Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2444 It’s not enough

Chapter 2444 It’s not enough (4000 words long chapter)

There was a loud noise,
  the whole void,

They all seemed to be shaken,
  Waves of terrifying power were like waves, sweeping around.

The position where Tang Yi bombarded the Void Golden Pig seemed to be about to collapse.
  A series of cracks in the void appeared,

The entire space has become extremely unstable.

As the center of the explosion of power,

As the target of Tang Yi's bombardment,

The huge body of the Void Golden Pig,

He was blown away directly!

bombarded location,

A huge tear-like wound appeared.

This hole has already cut through the hard skin of the Void Golden Pig.

Directly to the flesh and blood of the Void Golden Pig!
  Lines of golden blood overflowed from the flesh and blood,
  It flows continuously from this wound.

This blow!
  Tang Yi not only caused damage to the Void Golden Pig,
  Moreover, it also caused huge damage!

The flesh and blood of the Void Golden Pig was injured!
  Void Golden Pig, flesh and blood is the foundation,
  This moment hurts the flesh and blood,
  It just hurts its roots.

It can be said that Tang Yi's attack
  The Void Golden Pig was hit hard!

Void Golden Pig didn't expect Tang Yi to be so powerful!
  I didn't expect Tang Yi to be able to burst out with such terrifying power.

What's more, I didn't expect that Tang Yi could actually hurt its roots!
  After being hit by a blow, the Void Golden Pig was immediately frightened!

All I saw was its panicked mouth.


It spit out a golden light in the distance,
  Then, he ran away quickly in the opposite direction.


Seeing this scene, Tang Yi sneered,
  He quickly rushed towards the golden light,
  Then he reached out and fished it out,
  He grabbed the golden light in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, without even looking at what the golden light was, Tang Yi immediately chased the Void Golden Pig again.

"You want to send me away with just this little thing?"

Tang Yi chased and said towards the Void Golden Pig.

His speed was extremely fast, and he caught up with the Void Golden Pig in just an instant.

After catching up with the Void Golden Pig,
  Tang Yi didn't say much and directly raised the devil's slave.

Cut it down with one sword again!
  Chaos kills!


A huge giant sword five meters long,

This time it shines green!

A strong aura of raw rice clings to this giant sword.

The green light represents life!
  The attack of the devil's slave,
  Will carry life effects.

Able to steal the target's life force!


Because Tang Yi was fast enough,

This blow still hit the Void Golden Pig accurately.

The Void Golden Pig was shaken suddenly!
  At the same time, a green light circulated on the Void Golden Pig,

The huge vitality of the Void Golden Pig,
  Under the flow of green brilliance,

Disappear quickly.

Just for a moment!

The vitality of the Void Golden Pig has dropped by at least one percent!

One percent may seem like a small amount.

In fact, there are already a lot!
  You know, what kind of creature is the Void Golden Pig?
  That is the big BOSS in the void!

One percent of its vitality is also massive!
  One blow reduced the Void Golden Pig's vitality by one percent.

It can be said to be very scary!

Just a hundred more attacks like this,
  No matter how strong the Void Golden Pig’s defense is,

The vitality will also be exhausted!
  Feeling the rapid decline in vitality, the Void Golden Pig seemed to be a little panicked.

I saw it quickly opening its mouth and spitting out quickly.

"Puff puff!"

In an instant, the Void Golden Pig spit out three golden lights in succession!

These three golden lights were spitting out in three different directions!
  And after the Void Golden Pig spit out something,

Then he quickly flew away in the fourth direction.

Making noises in the east and attacking in the west?

I have to say that this operation of the Void Golden Pig was very beautiful.

Although Tang Yi didn't see what the things in the golden light were.

But without looking, Tang Yi knew what kind of treasure it must be.

The Void Golden Pig's plan is simple.

He wanted to use the treasure to attract Tang Yi's attention and escape from the scene.

Three golden lights flew in three different directions.

If Tang Yi goes after the Void Golden Pig,

There will be no trace of the three treasures!
  And if you go after the treasure,
  I want to chase three treasures in different directions,
  It will definitely take some time.

When Tang Yi catches all three treasures,

The Void Golden Pig had already gone to nowhere.

have to say,

The Void Golden Pig's life-saving operation is extremely beautiful.

After all, no one can resist the temptation of treasures!

No one would let treasure fly away!

No matter which warrior he is, he will definitely chase the treasure and hold it firmly in his hands.

If a treasure is lost,
  It would definitely be a huge pity.

