Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2341 I can let you try it yourself

Chapter 2341 I can let you try it yourself

Tang Yi still underestimated Guang Yongnian.

Originally, Tang Yi thought that Guang Yongnian was just an ordinary empire representative with average strength, but he did not expect that Guang Yongnian was so powerful!
  Although he didn't defeat his opponent with a single finger, he crushed his opponent from the beginning of the competition!

His opponent, the representative of the Qianhan Empire, is also a top holy god, and his strength is also very good.

But Guang Yongnian's strength was even higher, and he defeated the representatives of the Qianhan Empire until they were unable to fight back!
  No surprise, Guang Yongnian won the last qualification to ascend to the Heavenly Palace.

Looking at Guang Yongnian who returned to his position in high spirits, Tang Yi smiled and said: "Brother Guang, congratulations. You performed very well."

"I'm happy for you. Compared with Brother Tang, my performance is just a small skill. It's not good at all."

It can be seen that Guang Yongnian is very happy. Although his words are modest, his tone is not modest at all.

Of course.

After all, if you win this competition, you can go to the Heavenly Palace to participate in the Imperial Military Contest, and as long as you participate in the Imperial Military Contest, you can get a lot of benefits. Can Guang Yongnian be unhappy?

And with Guang Yongnian's victory and the birth of eighteen places, this banquet came to a perfect end.

When Guang Yongnian eliminated his opponents and returned to his position, Special Envoy Meng stood up and said to everyone: "Victorious representatives of the empire, I will wait for you here at noon tomorrow, and then I will take you to the Heavenly Palace. However, I have to remind you that time is limited. If you have not arrived by the time, don't blame me. In short, I hope you will be on time. In addition, the representatives of the empire who lost the competition, you can leave and return to the empire now! I will talk to you later. The special envoy will see you off! Okay, everyone, go back and rest early."

After speaking, Special Envoy Meng left the banquet without looking back.

With the departure of Special Envoy Meng, this banquet was officially over.

Special Envoy Geng appeared on time at this moment.

The representatives of the failed empire boarded the warship driven by Special Envoy Geng in disgrace and left Jincheng.

The victorious representatives of the Empire returned to their temporary residence with red faces and great excitement.

And just when Tang Yi raised his feet to return to his residence, a middle-aged man came to Tang Yi.

This middle-aged man was wearing a robe of the Jin family with a gold character printed on his chest. He must be from the Jin family.

After he came to Tang Yi, he said provocatively to Tang Yi: "No matter what your strength is, as long as you meet me in the imperial martial arts debate, then I will definitely let you taste failure."

After saying that, the middle-aged man from the Jin family left gracefully.

Tang Yi:? ? ?

"Is he from the Jin family? He came to challenge me without any clue. What does this mean?"

Tang Yi was puzzled.

Shaking his head, Tang Yi ignored the stranger's provocation and headed towards his residence again. However, before taking two steps, someone else came to Tang Yi.

Tang Yi finally got to know the person who came to him this time. It was the representative of the Hongxiang Empire who had just demonstrated his crushing strength.

This representative of the Hongxiang Empire, whether intentionally or not, just imitated Tang Yi and defeated another representative of the empire with only one finger.

Acting very strong.

However, at this moment, this strong representative of the Hongxiang Empire came to Tang Yi and said to Tang Yi: "I am the representative of the Hongxiang Empire'Xiao Tianlu'. I hope you remember this name, because this name , will defeat you in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition! I admitted that I underestimated you before, but from now on, I start to look at you seriously. I hope you will not disappoint me, and I hope you will not meet you in the Imperial Martial Arts Competition. Come to me, or I will let you know that the strength you have now is not even as good as an ant."

After saying that, the arrogant representative of the Hongxiang Empire in front of him also turned around and left gracefully.

Tang Yi:? ? ?
  What's going on with people nowadays?

Did all the provocations come to the head of the Supreme Being?
  A lot of fun?
  Is it really easy to bully your father?     Forget it, Dad is not as knowledgeable as an ant.

Tang Yi left speechlessly.


Time passed quickly. Tang Yi didn't go anywhere after coming back from the banquet. He rested one night in the courtyard where he lived. Early the next morning, he left his residence and came to the Jin family's home.

Today, he was going to Tiangong to participate in the imperial military debate. Special Envoy Meng also said that he would not wait if he was late. If he was really late, it would be bad, so Tang Yi would rather arrive early than be late.

Although for Tang Yi, the imperial martial arts debate is not difficult, if he is unable to participate in the imperial martial arts debate because he is late, it will not be worth the loss.

Tang Yi still has a mission. If the mission fails, the consequences will be quite serious.

Therefore, Tang Yi came to Jin's house very early to wait.

When Tang Yi came to Jin's house, many representatives of the empire had already arrived at Jin's house and had been waiting here for some time.

When these representatives of the empire saw Tang Yi arriving, they immediately turned their gazes to Tang Yi, with solemnity, curiosity, and doubts in their eyes.

Facing the looks of these people, Tang Yi didn't care. He just stood there and waited, ignoring the looks of these people, let alone contacting these representatives.

After all, in Tang Yi's opinion, there is no need to contact these representatives at all.

Of course, except for Guang Yongnian, Tang Yi found Guang Yongnian, the representative of the empire, quite interesting.

Think of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.

While Tang Yi was thinking, Guang Yongnian came to Jin's house and walked straight towards Tang Yi.

"Brother Tang, it's so early."

Guang Yongnian came to Tang Yi and greeted Tang Yi.

"You're quite early too."

Tang Yi smiled and replied.

"There is no other way. After all, we have to go to the Heavenly Palace. Special Envoy Meng also said that we will not wait until late. How dare I be late for such an important matter."

Guang Yongnian seemed to have thought of something again, and asked curiously: "By the way, Brother Tang, was what you said yesterday true? When you defeated the representative of the Longyuan Empire, did you really use only one finger? Rather than any martial arts Or some special means?"

"Didn't I tell you this? If you still don't believe it, I can let you try it yourself."

Tang Yi made a gesture and stretched out a finger.


Guang Yongnian was stunned for a moment, waved his hands hurriedly and said, "No, no, no, no, I don't want to try."

"That's it, then why are you still asking here?" Tang Yi said speechlessly.

"I just think it's so shocking, because after I went back yesterday, I went to inquire about it and found that the representative of the Longyuan Empire was at least as strong as the representatives of our empire, at least at the top level, even if I faced him... It's not that easy to win. It's not even guaranteed. And you...defeated him with one finger."

Having said this, Guang Yongnian took a deep look at Tang Yi and said, "That's why I'm confirming with you again..."

(End of this chapter)

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