Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2337 What is this?

Chapter 2337 What is this?
  And when the little white ball flew up to 10,000 meters in the air, Special Envoy Meng said loudly: "Start!"

Following the words of Special Envoy Meng, dozens of representatives of the empire who wanted to be qualified as the first challenger jumped up and flew into the sky.


Dozens of figures, like meteors, rushed into the sky.

As the white ball flew up to an altitude of 10,000 meters and reached the clouds, no one could see the dozens of empire representatives competing for it.

However, this battle obviously did not last long.

In just a moment, dozens of figures returned one after another.

At this moment, some people are happy and some are sad.

As soon as the dozen or so representatives of the empire came down, they returned to their seats without saying a word. Their faces were gloomy and they looked very unhappy.

Only Cheng Yiming, the representative of the Longyuan Empire, looked proud. He came to Special Envoy Meng, handed the white ball in his hand to Special Envoy Meng, and said: "Envoy, this is your thing. Now I should be the first A challenger?"

"Well, since you grabbed the white ball, the qualification to be the first challenger is yours. Now, please tell me who you want to challenge."

Special Envoy Meng nodded and said.

"What I want to challenge is that imperial representative over there."

Not surprisingly, the direction pointed by Cheng Yiming, the representative of the Long Yuan Empire, was the direction where Tang Yi was.

The reason why he wanted to compete for the qualification for this first challenge was because he wanted to challenge Tang Yi.

In the eyes of everyone, Tang Yi is a walking quota. As long as he challenges Tang Yi, he will be qualified to ascend to the Heavenly Palace to participate in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition. Therefore, everyone is vying for the qualification to be the first challenge.

"That one over there?"

Special Envoy Meng looked in the direction pointed by Cheng Yiming, the representative of the Longyuan Empire, and immediately saw Tang Yi, and then said to Tang Yi: "I don't know which empire this representative is, can you introduce him?"

Tang Yi stood up and replied: "I am the representative of the Mengyue Empire, Tang Yi."

"It turns out to be the representative of Mengyue Empire. This year's representative of Mengyue Empire is quite young."

Special Envoy Meng smiled and said: "Then do you want to accept the challenge from the representative of the Long Yuan Empire? Now you can choose not to accept the challenge, or admit defeat directly, or you can choose to accept the challenge. But I have to remind you, if you do not accept the challenge of Long Yuan The challenge from the representative of the empire, then no matter who you meet, you have to accept the next challenge. If you choose to admit defeat, it means that you have lost the qualification to go to the Heavenly Palace. So, how do you choose?"

Special Envoy Meng was very curious about Tang Yi's choice.

In Special Envoy Meng's view, Tang Yi was so young and his strength was certainly not very good. This time he was sent by the Mengyue Empire as a representative to participate in the empire's martial arts debate, perhaps just to increase his knowledge.

Therefore, Special Envoy Meng felt that Tang Yi would most likely not accept the challenge or simply admit defeat.

After all, even if you accept the challenge, there is no possibility of winning. It is better not to accept the challenge or to admit defeat directly.

In this way, there is no need to be harmed.

Of course, this was not only the thought of Special Envoy Meng, but also the thought of everyone present.

Everyone felt that Tang Yi would not accept the challenge or simply admit defeat.

However, the next moment, Tang Yi gave everyone an unexpected answer.

"I accept the challenge."

Tang Yi said calmly.

"He actually accepted the challenge?"

"He actually dares to accept the challenge?"

"Ha! You really don't know how to live or die."

"Although Cheng Yiming is not the top figure among the representatives of the empire, he is still one of the best. His strength is very good. Dare to accept his challenge, haha."

"If I were Meng Yue's representative, I would definitely admit defeat directly. After all, there is no point in being shameless compared to the last one. It's just that I was tortured for nothing."

“…”     “Are you sure you accept the challenge?”

Special Envoy Meng looked at Tang Yi in surprise, not expecting that Tang Yi would accept the challenge.

Judging from the look on Special Envoy Meng's face, Special Envoy Meng was very surprised that Tang Yi accepted the challenge.

After all, a young representative with a lot of experience actually dares to accept the challenge and dare to fight with those veteran strongmen. This is an incredible thing in the eyes of Special Envoy Meng.

"Of course!"

Tang Yi nodded, with a serious look on his face.

"Okay, since you accepted the challenge, let's get started. The two of you remember to stop there and don't hurt each other's life."

Special Envoy Meng said.

After all, Tang Yi accepted the challenge, what else could he say?
  To persuade Tang Yi to give up?
  This is obviously impossible.

Special Envoy Meng will not do this either.

In this way, Tang Yi and Cheng Yiming from the Longyuan Empire jumped one after another and arrived at the open space in the center of the banquet.

The banquet was divided into two rows, and in the middle of the banquet was a huge open space.

This is a space intentionally set aside for the purpose of allowing major representatives to compete here to compete for spots.

At this moment, Tang Yi and Cheng Yiming of the Longyuan Empire stood on both sides of the open space, looking at each other.

This competition determines the empire's qualifications for martial arts competition.

If you win, you will be qualified to ascend to the Heavenly Palace and participate in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition.

If you fail, you will return to the empire in disgrace.

For the representatives of the empire, this competition is extremely important.

After all, only by winning this competition can you participate in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition!

In fact, for many representatives of the empire present, whether the empire can get good results in the martial arts debate is not important.

The important thing is that you must ascend to the Heavenly Palace and participate in the Imperial Martial Arts Contest!
  Because if you ascend to the Heavenly Palace and participate in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition, even if you fail, you will get unexpected benefits.

Therefore, most of the representatives of the empire value the qualification competition before the imperial martial arts competition more than the imperial martial arts competition, and they all want to ascend to the Heavenly Palace.

It is too difficult to compete with the gods of the realm of the world for the imperial martial arts competition, and the representatives of the empire do not expect it.

But climbing to the Heavenly Palace and obtaining unexpected benefits is what they are extremely jealous of.

"Take action! Don't say I didn't give you permission, I can give you three moves."

Cheng Yiming said to Tang Yi. His face was full of a confident look, and he seemed to be at ease.

From Cheng Yiming's point of view, there is no suspense about the outcome of this competition. Even if the opponent loses a few moves, there will be no problem.

"Three moves?"

Tang Yi curled his lips, showed a disdainful smile, and then stretched out a finger.

"What do you mean?"

Seeing Tang Yi stretch out a finger, Cheng Yiming said in confusion: "Why, three moves are not enough? Do you still want me to let you give you four moves? It's not impossible to give you four moves.
  Cheng Yiming seemed to think for a moment, and then said: "Okay, then I will give you four moves, you take action!"


Tang Yi smiled coldly, feeling that Cheng Yiming was like an idiot, and said, "Don't you know how to count? How many is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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