Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2333: Obtain Dragon Flame Bone, 1 special material completed!

Chapter 2333: Obtain Dragon Flame Bone, and complete one hundred special materials!

The Silver Light Giant Sword is a weapon made from external materials and does not belong to Tang Yi, so there is no need for Tang Yi to keep it.

Used in exchange for Dragon Flame Bone, this is a perfect choice.

When he heard Tang Yi's proposal, Elder Jin Tongbing's eyes widened and he said with an incredulous expression: "Young Master, you, you, you, are you serious? You want to use this silver sword in exchange for our Dragon Flame Bones." ?”

"Am I kidding?" Tang Yi said.

"It's not that I think the young master is joking, I just think it's too amazing. I didn't expect that the young master is willing to use the silver light giant sword in exchange for us! You know, this is a high-grade holy-grade weapon. It is priceless. Its value Not to mention one dragon flame bone, even ten dragon flame bones cannot be exchanged. Young master, you are actually willing to use this giant sword to exchange for our dragon flame bones?" Elder Jin Tongbing said in surprise.

Not only Elder Jin Tongbing was surprised, but also several blacksmiths on the side, as well as the weapons appraiser who had just been responsible for appraising the weapons.

No one expected that Tang Yi would exchange the silver light giant sword for a special material.

Although this giant sword was also forged with materials from Long Yan's shop, according to the rules of the forging world, whoever forges it belongs to whom. There is no surprise about this giant sword, it must belong to the young man in front of him.

And this giant sword, as Elder Jin Tongbing said, is at the upper level of the Holy Heaven Order!

Weapons of this level are priceless and cannot be collected at all. If they are taken out, they may cause countless warriors to go crazy.

But now, this mysterious young man in front of him is actually used in exchange?

And it’s just an exchange of materials?

Although this material is very rare, it is the treasure of their store.

But it’s just a kind of material!
  "Then are you willing to exchange with me? I have this forging skill. For me, such a weapon is not worth mentioning at all. But I need the special material in your hand." Tang Yi said.

"Change! Why not change!"

Elder Jin Tongbing said immediately.

Using a special material in exchange for a high-grade Holy Heaven-level weapon would make a lot of money, right? You would be a fool not to change!
  I am not a fool!
  In this way, Tang Yi exchanged their treasure, the Dragon Flame Bone, from Long Yan's shop.

After obtaining the Dragon Flame Bone, Tang Yi's special materials reached 100, and he has completed the 100 special materials plan.

However, Tang Yi was not in a hurry to use these one hundred materials for forging. After all, the next night, he had to compete for the qualifications to go to the Heavenly Palace. If one of them could not control it well and the forging time was too long, he had no way to interrupt it and missed it. The competition for qualifications is not worth the gain.

Losing the qualification to go to the Heavenly Palace means losing the qualification to participate in the imperial military debate.

If Tang Yi cannot participate in the imperial military debate, his mission will not be completed.

And once he fails to complete the task, Tang Yi will be greeted by the system's extremely cruel punishment.

Although he was very interested in items forged from a hundred kinds of special materials, Tang Yi could still tell which ones were more important, so there was no need for Tang Yi to rush out for a day or two to make things.

After getting the Dragon Flame Bone, Tang Yi left the Long Yan shop under the respectful farewell of Elder Jin Tongbing. Looking at Tang Yi's back, the shopkeeper of Long Yan's shop said to Elder Jin Tongbing: "Elder, he shouldn't be from the Realm of the World."

Jin Tongbing nodded and said: "No, he should be the representative of the empire participating in the imperial military debate this time!"

"Representatives from the empire participating in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition? Are all the representatives from the empire so strong now?" the shopkeeper asked in surprise.

"I'm also very puzzled that a mere representative of the empire has such advanced forging skills."

Jin Tongbing turned his head, looked at a blacksmith on the side, and said, "Elder Zhexuan, what do you think of his forging level?"

Hearing this, the blacksmith named Zhexuan shook his head and said, "I can't tell! But he must be taller than me! It took more than two hours to forge a high-grade weapon of the Holy Heaven level, and It doesn’t look like he was forging it seriously, he seems to be doing it casually. I can’t compare to this level of forging. There is a huge gap between him and me!”

"Is it short of the gap? Indeed, judging from the forging skills he just showed, it is indeed too powerful."

After a pause, Elder Jin Tongbing asked again: "In the opinion of Elder Yizhexuan, what level has his blacksmithing skills reached now?"

Elder Zhexuan thought for a moment and said, "If I predict correctly, I'm afraid his forging skills have completely surpassed the Saint level and advanced to the Supreme level."

"Supreme Blacksmithing Technique? You say he is the Supreme Blacksmith? Impossible! Our entire Jin family does not have a Supreme Blacksmith. How could he be a mere representative of the empire?" Elder Jin Tongbing did not believe it.

"Of course, this is just my guess. However, based on the level of forging he just showed, I think there is a 90% probability that he is a forging supreme." Elder Zhexuan said.

Hearing this, Jin Tongbing did not refute or say anything more, but pondered for a long time, and then said: "Maybe as you said, he is really a forging supreme, even if we don't believe it, his forging level , and it exceeds our knowledge. After all, even the Great Heavenly Forger cannot create a high-grade Holy Heaven-level weapon in two hours. It is also impossible to do it so easily and comfortably."

Everyone nodded.

After all, today was a real eye-opener for them.

Before this, none of them expected that a piece of high-grade equipment at the Holy Heaven level could actually be made within two hours.

This is something I never even dared to think about before!
  But such a thing actually happened.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they might have thought it was a dream.

"Well, we won't speculate any more about his forging level. If he is really the representative of the empire, then he will definitely participate in the imperial martial arts competition in two days. When the imperial martial arts competition is over, we will look for opportunities then. Ask him. In addition, I will definitely try to win over such a blacksmith when the time comes. If I can win over such a person... this will definitely be a great blessing for our Jin family!"

Jin Tongbing said excitedly.

Slightly excited, Jin Tongbing looked at the silver sword forged by Tang Yi and said, "Let me see how powerful the weapon forged by this quasi-forging supreme master is."

With that said, Elder Jin Tongbing held the giant sword and started to dance gently!
  However, you won’t know until you try. Once you try, you will be shocked.

This giant sword looks huge and heavy, but what I didn't expect is that it is not as bulky as a giant sword should be. On the contrary, it is extremely agile, as if what is held in the hand is not a giant sword, but a sword. Just like an ordinary long sword.

(End of this chapter)

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