Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2336 Grab the white ball

Chapter 2336 Grab the white ball

On the other side, seeing more than a dozen representatives of the empire standing up and vying for the qualification to be the first challenger, Tang Yi understood the reason in an instant.

Not only Tang Yi understood, but Guang Yongnian sitting next to Tang Yi also knew it very well.

Guang Yongnian smiled and said to Tang Yi: "Look, I'll just say it. Now many people regard you as fish on the chopping board and want to rush to challenge you."

"Then I can only mourn for these people in advance. After all, these people have poor eyesight."

Tang Yi said calmly.

To be honest, Tang Yi has experienced being looked down upon and looked down upon so many times and has long been used to it.

However, no matter how used to it, it still feels a little uncomfortable to be challenged like this and treated like fish on the chopping board.

Seeing these people vying for the qualification to be the first challenger and wanting to challenge himself, Tang Yi secretly vowed to teach them a profound lesson to the imperial representative who was qualified to challenge later. , I am not someone to be trifled with.

The clay figurine also has three points of fire. Although the fire in Tang Yi's heart is only less than 0.5 points, this fire still has to be vented.

The location of the Kim family.

As landowners and the actual organizers of the banquet, although the Jin family did not need to participate in this qualification battle between representatives of the empire, they sat not far away to observe.

Seeing more than a dozen representatives of the empire vying for the qualifications to be a challenger, everyone in the Jin family was dumbfounded.

"Hahaha, these representatives of the empire are so interesting. They even compete for a challenge qualification. No wonder they are so bad every year."

"See that young representative sitting over there? Maybe they are competing for this qualification just to challenge this representative. Huh, these empire representatives are indeed getting worse and worse."

"In order to ascend to the Heavenly Palace to participate in the imperial military debate, these imperial representatives even lost their shame."

"Who says it's not the case? I don't know why our Protoss needs to be on guard against these representatives of the empire. With their mentality, it's hard to imagine that they can defeat the representatives of our Protoss."

"How many years has it been? How many years has it been since the representatives of the Empire won a victory in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition? It seems that there is a reason why they did not win."



The head of the Jin family is named Jin Maoxun. At this time, he was sitting with a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face.

Seeing the representatives of the empire vying for the qualification to challenge, Jin Maoxun, the head of the Jin family, shook his head and said: "These representatives of the empire really do whatever it takes to get to the Heavenly Palace. But it is strange to say that the empire would send such young warriors. What about participating in the Imperial Military Contest as representatives? Don’t they know the importance of the Imperial Military Contest?"

The middle-aged man with the Chinese character face was actually the representative of the Jin family, named Jin Kaifeng. Hearing the words of the head of the Jin family, he stroked the silver giant sword he had just taken from the elder Jin Tongbing and said: "Sometimes there are some things that cannot just be seen on the surface. I think that young warrior is not that simple."


Jin Maoxun, the head of the Jin family, looked at Jin Kaifeng, the representative of the Jin family, in confusion and asked, "Why do you see this?"

"Look at his reaction and his expression? Is he too calm? Those dozen empire representatives obviously wanted to challenge him. However, after learning that a dozen people wanted to challenge him, Isn't it strange that you can still be so calm and calm?"

Jin Kaifeng, a representative of the Jin family, said.

After hearing Jin Kaifeng's words, Jin Maoxun hurriedly looked at the young representative and found that the young representative was extremely calm as Jin Kaifeng said.

Even at this moment, he was eating and drinking leisurely and elegantly?

Yes, the young representative was eating and drinking!

Even if more than a dozen representatives of the empire were eyeing him, vying for the right to challenge, he didn't care at all?
  Seeing this scene, Jin Maoxun couldn't help turning his head and said to Jin Kaifeng: "Kaifeng, you see clearly. It seems that this young representative does have a problem! You have to be careful when facing him!"

"It doesn't matter!" Jin Kaifeng smiled slightly, and then said with great confidence: "Although he has problems and may be very powerful, but! There is absolutely no way he can be my opponent, especially after I got the Silver Light Giant Sword. After that! With this giant sword, let alone him, even if it’s Special Envoy Meng, I’ll have the confidence to fight!”

"Oh? Are you so confident? It seems that after you got the Silver Light Giant Sword, Kai Feng, you are indeed more powerful than a tiger."

Jin Maoxun laughed.

Special Envoy Meng is the most powerful among the top holy gods, and can even be said to be an invincible existence below the Supreme.

If Jin Kaifeng can really fight against Special Envoy Meng, it means that his strength has reached the level of invincibility under the Supreme Being.

With such strength, there won't be much of a problem in the empire's military debate this time.

You can even compete for the top spot!
  Thinking of the first place, Jin Maoxun, the patriarch of the Jin family, couldn't help but look forward to it.

Return to the Imperial representative.

Special Envoy Meng thought about it for a long time, but still couldn't figure out the reason. He still didn't know who to give up the qualification of the first challenger to.

After all, in previous years of imperial military debates, no one had ever competed for the qualifications to be a challenger.

After thinking for a while, Special Envoy Meng said to everyone: "Well, since each of you wants the spot of the first challenger, but it is not appropriate for me to give the qualification of the first challenger to anyone, why not let How about you compete among yourself?"

Representative of Longyuan Empire: "No problem! This world speaks with fists."

Representative of the Hong Qin Empire: "I have no objection either."

Representative of the Blood Xia Empire: "I don't think I'm any worse than them, so I don't have any objections."

Representative of the Longwei Empire: "Okay, since everyone wants to be the first challenger, then we will see the truth."


The representatives of the empire all agreed.

Seeing that these representatives vying for the qualification to be the first challenger had no objections, Special Envoy Meng waved his right hand, took out a small white ball, and said to them: "The rules are very simple, this is a small white ball, I will tell you later Throw the ball in the air, and when it starts, you start to grab it. Whoever gets the white ball will be the first to challenge. What do you think?"


"no problem!"

"let's start!"

"Envoy Meng, come on."


Seeing that no one had any objections, Meng Teji gently pinched the white ball with his right hand, and then suddenly threw it into the air.

"call out!"

The small white ball as big as a fist flew into the sky instantly, like a dazzling firework, soaring into the sky.

Special Envoy Meng is a top Holy Spirit expert, and this sudden throw is no joke.

With just one throw, the little white ball flew up to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

This is when Special Envoy Meng stopped his power. If he didn't stop his power, the little white ball would probably fly even higher.

(End of this chapter)

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