Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2340 Guang Yongnian takes action

Chapter 2340 Guang Yongnian takes action

Seeing Tang Yi's indifferent look, Guang Yongnian was even more shocked, and his eyes looking at Tang Yi became more solemn.

When he met Tang Yi for the first time, although Guang Yongnian also felt that Tang Yi was extraordinary and thought that Tang Yi would be the dark horse in this imperial martial arts debate, he never expected that Tang Yi was so powerful, so powerful that he could lift a finger. The extent of defeating a representative of the Empire.

If that empire representative was just a junior Holy God, and he could be defeated with one finger, it would be nothing at all.

The issue is!
  This representative of the Long Yuan Empire is a top holy god!
  The strength is among the top holy gods and also belongs to the middle level.

With such strength, even if it is a special envoy, it will take a lot of effort to defeat him!
  However, Tang Yi defeated it easily, using only one finger.

Now, Tang Yi also told Guang Yongnian that his finger was really just a finger and not a martial skill!

How could Guang Yongnian not be shocked and solemn by this?

No martial arts, no special means, just an ordinary finger, defeated a top holy god who had reached the middle level and was difficult to defeat even as a special envoy. This was too exaggerated.

"Perhaps this year's imperial martial arts debate will change. Those gods may fall from the altar because of Tang Yi's appearance!" Guang Yongnian thought in his heart.

Looking at Guang Yongnian's surprised look, Tang Yi shook his head.

Fortunately, he didn't tell Guang Yongnian that he had only used less than 0.000000001 of his strength.

Fortunately, he didn't tell Guang Yongnian that he had broken through the Holy God level and reached the Supreme level.

What's more, he didn't tell Guang Yongnian that not only did he break through to the Supreme level, but his current Supreme combat power index has reached hundreds of thousands points.

Otherwise, Guang Yongnian might be scared to death.

After all, just telling him that one of his fingers did not use any means, he was so surprised. If he was told something more exaggerated, would he have a heart attack?
  "Tang Yi."

Guang Yongnian said with a complicated expression: "What goals do you have in mind for participating in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition this year?"

"Target? Of course the number one spot!"

Tang Yi replied matter-of-factly.

"Number one?"

Guang Yongnian said: "If it is the first place, are you ready to face a Supreme?"

"Huh? Supreme? Aren't the representatives participating in the empire's martial arts debate all top saints?" Tang Yi asked in confusion.

"It's true that they are top saints. But top saints and top saints are also different. Some top saints are only a thin line away from the supreme. As long as they want, they can break through at any time. So, if you want to compete If you take the top spot, you might have to face a supreme-level opponent," Guang Yongnian said.

"Is that the Supreme?"

"I think I can give it a challenge."

Tang Yi replied, there was no solemn look on his face, as if even the Supreme could not attract his attention.

Seeing Tang Yi's expression, Guang Yongnian's expression was complicated, and the feeling in his heart became stronger. He felt that Tang Yi was very likely to break the rules of the World of Gods and make the gods who stood at the top of the World of Gods fall to the ground. altar.

While the two of them were asking and answering questions, and each had his own thoughts, many more competitions were held in the open space in the middle of the banquet, and several places were competed for.

These competitions ended very quickly, and the challengers almost always won in a crushing manner.

Presumably, these challengers have already investigated their opponents in advance and know which opponents are weak, and they also know the weaknesses of these opponents.

Therefore, they can quickly win the competition.

Of course, no matter how fast these games are, they are not as fast as the first game. In the first match, Tang Yi defeated his opponent in less than one second?

Half a move?

This speed is unparalleled and cannot be matched by other representatives of the empire.

Although the other empire representatives crushed their opponents, they still exchanged at least dozens of moves and spent a lot of effort.

No one is as relaxed as Tang Yi, and no one is as quick as Tang Yi.

Back to the topic, in short, in this qualification competition, except for Tang Yi, almost all the challengers won and the challengers lost.

As the competition progressed, the representatives of the empire conducted a total of sixteen competitions. Except for Tang Yi, who was the challenger, Tang Yi won. In the other fifteen games, the representatives of the empire who were the challengers almost all won.

This can't help but make the representatives of the empire present sigh. The secret channel really has an advantage in taking the initiative.

Of course, that's not necessarily the case.

In the seventeenth competition, the challenger was the Yanping Empire, while the challenger was the Hongxiang Empire. But what was unexpected was that the representative of the Hongxiang Empire was unparalleled in strength. No matter what the representative of the Yanping Empire No matter how he attacks, he just stands there without moving, and resolves all attacks easily!

Although it is not an offense, but a defense, the gap between the two sides can also be seen.

At this time, the representative of the Hongxiang Empire chuckled, and with a slight finger of his right hand, the representative of the Yanping Empire was immediately blasted away.

Like Tang Yi, this representative of the Hongxiang Empire also defeated his opponent with only one finger, looking extremely relaxed.

Seeing this scene, everyone present started talking again.

The location of the Jin family.

"Except for the young representative of the Mengyue Empire, the representatives of the Hongxiang Empire are equally strong. It seems that this year's representatives of the empire are very strong, at least more than in previous years."

Kim Mo-hoon, the head of the Kim family, commented.

Jin Kaifeng nodded and said: "It is indeed very powerful. This representative of the Hongxiang Empire is also a very difficult opponent."

"Kaifeng, do you think this representative of the Hongxiang Empire is stronger than the previous representative of the Mengyue Empire?" Jin Maoxun asked.

"Both are very strong! If I really want to compare, I don't know how. To be honest, I don't want to face off against either of them." Jin Kaifeng replied.

"It seems that this year's imperial military debate will not be so easy. The imperial representatives have also shown their true strength." Jin Maoxun said with some worry.

"Master, don't worry. Although these people are very strong, our Jin family's status in the Realm of Gods will not change. I will not let our Jin family decline! Even if these people are very strong, I will still fight for the Jin family." We will defeat them." Jin Kaifeng said confidently.

"It's up to you." Jin Maoxun asked.

In the center of the banquet.

Now that the seventeenth competition is over, there are still two people left who have not competed, that is Guang Yongnian and a representative from the Qianhan Empire.

Since they were the last two people left, they automatically became opponents.

At this time, Tang Yi turned his head slightly and said to Guang Yongnian who was sitting aside: "It's your turn, Brother Guang, I hope you won't disappoint me."

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Guang Yongnian smiled slightly and stood up: "Don't worry, my opponent is just the Qianhan Empire. If I can't defeat such an opponent, then there is no point in going to the Tiangong."

With that said, Guang Yongnian straightened up and came to the open space.

(End of this chapter)

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