Anyone who is a warrior will choose this way.

Even Tang Yi,

It will be like this!

They will not let these three treasures fall into the void.

Of course,
  If it were someone else,
  The operation of the Void Golden Pig will definitely be successful.
  I will definitely be able to lure the enemy away with the three treasures.
  So as to escape from death.

But unfortunately,
  It faced Tang Yi.

Although Tang Yi was also greedy,

It is impossible to give up those three treasures!
  However, he has the strength to get three treasures.

Then chase the Void Golden Pig again!
  After seeing the Void Golden Pig spit out three golden lights, and then quickly escape from the other direction.

Tang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he sneered: "You want to run away like this? You are too naive."

As he said that, the next moment, his hands lit up with a radiance, and he shouted: "Starry sky additional skill, Hot Wheels!"

Hot Wheels: When this skill is activated, the stars will turn into two hot wheels and placed at the wearer's feet, providing the wearer with terrifying speed.


The wrist guards on both hands flashed with light.

I saw the pair of wrist guards separated from Tang Yi's arms and came under Tang Yi's feet.

at the same time.


There was a soft sound, and the pair of wrist guards burned with blazing flames.

Yanran turned into a pair of wind and fire heavenly wheels!
  Tang Yi stepped on the Wind and Fire Wheel,

The figure is straight!

The speed soared in an instant,

Compared with before, it has improved more than a hundred times!
  Becoming terrifying!

Tang Yi stepped on the flying fire wheel,

Slave of the devil in hand,

Like a heavenly war god!

In this way, with the blessing of the Wind and Fire Heavenly Wheel,
  Tang Yi's speed soared a lot.

Even in an unfamiliar realm like the void,
  It is still shaped like lightning.

Just in the blink of an eye,
  Tang Yi caught up with the first of the three golden lights ejected by the Void Golden Pig.

Another breath,
  Tang Yi also caught up with the second golden light.

Another breath passed,
  The third golden light was also caught up by Tang Yi.

Just three breaths!

Tang Yi caught up with the three golden lights sprayed out by the Void Golden Pig!
  He caught the three golden lights in his hand and temporarily stored them in the system backpack.

The Void Golden Pig wanted to use three treasures to attract Tang Yi's attention.

It's just a daydream.

After doing all this, Tang Yi flashed and chased the Void Golden Pig!

Stepping on the Hot Wheels, Tang Yi was extremely fast.

Even if the Void Golden Pig’s tactics are perfect,
  Even if the three golden lights did delay Tang Yi for some time,
  But Tang Yi still relied on the terrifying speed of the Wind and Fire Wheel to catch up with the Void Golden Pig!
  "Chaos Kill!"


The five-meter-long giant sword was raised again.

Tang Yi slashed at the Void Golden Pig for the third time!

But this time, the moment Tang Yi slashed out,
  The devil's slave flashed red light again.

Red represents strength.

The power of this blow has been strengthened again!


There was a loud noise, and the entire void shook like a collapse again.

Crazy shock waves flew in all directions, impacting the entire void.

Fortunately, there is nothing in the void,

Under such a powerful impact,

I'm afraid the only fate is to turn into powder.

And the Void Golden Pig, which suffered this blow,

The body suddenly paused,
  His face became extremely ferocious,

As if he had suffered some fatal injury,
  Full of pain.

This blow not only caused huge damage to the Void Golden Pig,

Even like before, it even left a huge wound on the Void Golden Pig.

The terrifying sword light that Tang Yi slashed directly passed through the body of the Void Golden Pig, making a huge gash in the Void Golden Pig's body.

This hole is even bigger than the previous one!
  Tang Yi's previous blow hit the Void Golden Pig.
  It also made a hole more than ten meters long.

However, this time, it was dozens of meters long!

Expanded several times!
  More flesh and blood is exposed to the air,
  More golden blood flowed from the wound,

Flying in the void.

Even more terrifying.

Tang Yi's blow even cut extremely deep, and the bones were faintly visible in the wound!

That is,

The injury from this blow was so deep that it was visible to the bones!
  This kind of injury hurts the very foundation of the Void Golden Pig!
  Being attacked again, the Void Golden Pig became very frightened and very angry.

I saw it shouting at Tang Yi: "Human, you've had enough, don't be too greedy! I have already given you enough compensation!"

"Enough? It will never be enough for us humans!" Tang Yi sneered.

He didn't care about the Void Golden Pig at all, and still chased the Void Golden Pig straight away.

