Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2338 A competition of unequal strength

Chapter 2338 A competition of unequal strength
  Tang Yi raised a finger again and showed it in front of Cheng Yiming.

"Yi, what's wrong? Don't you mean you want me to give you one more move? Or do you just want me to give you one more move? It would be too unfair to you if I only let you one move. After all, I My qualifications are much older than yours. As far as you and I are concerned, we are just juniors. For juniors, I have to give you three moves, right?"

Cheng Yiming said seriously.

"Haha, do I need you to give in? You are really good at figuring things out."

Tang Yi said disdainfully.

Hearing this, Cheng Yiming frowned and said, "Could it be that when you stretched out a finger, you meant you wanted to kill me with one move?"

As he spoke, Cheng Yiming showed an expression of disbelief, as if he had heard something incredible.

"You're still wrong."

Tang Yi shook his head gently and said: "I mean, one finger, I only need one finger to solve you!"

"One finger? Finish me?"

Cheng Yiming was slightly startled at first, then

Cheng Yiming laughed loudly, as if he had heard something funny. He couldn't help laughing. If it weren't for his face, and if there weren't too many people present, he would probably be rolling on the ground laughing.

What Tang Yi said was so funny to Cheng Yiming, as if it was the funniest joke in the world.

Not only Cheng Yiming laughed, but also the imperial representatives who were watching, people from the Jin family, and Special Envoy Meng who was under the throne of the Realm King all laughed.

Killing an empire representative with top-level Holy Spirit power with one finger?
  Just kidding?
  Don’t brag and be more realistic.

"I finally know why the Mengyue Empire sent him to participate in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition. The reason is that he is very thick-skinned. He can actually have the audacity to say that he can use one finger to defeat an empire representative. His skin is really thick-skinned. .”

"I always thought that the empire's martial arts debate was a very serious matter. Now it seems that I was wrong. The empire's martial arts debate can also be a funny thing. For example, the representative of the Mengyue Empire in front of me is really funny. Why did the Mengyue Empire send him here?"

"To be honest, at the beginning, I was very curious and looking forward to this representative of the Mengyue Empire. Now it seems that he did not disappoint me, but the thing that did not disappoint me was not his strength. It’s his thickness of skin.”

"Indeed, warriors without strength generally don't dare to participate in imperial martial arts debates, but he dares to do so. He is really thick-skinned."

"If I were him, I would never say that I could defeat my opponent with just one finger. It's really ridiculous."

"Hey! What a pity. Why didn't I get the qualification to be the first challenger? If I get the qualification to challenge, I will challenge him too."

"The result is so unsuspicious. No wonder everyone is rushing to be the first challenger. This representative Meng Yue, who is too young, has indeed lived up to expectations."


The location of the Jin family.

Jin Maoxun, the head of the Jin family, shook his head and said: "It seems that we all guessed wrong. This young representative from the Mengyue Empire does not really have any problem, but has a problem with his brain. How dare he say that using a stick If this was said by the King of the Realm, or a strong person in the Heavenly Palace, I would still believe the words of a representative of the Longyuan Empire who could be defeated with his fingers. But a mere young representative of the Empire dared to say such a thing, This is really too crazy, I can’t believe it anyway, this representative of Mengyue must be mentally abnormal in my opinion.”

"It's too early for the head of the family to speak. Maybe he can really do it?"

Jin Kaifeng, the representative of the Jin family, glanced at Tang Yi in the distance and said.

"You think he can do it?"

Jin Maoxun, the head of the Jin family, looked at Jin Kaifeng aside in surprise.

"No, I just don't think we should say it so early. After all, this possibility is also possible. Maybe he has some powerful means that can be used with one finger, so using one finger to solve the opponent, this is It’s something that’s theoretically possible.”

Jin Kaifeng thought for a while and said.

"Hey! What you said seems to make sense! It seems that I was deceived by his words. I thought he really only used one finger instead of using martial arts. Now think about it, one finger might also be Martial skills. It is also possible to use martial arts to defeat opponents." Jin Maoxun, the head of the Jin family, was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It seems that this kid is not as unbearable as we thought. He can also use words to paralyze his opponents! I want to come to him. He must have said that on purpose, and most likely just to paralyze his opponent."

"I think so too. Otherwise, how could he say such unrealistic words as using one finger to solve the opponent's problem? Apart from making the opponent feel ridiculous and paralyzing the opponent, I can't think of any other possibility."

Jin Kaifeng, the representative of the Jin family, nodded.

"I think this is a possibility. If we continue to look at it, this young representative may bring us unexpected surprises." Jin Maoxun, the head of the Jin family, said.

He was slightly looking forward to Tang Yi.

In the center of the banquet.

Special Envoy Meng looked at Tang Yi and shook his head helplessly. He thought that the young man in front of him was really too young. How dare he say anything?
  Killing a representative of the empire with one finger?

I don’t even dare to say this myself!

Even if he is super powerful and very close to the Supreme, he would not dare to say such big words, let alone be unable to do such a thing.

However, the extremely young representative of the empire in front of him dared to say this. This is really...

"It seems that this young empire representative can't bring me any surprises. Originally, I thought the Mengyue Empire sent him out because of his abilities. Now it seems that is not the case. It's a pity."

Special Envoy Meng shook his head and sighed.


In the open space in the center of the banquet.

"Just you? One finger? You can solve me? Are you too funny?"

Cheng Yiming laughed so hard that tears rolled down his face and said, "Boy, this joke is really funny. I admit, I was amused by you. Are you warriors from the Mengyue Empire so funny?"

"Funny? Well, just laugh. After all, you won't be able to laugh anymore." Tang Yi said lightly.

"Oh? Are you trying to make me laugh? OK, I expect you to make me laugh!"

Cheng Yiming said nonchalantly, not taking Tang Yi's words to heart at all.

"Are you ready?" Tang Yi asked lightly.

"You can take action at any time, I'm ready."

Cheng Yiming laughed, his expression full of unparalleled confidence. In his opinion, it was absolutely impossible to lose in this competition, even if the opponent had to take a few moves.

Not to mention a few moves, maybe a dozen moves, or hundreds of moves, and it's impossible to lose.

Give one hand and it might be okay.

This is a test of unequal strength.

Therefore, even if Tang Yi said there was no need to give in, Cheng Yiming decided to let Tang Yi do a few tricks.

"Okay, now that you're ready, here I come!"

As Tang Yi spoke, he moved and rushed towards Cheng Yiming.

(End of this chapter)

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