Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2446 The Void Golden Pig vomited out a heavy treasure!

Chapter 2446 The Void Golden Pig vomited out a heavy treasure!
  Void Golden Pig thinks,

If this continues,
  It's little bit old,

Sooner or later, he will be robbed by the human in front of him.

This is something that the Void Golden Pig cannot accept.

Therefore, the Void Golden Pig decided not to compromise with the human in front of him!
  However, if the Void Golden Pig does not compromise, can it escape the fate of being robbed of its treasure by Tang Yi?
  Of course not!
  Regardless of whether the Void Golden Pig compromises or not,

It was impossible for Tang Yi to let go of the Void Golden Pig.

Who let this golden pig come to your door?

Tang Yi stepped on the hot wheel and quickly approached the Void Golden Pig with the devil's slave!

Since the Void Golden Pig no longer compromises,

Then Tang Yi could only say sorry to it.

Lift up the devil's slave,
  Tang Yi slashed it down with a sword.

"Chaos Kill!"

It's still the same trick,
  Still that additional skill.

This time it lit up with a yellow light.

Yellow represents time.

The special effect of this attack is a time effect.

It can speed up Tang Yi's attack time and hit the enemy faster!
  And at the moment when the yellow light lights up,
  Tang Yi disappeared completely on the spot,

Next second,
  Appeared in front of the Void Golden Pig.

The whole person seemed to be teleporting.


The devil's slave once again struck the Void Golden Pig.

A huge scar was left on the body of the Void Golden Pig.

Although this hit has no damage bonus,
  But the power is still impressive!
  Still left scars on the Void Golden Pig's body.


Since the Void Golden Pig had made up its mind not to compromise with Tang Yi,

Tang Yi's attack this time,

It didn't make the Void Golden Pig spit out the treasure!
  Seeing this scene,
  Tang Yi sneered.

No rush either.

The Void Golden Pig couldn't escape his grasp anyway, so why was he anxious?
  "You're not vomiting, are you? Then I'll beat you until you vomit!"

With that said, Tang Yi began to attack the Void Golden Pig crazily,

The attacks were tilted towards the body of the Void Golden Pig as if they were free of charge.

It caused tons of damage to the Void Golden Pig.

If it had been anyone else, they definitely wouldn't have been able to carry out such a close attack.

It is even more impossible to continue fighting for too long.

After all, when manpower is limited,
  No matter how strong you are,
  There will be times when you are exhausted.

Executing supreme skills and performing methods require energy.

Using a large number of supreme skills and using a large number of means will consume all the energy.

Such a high-intensity battle is simply impossible for ordinary people.

But Tang Yi is different.

Tang Yi has medicine!

He can fight in peak condition from the beginning to the end of the battle.

You can continue to use powerful supreme skills to fight!
  Once the energy is exhausted, he can enter the system store to purchase recovery elixirs.

Thereby restoring the body's condition!
  Restore expended energy.

Therefore, Tang Yi can attack the Void Golden Pig with high intensity,

Beat the Void Golden Pig to pieces,
  Beat the Void Golden Pig to pieces.

Just like this, attacks one after another bombarded the Void Golden Pig.
  The fat body of the Void Golden Pig was bombarded until it was dripping with blood.

A series of horrific scars, like mountains, criss-crossing.

Because the body of the Void Golden Pig was beaten back to its original shape by Tang Yi,
  The damage it suffered at this moment was even more serious.

The injuries on his body were also more terrifying. Suffering such a severe attack, the Void Golden Pig couldn't bear it.

Although the Void Golden Pig has decided not to compromise with Tang Yi,
  No more spitting out treasures to satisfy Tang Yi.

But at this moment, I can’t help it!
  After being continuously attacked by Tang Yi,
  Its body reacted automatically,
  Pieces of treasure flew out of its mouth uncontrollably.

This is not the intention of Void Golden Pig at all.

It's the Void Golden Pig's body that reacts automatically!
  One golden light, two golden lights, three golden lights...

As Tang Yi's attacks continued to fall, streaks of golden light were ejected from the mouth of the Void Golden Pig.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was surprised and said: "It turns out what Lian'er said is true. This golden pig will really spit out treasures when it is attacked! The previous attack on this golden pig made it fearful and spit out treasures. I thought this was the way to get the treasure, but I didn’t expect it! Instead, I kept attacking it, making it unbearable and reacting automatically in the future! It turns out that this is the correct way to get the treasure!"

After knowing this situation,
  Tang Yi played even more happily.

The attack is even heavier!

I saw him holding the devil's slave tightly,

Keep falling on the Void Golden Pig,

It's like cutting pork,
  Crazy chop chop chop!

While Tang Yi was attacking, he was also moving his body, collecting the golden light spitting out from the mouth of the Void Golden Pig.

In this way, Tang Yi attacked and collected the treasures at the same time. He was having a great time and was very happy.

The more he fights, the more motivated he becomes,
  The more he fights, the more excited he gets.

After all, the harder you fight, the more treasures you get.

It would be strange if Tang Yi wasn't excited.

As for Tang Yi's attack, the Void Golden Pig was completely powerless.

There is no way to resist it, and there is no way to escape!
  At this moment, it can do nothing but endure and make a pork sandbag.

At this moment, the Void Golden Pig was in a terrible mood.

And Tang Yi's current mood is the same as the sky.

The more motivated Tang Yi was, the more helpless the Void Golden Pig became.

The more excited Tang Yi was, the more depressed the Void Golden Pig became, and the worse his mood became.

at the same time.

The situation of Void Golden Pig's body is not optimistic either.

After being attacked by Tang Yi, its body was already covered with scars.

The horrific scars were criss-crossing like a spider web, very hideous.

Countless golden blood flows down as if it is free of money,

Falling into the void.

Just for a while,

It doesn’t know how much golden blood it has shed,

I don’t know how much flesh and blood was lost.

In many places, the bones are even visible!
  In short, the state of the Void Golden Pig is getting worse and worse as time goes by.

I don’t know how long this situation lasted.

Tang Yi didn't know how many times he attacked.

The Void Golden Pig spit out countless rays of golden light.

When the Void Golden Pig was injured, it spread all over the body.

When the blood flowing from the Void Golden Pig can fill several large vats,
  I saw the Void Golden Pig suddenly raising its head and roaring: "Ouch!!"

At this moment, the belly of the Void Golden Pig suddenly bulged,
  Something seemed to appear in the belly of the Void Golden Pig.

Then, this thing slowly moved from its belly to its throat,


Suddenly spit out!

This was spat out,
  It’s still a golden light!
  However, this golden light is even greater than the previous golden light.

The energy aura carried on it must be more intense,

The blooming golden light will shine even brighter.

In short, this golden light is very different from the previous golden light!
  It seems that the items wrapped in this golden light are extraordinary!
  (End of this chapter)

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