Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2450 The latest attribute panel, full of divine clothing!

Chapter 2450 The latest attribute panel, full of divine clothing!

This jade pendant has only two basic attributes.

There are no additional skills.

The overall description is shorter than many of Tang Yi's equipment.



Seeing the properties of this jade pendant, Tang Yi suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Eyes, wide open.

He looked extremely surprised.

When he obtained this piece of equipment, Tang Yi guessed that this piece of equipment was very good.

After all, this is the last treasure spit out by the Void Golden Pig.

Moreover, when it is spit out, the light is very extraordinary and the golden light is bright.

It is much more dazzling than other golden lights.

You don’t need to look at it to know that this is an incredible treasure.

But Tang Yi didn't expect it!

This treasure is so terrifying!
  So amazing!

The increase in the supreme combat power index actually reached one million points! !

One million points of supreme combat power index!

Tang Yi, only the slave of the devil, had a supreme combat power index increase of one million.

The devil's slave was made by Tang Yi using more than a hundred materials!

Tang Yi collected the materials alone for a long time.

Every material is an extremely precious material!
  One can imagine how difficult this weapon is to make.

And apart from that.

Slave of the Demon is also fused with the Supreme Red Moon Apophis.

During the fusion, I was very lucky and reached the perfect level.

That is all these factors.

There are now one million demon slaves with supreme combat power index!


Even the slaves of the devil cannot reach one million points of supreme combat power index!
  But now!
  This jade pendant in front of me,

This small jade pendant actually has one million points of supreme combat power index.

This made Tang Yi very surprised! !

At the same time, what puzzled Tang Yi was...

Jade pendant, what kind of equipment is this? ?
  Where is the equipment still located?

Tang Yi tried to equip this piece of equipment.

But there is no equipment to go up.


Although there is no equipment to go up.

But a reminder popped up in my mind.

"Ding, it is detected that the player has obtained new parts and accessories, and the waist equipment column and pendant equipment column will be opened for the player."

"Ding, the waist equipment column and pendant equipment column have been opened!"


Seeing this reminder, Tang Yi was slightly startled.
  Immediately afterwards, try to equip the Supreme Jade Pendant again.

But this time, the successful equipment went up!

"Ding, the Supreme Jade Pendant is successfully equipped, and the Supreme Combat Power Index increases by 1000000 points!"


After equipping the Supreme Jade Pendant,
  Tang Yi’s supreme combat power index,
  From the original 1649496 points, it directly crossed the two million mark and reached 2649496 points!
  Not only did it cross the two million point mark!
  It even reached more than 2.6 million points!
  Other than that,

Tang Yi's whole aura,

It also increases as the supreme combat power index increases, becoming more terrifying.

Tang Yi's whole person seemed more and more vast,
  The power in his body seemed to be endless, as vast as an abyss.

If Tang Yi's previous momentum was a trickle,
  So now Tang Yi's momentum is like a vast ocean, with no edge visible at a glance.

At this moment, Tang Yi was many times more powerful than when he was in the Realm of the World.

Compared with when I met the Void Golden Pig,
  I don’t know how much stronger it is.

If Tang Yi meets the Void Golden Pig again at this moment.

I'm afraid there is no need to open any state, just relying on its own strength, it can make the Void Golden Pig run away in panic.

Using all his strength, he might even be able to kill the Void Golden Pig instantly.

This is Tang Yi's terrifying strength after obtaining the Supreme Jade Pendant!
  After changing the equipment and equipping it with the Supreme Jade Pendant,
  Tang Yi was reborn again, and his strength reached ten levels!
  And that's not all!

If Tang Yi thinks about it at this moment, he can get more improvements!
  After all, in Tang Yi's system backpack,

There are many more orbs!

Supreme Combat Power Orbs for Weapons, Supreme Combat Power Orbs for Armor, Supreme Combat Power Orbs for Accessories, and more!
  If you use all these orbs!

Tang Yi's strength is estimated to be ten levels higher!
  However, Tang Yi is not in a hurry to use it now.

Because he has just improved so much supreme combat power,

You have to digest it first.
  Take control of your current power,

Use these orbs after you have mastered the power.

Otherwise, if you improve too quickly, you won’t have a good grasp of your strength, and you won’t even know how strong you are.

This is not good.

After viewing all harvests,
  Tang Yi opened the personal attributes panel to check his current status.

[Player]: Tang Yi
  [Title]: Bandit Suppressor Butcher
  [Level]: 214 (fourteen-star second-level saint)

[Supreme Point]: 60/1400
  [Supreme Coin]: 10673 points

【Angel Coin】: 34773100
  [Supreme Combat Power Index]: 2649496

[Supreme Body Technique]: Supreme Divine Movement Jue (2500)

[Sub-professional]: Supreme-level alchemy (Alchemy Supreme), supreme-level second-level blacksmithing (Forging the Great Supreme), supreme-level puppetry (Puppet Supreme)...

[Special Column]: False Divine Fire (Extraordinary Fire)
  [Special Parts]: Eye of the Supreme Holy King (5000), Supreme Eternal Body (3000), Hand of the Ancient Power King (3500)

[Halo]: Supreme Ruler (1200)


[Forging Column]: Supreme Thundergod Explosive Hammer (1000), Supreme Ice and Fire Furnace (1000)

[Carrying Vehicle]: Supreme Warship (1500)

[Weapon Column]:
  Primary Weapon: Demon's Slave (1205000)

Secondary weapon: Supreme Ice and Fire Divine Bow (4800)

[Armor Column]:
  Helmet: Vulcan Helmet (15000)

Mask: Death Mask (3000)

Armor: Pluto Armor (50000)

Cloak: Wings of the Void (25000)

Gauntlets: Gypsophila (150000)

Armguards: Bright Moon Armguards (16000)

Belt: none
  Ornaments: Supreme Jade Pendant (1000000)

Gloves: Black God Gloves (35000)

Pants: Green Sage Pants (9000)

Leggings: Shique Gufeng Leggings (9000)

Shoes: Shadow Blood Thunder Boots (8000)

【Accessories Column】

Necklace: Supreme Heart (800)

Rings: Huayu Ring (2000), Supreme Xuanling Ring (1600), Supreme Tianmei Ziyao Star Ring (1000), Supreme Xuanwu Ring (1800), Mengyue Treasure Ring (10000)

Formation Flag 2/3: Five Elements Heavenly Palace Flag (4000), Flag of Truth (1000)

  Item: Sky Curtain Purple Phoenix Bottle
  Supreme special items: Armor Fusion Stone X7, Vehicle Performance Orb X6, Mental Power Supreme Level Orb X37
  Temporary items: Jutian Dan, Jin Shen Dan, Emperor Dan and other elixirs and weapons and equipment...


Tang Yi's personal attribute panel has become richer!
  There are more and more items!


If it weren't for the fact that Tang Yi had just opened two new equipment columns, almost all of them would have been equipped.

But now two new equipment columns have been opened, and the belt position is still empty for Tang Yi.

There is no suitable armor equipped in this equipment slot.

In the column of hanging ornaments, Tang Yi equipped the Supreme Jade Pendant he had just obtained.

Generally speaking, except for the belt, almost every position on Tang Yi's body is complete.

At this moment, he was already covered in divine attire.

And with the blessing of a divine outfit,
  Now Tang Yi's supreme combat power index has reached 2,649,496 points!
  It has reached a very terrifying value!
  Seeing such supreme combat power, Tang Yi was very satisfied, and at the same time, he felt very relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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