Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2332 Use the Silver Light Giant Sword in Exchange for Dragon Flame Bones

Chapter 2332 Use the Silver Light Giant Sword in Exchange for Dragon Flame Bones

Compared to Tang Yi's calmness, the reaction of everyone present was much greater.

From the moment the catastrophe was triggered, the mouths of everyone present turned into an O-shape, and everyone stared with a look of disbelief on their faces.

Twenty-six heavenly tribulations!

Golden calamity!
  They have never heard of it, they have never seen it!

After the forging was successful, the giant sword also emitted an extraordinary silver light, which shocked everyone's attention.

Whether it is the heavenly tribulation or the scene after the giant sword is successfully forged, they all swear that this is a very high-grade and unique weapon.

And it only took more than two hours for this giant sword to go from melting materials to being completely finished!

It took more than two hours to induce a catastrophe and forge a finished weapon. This was simply unbelievable. No one present, whether it was Elder Jin Tongbing, the blacksmith apprentices or the blacksmiths, looked at it. I have never seen such a magical scene, and I have never seen a blacksmith with such exaggerated forging skills!

The key is.

The blacksmith in front of me is only seventeen or eighteen years old!
  "Young master, you actually did it. The forging skills you displayed are simply amazing! I really opened my eyes today!"

Jin Tongbing exclaimed.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it to be true. He thought that Tang Yi had found a giant sword that had been forged long ago to deceive him.

"Yes, Master, you are simply amazing. I have been forging here for so long and I have never seen such forging skills!"

"It takes two hours to forge a weapon, which is incredible."

"It is not difficult to forge a weapon in two hours. But it is difficult to forge an extremely high-quality weapon that can cause more than twenty catastrophes in two hours!"

"If I read it correctly? Young Master, you just used a variety of forging magics, didn't you? Nine Crazy Waves? There are also some magics that I don't know at all and have never heard of!"

"Young master, you are really amazing. When I first came to the backyard, I thought you were a young boy from somewhere, and I thought you couldn't forge anything at all. Now I realize that I was blind."


Everyone present also agreed.

"Everyone is so complimentary, it's just a small trick."

Tang Yi said modestly, then handed the giant sword to Elder Jin Tongbing and said, "Elder Jin Tongbing, come and see if the weapon I forged meets the standards for using special materials?"

"Young master, you are joking. Even if the grade of this giant sword does not reach the Saint Heaven level, you are still qualified to use special materials."

"Okay, then let me take a look at what kind of weapon you have forged."

Jin Tongbing flattered a few words, then took the giant sword handed over by Tang Yi and began to examine it.

But he didn't know it without looking at it, and he was shocked when he saw it!

Whether judging from the aura coming from the giant sword or the appearance and sharpness of the giant sword, this giant sword far exceeds the level of the Holy Heaven. And it is very likely that it has reached the upper level of Shengtian level!
  A boy of seventeen or eighteen years old actually forged a high-grade Holy Heaven-level weapon in just over two hours?
  This is incredible!

However, in order to prevent himself from making mistakes, Elder Jin Tongbing still handed the weapon to several blacksmiths from their Longyan Shop for inspection.

A weapons appraiser was also called to conduct an appraisal.

In the end, everyone felt that the weapon in front of them was a weapon above the Holy Heaven level.

It is even very likely that it is a high-grade Holy Heaven-level weapon!

After getting this result, everyone present looked in disbelief.

After all, it takes two hours to forge a weapon of this level. This is really an exaggeration.

"Sir, can you introduce this sword of yours?"

Elder Jin Tongbing asked.


Tang Yi nodded and said: "This sword is called the Silver Light Giant Sword, and it is a high-grade Holy Heaven level weapon. Using this sword, you can perform a martial skill called Silver Light Falling Blade. It is very powerful and has a coverage range of 1000 meters.”

"Silver Light Great Sword? A high-grade Holy Heaven level weapon! And it also comes with a martial skill called Silver Light Falling Blade?"

Elder Jin Tongbing looked very surprised when he heard Tang Yi's introduction.

Although before Tang Yi introduced it, he had already guessed that this weapon was probably a high-grade Holy Heaven-level weapon, but he was still extremely shocked when he actually heard Tang Yi say it.

And most importantly!

This giant sword also comes with a range-type martial skill, Silver Light Falling Blade?
  Weapons that can be equipped with martial arts are the best weapons among the best.

If this giant sword is true to what the other party said, it is a high-grade holy-level weapon equipped with a range-type martial skill.

Then, it is definitely the best weapon among the high-grade Holy Heaven-level weapons!
  After being slightly surprised for a moment, Elder Jin Tongbing handed the giant sword back to Tang Yi and said, "Sir, you have won. You can buy our store's treasure, the Dragon Flame Bone! But I want to remind you, The Dragon Flame Bones in our store are not cheap, and if you don’t have enough Emperor Crystal, I’m afraid you won’t be able to buy them at all.”

With Jin Tongbing admitting defeat, the outcome of this bet was decided.

However, although Jin Tongbing lost, he lost nothing, and although Tang Yi won, he did not earn anything. He only gained the qualification to purchase Dragon Flame Bones.

Tang Yi did not pick up the giant sword handed back by Elder Jin Tongbing. He smiled slightly and said, "Is Dragon Flame Bone expensive? I wonder how it compares to the giant sword in my hand?"


Elder Jin Tongbing obviously did not understand what Tang Yi meant. He only thought that Tang Yi was asking about the price of the Dragon Flame Bone and the Silver Light Giant Sword, and immediately replied: "Compared with your Silver Light Giant Sword, Master, the Dragon Flame in our store is Bones are of course not worth mentioning. After all, your weapon is a finished product, and it is also a high-grade Holy Heaven-level weapon. Such a high-grade weapon is naturally priceless. If released, I am afraid it will attract many powerful people. It is not difficult to sell it for a good price. Dragon Flame Bone is just a kind of material. It is difficult to sell it for a good price. After all, you can have the forging of this special material. There are not many masters. If we really want to compare the two, the Dragon Flame Bone is less than a quarter of your giant sword, right? Of course, if I say a quarter, I overestimated the strength of the Dragon Flame Bone. The conclusion drawn based on the value may actually be lower. In short, the value of the Dragon Flame Bone is not comparable to the value of your silver sword."

Hearing Elder Jin Tongbing's analysis, Tang Yi smiled slightly and said surprisingly: "Since my silver light giant sword is worth more, how about I trade the silver light giant sword for the dragon flame bone in your shop?"

(End of this chapter)

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