Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2339 Using one finger should be acceptable, right?

Chapter 2339 Using one finger should be acceptable, right?
  Tang Yi's movements didn't look fast or mysterious, he just rushed out, simply.

However, the effect achieved was terrifying.

The seemingly unhappy figure actually seemed to teleport and arrived in front of Cheng Yiming of the Long Yuan Empire in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Tang Yi stretched out his right hand slightly and pointed out with a finger.

Likewise, Tang Yi's finger didn't look fast.

However, it is extremely terrifying.

With a single finger, he immediately pointed at Cheng Yiming's chest.

That seemingly unpleasant movement made it impossible for Cheng Yiming to avoid and stop him!
  Can't even react.

He clearly saw Tang Yi rushing over, clearly saw Tang Yi extending a finger, clearly saw the finger pointing at him, but he was unable to react at all.

Just like this, when Cheng Yiming of the Longyuan Empire had no reaction at all, Tang Yi pointed at Cheng Yiming.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Yiming suffered a heavy blow and his body flew out quickly.

His body was seen flying over the location of the banquet, several thousand meters away, and hit a wall hard, opening a hole in the wall.

Cheng Yiming was buried in the ruins, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Seeing this scene, the scene was silent for a moment, as if everyone was confused at this moment.

It wasn't until Tang Yi retracted his finger, jumped back to his position, that everyone present reacted.

"This... am I not dreaming? The young representative of the Mengyue Empire really killed the representative of the Longyuan Empire with one finger?"

"What exactly happened just now? I saw everything clearly just now, but...I didn't know anything. Can everyone tell me what happened?"

"Before seeing the scene just now, I would never have believed that a young empire representative could kill another empire representative with one finger."

"Is this a unique thing in the history of imperial martial arts debates? I have never heard of an empire representative being able to kill another empire representative with one finger."

"If I didn't actually see it, I really wouldn't believe it."



The location of the Jin family.

"He, he really did it. He eliminated the representative of the Longyuan Empire with one finger and one blow. This is really..."

Jin Maoxun, the head of the Jin family, didn't know what to say for a moment.

"He did bring us an unexpected surprise..." Jin Kaifeng, the representative of the Jin family, took a deep look at Tang Yi who returned to his seat and said solemnly.

"What are your chances of winning against him?"

Jin Maoxun, the head of the Jin family, turned around and asked.

"Before he made a move, I thought I had a 100% chance of winning. But after he made a move...I didn't know. After all, I didn't see what was going on with that finger just now. , I don’t have any confidence." Jin Kaifeng replied.

"Are you not sure? That young representative of Meng Yue is indeed a bit powerful. You have to be careful when facing him." Jin Maoxun, the head of the Jin family, said.

Hearing this, Jin Kaifeng nodded, his expression very solemn.

At this moment, he truly regarded Tang Yi as his opponent.

Moreover, he is also a formidable opponent!

After all, if you want to kill an empire representative with one finger, even if that finger is a mysterious martial skill, that is very powerful.

Faced with such a blow, no matter how confident Jin Kaifeng was, he had to be cautious. In the middle of the banquet, Special Envoy Meng was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said: "It seems that although the representative of the Mengyue Empire looks young, his strength is not inferior at all! I was wrong before."

After a pause, Special Envoy Meng announced: "This competition belongs to Tang Yisheng, the representative of the Mengyue Empire."

Tang Yi hugged his hands towards Special Envoy Meng as a sign of courtesy. After all, you can't remain indifferent when others praise you.

Apart from holding hands, Tang Yi didn't say much.

Of course, Tang Yi doesn't need to say more now, because the strength he just showed is the best words.

After the competition just now, Tang Yi believes that if others want to provoke him, he may have to think twice.

As Tang Yi expected, after this competition, all the empire representatives present looked at Tang Yi with completely different eyes.

His eyes were no longer contemptuous, replaced by solemnity.

At this moment, all the representatives present finally knew why the Mengyue Empire sent such a young representative to participate in the imperial martial arts debate.

It's not because Mengyue Empire gave up.

It's not because the Mengyue Empire wants to send a young representative to gain experience.

It's because this young representative has the super strength to defeat an empire representative with one finger!

After Tang Yi returned to his position, he drank when he should drink and continued eating meat when he should eat. He didn't take the competition at all to heart, but devoted himself wholeheartedly to eating and drinking.

It seems that the wine and food provided by the Jin family are more attractive than the representatives of the empire present.

At this time, Tang Yi felt a fiery gaze looking at him. Turning his head slightly, Tang Yi discovered that the person looking at him was Guang Yongnian sitting beside him.

Feeling Guang Yongnian's gaze, Tang Yi asked, "Why are you looking at me?"

"It's nothing, I'm just surprised." Guang Yongnian said.

"I thought you already knew that."

Tang Yi continued to eat and drink without raising his head.

"When I came here, I did guess that you would be very strong, but I didn't expect that you would be this strong." Guang Yongnian said.

After a pause, Guang Yongnian asked again, "Did you really defeat the representative of the Longyuan Empire with just one finger just now? Instead of using any martial arts?"

"What do you think? Do I need to lie?" Tang Yi replied.


"Is this true? I just thought that this one finger of yours was some kind of martial arts! I thought that you said you wanted to use one finger to defeat the opponent, just to paralyze the opponent and make the opponent lower their vigilance. However, there is no Do you think it's true? Did you really defeat the representative of the Long Yuan Empire with one finger?"

Guang Yongnian said with a look of disbelief.

"of course it's true."

Tang Yi said calmly, not taking this matter to heart at all.

After all, in Tang Yi's opinion, let alone a finger, he could blow the opponent to death even with a breath of air.

Even standing still, he can make the opponent instantly turn into ashes.

In Tang Yi's eyes, saint-level warriors were like ants, even worse than ants. It was too easy to kill them. Tang Yi had countless ways to kill them effortlessly.

But because those methods were too exaggerated, Tang Yi didn't do that, but stretched out a finger.

Compared with those methods, extending a finger is exaggerated, but it should be acceptable, right?
  (End of this chapter)

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