Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2331 The top holy weapon that can be easily refined

Chapter 2331 The top holy weapon that can be easily refined

"This, this, this hammer... This hammer made my soul tremble! What kind of method is this?"

"His hammer... seems to be some kind of magical forging skill in ancient records! Let me think about it, what is it called? By the way, I remember! One hammer shakes the soul! This magical forging skill is called one hammer to suppress soul!"

"Oh my god! Just the first blow was so shocking! If it continues..."

"Before, I wasn't interested in his forging at all, but now, I admit that I was mistaken. I am already interested in his solo photos."

"A hammer that shakes the soul! Someone actually knows such a magical skill, and it also appears in a young man. This is so surprising."

"How old is he! He actually knows such magical skills at the age of ten!"



Ignoring the noise, discussion, and uproar around him, Tang Yi devoted himself wholeheartedly to forging.

He kept raising his right hand, and the Supreme Thundergod's Explosive Hammer kept hitting the giant sword embryo in a mysterious and mysterious trajectory.

"Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding!"

"Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding!"

"Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding!"

Tang Yi's Supreme Thunder God's Explosive Hammer was like a huge wave, constantly bombarding the giant sword embryo, causing waves of waves.

With each ripple, there were nine light sounds in succession, so sweet and touching!
  However, this is just the beginning.

One by one, the magical skills of forging are still being displayed from Tang Yi's hands.

Nine levels of wild waves, twelve stages of violent vibration hammer method, pleated turbulent hammer method, divine hammer jumping breaking method, etc.!
  Under Tang Yi's forging, the giant sword embryo became more condensed, and slowly turned into a real 'giant sword' visible to the naked eye.

About two hours later...

When Tang Yi's last hammer fell on the giant sword embryo, the giant sword embryo finally turned into a real giant sword. It not only had the shape of the giant sword, but also condensed the soul of the giant sword!

The giant sword in front of me finally changed from a semi-finished product to a finished product.

It turned into a super weapon that can take people's heads!
  At this time, the appearance of the giant sword had undergone tremendous changes.

The first is the sword body. The sword body has changed from five meters long and half a meter wide to four meters long and forty centimeters wide.

Overall it has shrunk a bit.

At the same time, there were two rows of thumb-sized holes on both sides of the sword blade.

There are rows of regular inscriptions engraved on the sword, and there are three fist-sized grooves in the center!

The streamlined sword body, mysterious inscriptions, and unique ventilation holes make the entire giant sword look very unique, making people want to dance while holding it!
  However, the construction of the giant sword is not over yet.

When Tang Yi landed the last hammer, he immediately waved his hand again, selected three good quality gems from the materials brought by Elder Jin Tongbing, and then embedded them in the three grooves of the giant sword's body. among.

When the three gems were embedded in the grooves, the entire giant sword shook slightly and let out a soft groan again.

At the same time, a burst of silver light burst out from the giant sword, illuminating the entire venue and covering the entire backyard with a layer of silver gauze.

And this time.


The dark clouds in the sky began to gather continuously...

"This is...this is a catastrophe!"

"How is it possible, how is it possible so fast!"

"It's only been two hours and it's already caused a catastrophe?"

"It's too exaggerated. What kind of forging skills is this!"    "..."

Everyone was talking about it.

Of course, what everyone was most surprised about was not that Tang Yi caused the natural disaster, but that Tang Yi could actually cause the natural disaster so quickly!
  Only two hours!

The forging was completed in two hours and caused a catastrophe. How could this be possible? Too exaggerated?

But even if everyone present doesn't believe it, the facts are facts, and the gathering dark clouds above are not fake.

At this moment, dark clouds were gathering at an alarming speed. In just a moment, the entire Golden City was shrouded in dark clouds.


At this time, a huge golden thunderbolt suddenly fell, hitting the giant sword accurately, causing sparks to fly.

The giant sword was shaken suddenly by the blast, and the sword body also flashed with a silver light.

Immediately afterwards, the dark clouds in the sky continued to roll, and thunder and lightning fell from the sky one after another, bombarding the giant sword one after another, causing the giant sword to flicker with silver light and tremble continuously.

With every bombardment, the giant sword seemed to be on the verge of death. It could no longer hold on and was shaking extremely hard.

But every time, he persisted and withstood the bombardment of the catastrophe.

Just like that, I don't know how much time passed, when all twenty-six heavenly tribulations bombarded the giant sword, the dark clouds in the sky finally dispersed, and the giant sword also bloomed with silver brilliance, looking extremely sacred.

Compared with the silver light before, the giant sword at this moment has a more sacred and agile aura.

Tang Yi put away the flames, put away the forging tools, and looked at the giant sword with three gems floating in the sky, looking very satisfied.

Raising his hand slightly, the giant sword slowly floated down and fell into Tang Yi's hand. Then, Tang Yi threw it up with a Heavenly Eye Technique.

Since the weapon was forged using external materials and no blueprints were used, Tang Yi did not own the weapon, so there was no information about the giant sword.

As for what the giant sword was forged into, Tang Yi had no idea. At this moment, he could only check it through the Sky Eye Technique.

And after using the Sky Eye Technique, Tang Yi also got the information about the giant sword.

[Silver Light Great Sword]: High Grade Holy Heaven Rank

Attributes: Attack power increased by 8000 times, strength increased by 30000000 points, and penetration increased by 500 times.

Passive special effects: suppression, heavy power.

Suppression: When entering combat, the user will gain a powerful aura to suppress the opponent.

Heavy momentum: When entering the battle state, every attack carries the weight of thousands of troops.

Active skill: Silver Light Falling Blade
  Silver Light Falling Blade: Leap into the air and slash to the ground at a tricky angle, causing 1000 times damage to all enemies within a 50000-meter radius.

Unlock price: 10 Supreme Coins.

  "Silver light giant sword? High-grade holy heaven level?"

Tang Yi was slightly startled when he saw the information about the giant sword. He didn't expect that the thing he forged casually would actually reach the upper level of the Holy Heaven level? Reached the top level of the Holy Order?

And looking at the attributes, they are very good?

Just increase the attack power by 8000 times?
  Is the Supreme Blacksmithing Technique so terrifying?
  If Tang Yi had obtained such a weapon before he advanced to the Supreme level, he would definitely keep it and equip it himself.

But unfortunately, now that he has broken through to the Supreme level, he can no longer equip such Saint-level weapons.

In short, at this stage of the Saint level, even if this giant sword cannot be called a top-level weapon, it is still a rare top-quality weapon!

If the top holy god obtained such a weapon, his combat effectiveness would probably increase several times!

After taking a brief look at the properties of the weapon, Tang Yi was very satisfied with the weapon he had casually refined.

(End of this chapter)

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