Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2447 Organize the harvest and change equipment

Chapter 2447 Organize the harvest and change equipment
  Tang Yi hurriedly intercepted this distinctive golden light, and then caught it in his hands.

  Just when Tang Yi obtained the golden light and was about to turn around and continue attacking the Void Golden Pig,
  I saw that the body of the Void Golden Pig suddenly slowly faded away after spitting out this golden light.

No matter what method Tang Yi uses, he can no longer attack the Void Golden Pig!

At this time, the voice of the Void Golden Pig came from the void.

"Human, I remember you. Next time we meet, I will cut you into pieces! Just wait!"

The sound echoed in the void.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the Void Golden Pig completely faded and disappeared.

The Void Golden Pig said harsh words towards Tang Yi, and then disappeared!


Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was extremely confused.

Because of this scene, the Void Golden Pig obviously did not die, but used some method to escape.

Otherwise, Void Golden Pig would not be able to say harsh words.

However, what puzzled Tang Yi was that

He didn't understand how the Void Golden Pig did it.
  After all, he felt neither the power of space nor any special power just now.

However, without any fluctuations in power, the Void Golden Pig mysteriously disappeared.

This is simply unbelievable.

Tang Yi couldn't understand it.

Of course,
  The Void Golden Pig must have used some method to leave.


And this method, presumably, is not a method that can be actively triggered.
  It is a means of saving lives, a passive triggering method.

He should have beaten the Void Golden Pig half to death just now.

Therefore, the life-saving mechanism of the Void Golden Pig was triggered.
  Let it activate its life-saving means,
  And thus escaped.

"It seems that the creatures that can survive from ancient times do have some means. As for the means of escape, no one can match it."

Tang Yi sighed slightly.

After sighing, Tang Yi stopped paying attention to the Void Golden Pig and began to look at the treasures he had obtained.

After many chases and attacks on the Void Golden Pig,

Tang Yi received a total of 366 golden lights from the Void Golden Pig.

And a distinctive golden light.

In other words.

Tang Yi obtained a total of 366 treasures from the Void Golden Pig!
  And a unique treasure.

I have to say that Void Golden Pig is really a treasure mountain.
  A monster that can take out so many treasures,

It’s just the Void Golden Pig.

Before this, Tang Yi had never seen a monster carrying so many treasures.

Opening the system backpack, Tang Yi began to look at these treasures.

In Tang Yi's opinion, the 367 treasures should all be different treasures.

But after opening the system backpack and seeing the treasures inside,
  Tang Yi realized that most of these treasures were actually duplicates.

such as.

Like the [Weapon Supreme Combat Power Orb] Tang Yi obtained before,
  There are thirty-six such orbs!

in addition,

In addition to [Weapon Supreme Combat Power Orb],
  Tang Yi also obtained an orb similar to the [Weapon Supreme Combat Power Orb],

[Armor Supreme Combat Power Orb], [Accessory Supreme Combat Power Orb] and [Supreme Combat Power Index Orb].

[Armor Supreme Combat Power Orb], thirty-three pieces.

[Accessories Supreme Combat Power Orbs], thirty-nine pieces.

[Supreme Combat Power Index Orb], thirty pieces.

[Armor Supreme Combat Power Orb]: Special item.

Attributes: Used on armor, it can increase the supreme combat power index by 50000 points.

Quantity: 33 pieces.


[Accessory Supreme Combat Power Orb]: Special item.

Attributes: Used on accessories, it can increase the supreme combat power index by 50000 points.

Quantity: 39 pieces.


[Supreme Combat Power Index Orb]: Special item.

Attributes: Used directly, it can increase the player's supreme combat power index by 50000 points.    Quantity: 30 pieces.

In addition, there are other types of orbs.

[Supreme Skill Orb]: Special item.

Attributes: Using the supreme skill can increase the power of the supreme skill.

Quantity: 20 pieces.


[Excellent Rate Orb]: Special item.

Attributes: Used for forging or alchemy, improving the rate of excellent forging or alchemy.

Quantity: 44 pieces.


[Carrying Vehicle Performance Orb]: Special Item
  Attributes: Used to improve warship performance.

Quantity: 15 pieces.


[Supreme Level Orb of Spiritual Power]: Special item
  Attributes: After use, it can increase the mental power level by 1 level (available at the supreme level)
  Quantity: 36 pieces.


Among the items Tang Yi obtained, there were 253 orbs alone!

It has to be said that the Void Golden Pig is really a big jeweler, and it can actually spit out so many orbs!

Moreover, these orbs are all top-quality orbs!

Whether it is the Supreme Combat Power Orb for Weapons, the Supreme Combat Power Orb for Armor, or the final Supreme Level Orb for Mental Power,
  It had a great effect on Tang Yi.

In addition to these orbs,
  The rest are all supreme equipment!


They are all supreme equipment!

There are a total of one hundred and thirteen pieces of supreme equipment!
  Among them, helmets, armors, gauntlets, wrist guards, leggings and shoes are all available.

There are even several accessories.

Moreover, these supreme equipment,
  They are all the best among the best.
  The properties are extremely good.

Some of them were even much better than Tang Yi's equipment.

Among these one hundred and thirteen pieces of supreme equipment, Tang Yi

I picked out some that I can use and have good attributes.

[Vulcan Helmet]: Supreme Equipment
  Attributes: defense, defense bonus, damage reduction, damage reduction bonus, damage reduction percentage, qi and blood, qi and blood bonus.

Passive special effect: Vulcan power.

Power of the Vulcan: Increase one's own momentum and intimidate enemy targets.

Active skill: Vulcan's Wrath.

Wrath of the Vulcan: The helmet ignites with blazing flames, as if angry, which can greatly increase all attributes, attack power, and recovery ability!
  Supreme combat power index increase: 15000

Although the additional skills and additional special effects of this piece of equipment are average.

However, the Supreme Combat Power Index increased by 15,000 points.

It is higher than many of Tang Yi's existing equipment.

And currently Tang Yi happens to not have a helmet,

Therefore, this Vulcan helmet just met Tang Yi's needs and was used by Tang Yi.

Tang Yi equipped the Vulcan helmet.

In an instant, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index increased again.

From 1494296 points, it increased to 1509296 points.

Finally exceeded 1.5 million points!
  [Bright Moon Arm Guard]: Supreme equipment.

Attributes: defense, damage reduction, vitality, attack power, attack power bonus.

Passive special effect: Protection of the Bright Moon

Bright Moon Protection: When attacked, a powerful defensive shield will be automatically generated and the wearer's defense will be increased at the same time.

Additional skills: The power of the bright moon.

Power of the bright moon: After being stimulated, it can produce the power of the bright moon. Encapsulated by the power of the bright moon, the wearer can greatly improve attributes, attack power and defense power.

If it is dark night, the wearer can also absorb the power of moonlight for his own use.

Supreme combat power index increase: 16000 points.


(End of this chapter)

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