It seems that another attack on the Void Golden Pig is about to be launched.

When the Void Golden Pig saw this, he quickly opened his big mouth again and spit out continuously.

"Puff puff puff!"

This time, the Void Golden Pig seemed to have spent a lot of money, spitting out five golden rays of light at once.

These five golden lights streaked across the void and flew in all directions.

Each one flew in a different direction.

The speed at which each one flies out is incomparable!

After spitting out the golden light, the Void Golden Pig quickly fled in the opposite direction again.

"Not enough! You want to get rid of me with only five treasures? How naive."

Tang Yi sneered. Stepping on the Wind and Fire Heavenly Wheel, he chased the five golden lights.

Under the terrifying bonus of Hot Wheels,
  Tang Yi's speed reached the extreme!
  Although the Void Golden Pig spent a lot of money,
  Although the Void Golden Pig just spit out,
  He also tried very hard,

But Tang Yi was still in a few breaths.
  Then he caught up with the five golden lights.

He caught the golden light in his hand,

Then I received the system backpack.

A set of movements flows smoothly,
  There are no obstacles.

The speed is extremely fast!
  After collecting the treasures, Tang Yi chased the Void Golden Pig again!
  And this moment,
  The golden light that fell into Tang Yi's hand reached nine levels!

If every ray of golden light is a treasure,
  So at this moment Tang Yi,

Nine treasures have been obtained!
  have to say,

The Void Golden Pig is quite smart.

Know how to give up treasures to save your own life.

But what a pity!
  It has a good idea,

But in Tang Yi's hands,
  But it doesn't have any effect.

After all, Tang Yi was too fast.

I don’t know how many times faster than the Void Golden Pig.

Coupled with the skill bonus of Hot Wheels from the artifact Gypsophila,
  his speed,

It has reached an unimaginable point!

At such a terrifying speed,
  The Void Golden Pig wants to escape from Tang Yi's hands,

Totally impossible!
  at least,

It is absolutely impossible to escape with only nine treasures!
  After Tang Yi collected the five golden lights, he chased towards the Void Golden Pig again.

It didn't take long before I caught up with the Void Golden Pig!

Lift up the devil's slave,
  Still the same trick,
  It’s the same chop.

This time, Tang Yi slashed at the Void Golden Pig's butt!

"Chaos Kill!"


The brilliance of the devil's slave,

This time it's gold!

Gold represents holiness,

This cut can be filled with divine power,

Carrying the purifying effect of divine power,
  It can purify all the conditions on the Void Golden Pig!

This blow hit the Void Golden Pig's body,

Suddenly on the body of the Void Golden Pig,
  It left a huge scar.

Although this blow is not a magical special effect,
  Although there is no damage bonus,

But it still caused huge damage to the Void Golden Pig.

After being attacked,

I saw the body of the Void Golden Pig paused slightly,
  The overall momentum has dropped a lot.

at the same time,

The Void Golden Pig’s speed, strength, and even size,

A lot of it fell off.

The speed becomes slower,

The force becomes weaker,

The volume has even returned to its original shape!
  Being knocked back to its original shape, the Void Golden Pig was very shocked.

At this moment, it was even more frightened and panicked.

"Human, how on earth are you going to let me go?"

Void Golden Pig asked.

"If you satisfy me, I will let you go!" Tang Yi said.

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Void Golden Pig said very discouraged: "That's all, I admit defeat. Now I will satisfy you! I hope you can let me go after you are satisfied!"

With that said, the Void Golden Pig opened its mouth again and spit continuously towards somewhere in the void.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff!"

This time the spitting lasted for an extremely long time.

It lasted at least ten seconds.

And the golden light spitted out by the Void Golden Pig...
  Tang Yi counted,
  Thirty in total!

This time,
  The Void Golden Pig spit out thirty treasures at once!
  Seeing thirty treasures continuously spitting out from the mouth of the Void Golden Pig and flying into the void,

Tang Yi's eyes straightened.

Suddenly he chased these golden lights.

However, while Tang Yi was chasing the treasure,

The Void Golden Pig quickly flew away into the distance!


Tang Yi's figure flashed rapidly in the void,

Chasing streaks of golden light.

Thirty rays of golden light seem like a lot!

But in fact,

But not much.

Tang Yi made three strikes, five divided by two, and he caught up with them all.

After catching up with these golden lights, Tang Yi shouted towards the Void Golden Pig that was fleeing in the distance: "It's not enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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