Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2445 The Void Golden Pig no longer compromises?

Chapter 2445 The Void Golden Pig no longer compromises?

"Not enough!"

Tang Yi's voice reached the ears of Void Golden Pig,

Immediately, the figure of the Void Golden Pig flying in the void suddenly paused.
  The body began to tremble.

Not afraid.

But angry!

  The anger in Void Golden Pig’s heart!

How many treasures has it taken out?
  The Void Golden Pig was so painful that it died.

This loss is too tragic.

However, this human being didn't say enough!
  This is too greedy.

The Void Golden Pig has never seen such a greedy person.

Now the Void Golden Pig regrets it to death.

I regret why I came to rob this human being!
  I regret why I went out hunting today.

If he hadn't come to rob this human being,

How could it be so frustrated?
  If he hadn't come here to rob this human being,
  How could it be robbed by this human being?

If he hadn't robbed this human being,
  How could it have suffered such heavy losses?

Of course.

The Void Golden Pig is also wronged,
  Can you blame it?
  Can't blame it.

After all, did anyone know that such a powerful human being would appear in the void?
  Who knew that a random human being he met could be so strong?

Who knew this human had such extraordinary speed?

Everything is unknown.

To blame, I can only blame bad luck!
  But now that we have encountered it, we have no choice but to admit defeat, otherwise what else can we do?
  The Void Golden Pig was also very helpless.

Opening its mouth helplessly, the Void Golden Pig could only actively spit out golden light before Tang Yi arrived.

"Puff puff puff!"

Streams of golden light spurted out from its mouth.

This time, the golden light spitting out from the mouth of the Void Golden Pig,
  There are a hundred of them!

One hundred, the number is already extremely large, and it looks densely packed.

Flying in all directions,

It was like shooting stars streaking across the night sky.

It seems like diligent bees just emerged from the hive.

And after spitting out the golden light,
  The Void Golden Pig fled again.

In the void, the golden pig wants to come,
  This time it should be enough.

After all, there are one hundred treasures now!
  And it was still flying in all directions.

No matter how powerful the human being in front of him is, he can't catch up with a hundred golden lights in an instant, right?
  Even if I can catch up,
  It’s impossible to have time to catch up with yourself, right?
  Therefore, Void Golden Pig feels that this time it should be stable.

However, what Void Golden Pig didn’t expect at all was!
  One hundred golden lights seemed like a lot.

It looks densely packed.

  It is actually no different from thirty golden lights.

For Tang Yi,

It's still a piece of cake.


Tang Yi's figure moved quickly, chasing the golden light.

Under Tang Yi's pursuit,

These hundred golden lights,

None of them escaped his grasp.

Every time Tang Yi chased in a direction, he stretched out his hand slightly and immediately caught a few rays of golden light in his hand.

Back and forth several times in a row,

These hundred golden lights all caught up.

The time it took was no different from the previous thirty rays of golden light.

Still in the blink of an eye.

And at this moment, after receiving these hundred golden lights,
  The golden light that fell into Tang Yi's hands reached one hundred and thirty-nine!
  That is,

Tang Yi obtained one hundred and thirty-nine treasures!
  If these one hundred and thirty-nine treasures are all of the level of [Weapon Supreme Combat Power Orb],
  Then Tang Yi will make a lot of money!
  Of course,
  The Void Golden Pig is a treasure mountain. There is a treasure mountain in front of you,
  Only the corners of Baoshan were obtained,

It was impossible for Tang Yi to be satisfied.

So even if one hundred and thirty-nine treasures are obtained,
  Tang Yi still hasn't let go of the Void Golden Pig!

With a movement, Tang Yi chased the Void Golden Pig again!

Today he made up his mind.

Be sure to drain the Void Golden Pig dry!
  He will never let go of the Void Golden Pig until he drains it dry!

After all, if you let it go, who knows when will you encounter it next time? ,

If you don't drain it, won't this opportunity be wasted?
  The Void Golden Pig is dangerous to others,
  But for Tang Yi, it was just an opportunity!
  and so!
  What we have gained now is not enough!
  Tang Yi wants to chase the Void Golden Pig again!


In this way, under Tang Yi's deliberate pursuit,
  Not long after,
  Tang Yi caught up with the Void Golden Pig.

Seeing Tang Yi chasing after him again, the Void Golden Pig's face became extremely ugly. It said angrily: "Human, why are you chasing after me again? Could it be that the treasure just now still doesn't satisfy you? What on earth are you going to do? Satisfied? How on earth do you want to let me go!!"

The more he spoke, the angrier the Void Golden Pig became.

The more he talked, the more aggrieved the Void Golden Pig became.

After surviving for such a long time, how could it have ever been forced to this point by humans?

there has never been!

Even in the most dangerous times,
  I have never felt so aggrieved by being chased by someone!

There has never been such a huge loss!

However, at this moment, he was actually forced to this point by a human!
  This makes it very frustrating.

Of course, what made him feel most aggrieved was not being forced to this point.

But he was forced to this point by a human!
  This is a human being!

The most humble and weakest race in this world,
  It is the existence that Void Golden Pig usually despises the most.

However, at this moment, it is being pursued closely by this existence,
  Being chased by this existence was like a dead dog.

A large amount of treasures were robbed by this existence.

He was even threatened by this existence!

This is simply a shame!
  How frustrating!
  However, just when the Void Golden Pig was dissatisfied and angry,
  On the other side, Tang Yi smiled and replied: "Didn't I say that? If you satisfy me, I will let you go. Now that you haven't satisfied me yet, how can I let you go?"

Hearing this, the Void Golden Pig became even more angry, with fierce anger in its eyes, "Human, you are too greedy!"

If looks could kill, Tang Yi might have been killed countless times by the Void Golden Pig at this moment.

In addition, the Void Golden Pig was still slandering Tang Yi in his heart.

Constantly cursing,
  'Damn humans'

"humble human beings"

"Stupid humans"

Etc., etc.

As long as the Void Golden Pig can think of it,

They were all constantly cursing in their hearts.

In short, if scolding could kill someone, Tang Yi would probably die millions of times.

Yes, this is the number of curses the Void Golden Pig cursed in his heart.

"Whatever you say, as long as I'm not satisfied, I will keep chasing you. You don't care whether you say I'm greedy or whatever!"

Tang Yi said shamelessly.

Anyway, he had already made up his mind to drain this golden pig dry.

It would be a pity not to give such a fat golden pig a good squeeze.


"Good good!"

"Then let's see how long you can chase me!!"

"From now on, I will never compromise with you again! I won't give you any more treasures!"

The Void Golden Pig was furious and decided not to compromise with the humans in front of him.

After all, it had repeatedly compromised on this human being before, but had not received any benefits.

Not only did this human being not let it go,

Even humiliate it!

And, the appetite is getting bigger and bigger!
  This makes it unbearable!
  (End of this chapter)

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