, has met the young master. But the young master wants to buy our store's treasure, the Dragon Flame Bone?" said the old man named Jin Tongbing.


Tang Yi nodded and asked, "I wonder what kind of price Elder Jin Tongbing wants before he is willing to sell the Dragon Flame Bone to me."

"Before we discuss the deal, I would like to ask you, Sir, what is the purpose of purchasing Dragon Flame Bone?" Jin Tongbing asked.

"Why do you still care what I bought it for? But it doesn't matter if I tell you that Dragon Flame Bone is a forging material, so I bought it for forging purposes."

Tang Yi replied.

"For forging? I dare to ask, sir, should you forge it yourself or let others forge it." Jin Tongbing asked again.

"Of course I forged it myself."

Tang Yi replied without thinking.


Jin Tongbing looked at Tang Yi in surprise and said: "Young master, you forge it yourself? This is a very rare material. Ordinary blacksmiths cannot use this kind of forging material. They must at least forge the level of Tianshi or above." It is possible to use this kind of material. But Young Master, you are...too young. Of course, I am not looking down on Young Master, but forging this kind of thing does not require talent. Talent is only one of them, and experience is also required, and continuous Try it, so...if you really want to forge, Master, we also have a lot of materials for practicing in our shop." Although he did not underestimate Tang Yi in his words, in fact, Jin Tongbing still underestimated Tang Yi and felt that Tang Yi is too young and cannot afford Dragon Flame Bone.

"You underestimate me?"

Tang Yi squinted his eyes, glanced at Jin Tongbing, and said, "How about we make a bet?"

"A bet? What bet?"

Jin Tongbing was confused.

"You lend me a place and I personally forge an item to prove my forging level. If I prove my forging level and prove that I can use the Dragon Flame Bone, then how about you give me the Dragon Flame Bone?" Do you dare?" Tang Yi said.


Jin Tongbing hesitated.

Dare you say it, if the other party really has this strength, wouldn't it be a loss of the store's treasure?

But I dare not...

Doesn't this amount to fear?
  How could a store as big as theirs be afraid of a boy who looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old?

Don't you dare to bet with this boy?

After pondering for a moment, Jin Tongbing said: "It's okay to bet, but the rules need to be changed. Let's do this. If the young master can forge an item above the holy heaven level, then we will sell the dragon flame bone to the young master. But if the young master forges it, If you don’t come out, in addition to paying a certain material cost, you will also have to pay us the equivalent of the Dragon Flame Bone.”

"You mean, if I win, I can buy the Dragon Flame Bone. If I lose, I not only have to pay for the forging materials, but I also have to pay you a Dragon Flame Bone?" Tang Yi looked at Jin Tongbing and said.

No loss if you lose, big profit if you win?
  It has to be said that this old man is too shameless to come up with such a bet. The businessman really has no profit and cannot afford to be early. Even if he makes a bet, he has to come up with such a bet that is sure to make a profit without losing any money.

If it were anyone else, when they heard about this bet, they would definitely be furious, walk away, and not continue at all.


After Tang Yi heard this, he sneered in his heart and said, "Okay, I will do as you said. I have forged items above the Holy Heaven level and proved my strength, then you can sell the Dragon Flame Bones Give it to me, if I can't forge it, then I will pay the cost of forging it and compensate you for the equivalent of the Dragon Flame Bone."


Hearing Tang Yi's words, Jin Tongbing was slightly startled. He didn't expect that the other party would agree!
  When he originally proposed such a bet, he just wanted to respond to the other party's request for a bet.

After all, not agreeing to the other party's request is tantamount to fear, and agreeing to the other party's request is very detrimental to their store.

Therefore, Jin Tongbing thought of a way to get the best of both worlds and proposed an extremely harsh rule to make this bet more beneficial to him.

Faced with such a bet, if it were an ordinary person, I would probably have walked away long ago.

After all, if you win, you just get a purchase quota, but if you lose, you have to pay a large fee.

This is too unfair.

However, what I didn't expect was that this young and outrageous young man in front of me actually agreed?

He's crazy?
  Or is he hopelessly stupid?

Obviously not, so...why?

Of course, although he was confused, since the other party agreed, Jin Tongbing couldn't say anything more. He could only say: "Then it's settled. There is a forging room in our backyard, and the young master can go there for forging."

(End of this chapter)

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