Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2335 Even grabbing the qualification to be the first challenger?

Chapter 2335 Even grabbing the qualification to be the first challenger?

After returning, Tang Yi never went out again.

In this way, after resting for a day and night, as Guang Yongnian expected, Tang Yi was invited to the Jin family's home on the evening of the next day.

To be precise, he was invited outside the main hall of the Jin family.

There is a large open space outside the main hall of the Jin family. The Jin family used this open space to hold an open-air banquet. Thirty-six representatives of the empire were invited.

I have to say that the ceremony was very grand today, a bit like a king entertaining his ministers.

Outside the entire main hall, banquets were lined up in two rows, thousands of meters away, and countless servants and waiters were busy.

Looking from a distance, the grand occasion was unprecedented.

If Tang Yi hadn't been reminded by Guang Yongnian, he would definitely not know the significance of this banquet, let alone why it was so grand.

In fact, Tang Yi might not come directly.

After all, such a banquet means nothing to Tang Yi.

But now, after being reminded by Guang Yongnian, Tang Yi knew the meaning of the banquet... Naturally, it was impossible to miss it.

After all, this is about the quota for ascending to the Heavenly Palace.

Only by ascending to the Heavenly Palace can one be qualified to participate in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition.

Tang Yi sat in a certain seat according to his position. The seats were arranged according to the results of the Imperial Martial Arts Competition in previous years.

In previous imperial martial arts discussions, the Mengyue Empire was only at the middle level, so Tang Yi probably sat in the middle.

What was a very coincidental thing was that Guang Yongnian was actually sitting next to Tang Yi. I don't know if he was replaced or if he was sitting here originally.

"Brother Tang, what a coincidence. I didn't expect me to sit next to you." Guang Yongnian said to Tang Yi with a smile.

"Yeah, what a coincidence!"

Tang Yi pouted.

What a coincidence? I believe you, you bastard old man.

If Guang Yongnian didn't show such a smile, Tang Yi might believe it was a coincidence, but his smile...

Just a bad old man.

Guang Yongnian didn't care, and said with a smile: "How about it, are you confident about your qualifications to compete?"

"Confidence? Maybe."

Tang Yi gave a mocking answer.

"Then it seems that we are very confident."

Guang Yongnian smiled and said: "However, I estimate that many people will regard you as an opponent tonight, and even rush to compete with you. After all, in the eyes of others, you are a living quota, and you can get it if you challenge You have to be careful about the quota."

"is it?"

Tang Yi said regretfully: "Then they are so unfortunate."

Seeing Tang Yi's expression, Guang Yongnian smiled slightly, said no more, and quietly waited for the banquet to begin.

This banquet was hosted by the realm king's special envoy. However, it was not the special envoy Geng who came to pick up Tang Yi and others, but another special envoy.

After everyone came together, the special envoy stood on the central seat and said to everyone: "Here, maybe many people know me, maybe many people don't know me, but it doesn't matter, I can Let me introduce myself to you all again. My name is Meng Yongfeng. You can call me Special Envoy Meng, or you can just call me by my full name. I have always hosted the night banquets before the Imperial Military Contest."

Tang Yi took a quick look at Special Envoy Meng, and was surprised to find that Special Envoy Meng was actually pretty good!

Although Special Envoy Meng is also at the top level of the Holy God, he is obviously stronger than Special Envoy Geng.

He is very close to the Supreme Being.

You might even be able to break through in the next second. In short, the Special Envoy Meng in front of me is only separated from the Supreme Being by a layer of veil.

"Everyone should already know the purpose of the banquet, so I won't waste time here. The rules are very simple. Two pairs fight, the winner gets the qualification, and the loser leaves the realm of the world. Later, one party will come out to challenge, and the other will If one party accepts the challenge, the competition can begin. The challenged person cannot refuse, let's start now, whoever wants to be the first challenger."

Special Envoy Meng said.

Very direct, without any foreshadowing, without any redundant words, it just started.

What was unexpected was that in the next second, dozens of people stood up and spoke one after another.

"Representative of the Longyuan Empire, Cheng Yiming, I will be the first challenger."

"Representative of the Hong Qin Empire, He Hongyang, I want to challenge him."

"Representative of the Blood Xia Empire, Sun Hongzhi, I want to challenge.

"Representative of the Yinlan Empire, Ding Jinpeng requests a challenge."

"Longwei Empire..."


Dozens of people stood up at the same time. Even Special Envoy Meng, who had hosted many banquets, was stunned for a moment.

He had no idea that this generation of imperial representatives would be so proactive and enthusiastic.

At the same time, Special Envoy Meng also had a headache. Dozens of people stood up at the same time. Who should he let challenge first?

After thinking about it, Special Envoy Meng decided: "Cheng Yiming, the representative of the Longyuan Empire, you will be the first..."

"Wait a minute, Special Envoy Meng, I was obviously the one who stood up first, so I should be the first challenger."

"No, it's me first. Don't fight me. This first challenger must come from our Blood Xia Empire."

"Are you kidding me? Are you competing with me to be the first challenger?"

"Stop making trouble, the qualification to be the first challenger must be our Longwei Empire."


A group of representatives from the empire who stood up said one after another, and they began to compete for the qualifications of the first challenger.


Special Envoy Meng was stunned again and looked at the dozen or so imperial representatives who stood up in surprise.

He didn't understand at all what was so important about the qualifications of this first challenger.

The qualification to go to the Heavenly Palace must be fought for, but the qualification of the first challenger, what is there to fight for?

If you can’t challenge the first one, then wouldn’t it be better to challenge the second one?
  If you take the challenge second, will you lose something?
  If the second person challenges, will he lose the qualification to go to the Heavenly Palace?
  Shouldn't it?
  Or, what advantages can you get by being the first to challenge?
  Is that why these dozen empire representatives are fighting so hard?

Thinking of this, Special Envoy Meng glanced at all the imperial representatives present. When his eyes glanced at Tang Yi... Special Envoy Meng was slightly startled.

"This year's Imperial Martial Arts Competition has such a young representative coming? Judging from his age, he is only seventeen or eighteen years old, right? At this age... even if he started practicing from his mother's womb..."

At this moment, Special Envoy Meng suddenly realized.

He finally understood why more than a dozen empire representatives came to compete for the qualifications of this first challenger.

It turned out that they had targeted this extremely young representative of the empire and wanted to be the first to stand up and challenge him!

No wonder the qualification of the first challenger has caused so many empire representatives to compete. It turns out that there is such a reason.

After knowing the reason, Special Envoy Meng was a little embarrassed. After all, more than a dozen representatives of the empire stood up at the same time and asked to be the first to challenge. He didn't know who to give the first challenge.

(End of this chapter)

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