Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2451 Banshee Veil

Chapter 2451 Banshee Veil
  After Weiwei checked the personal properties panel,

Tang Yi contacted himself through the Supreme Warship and quickly returned to the warship.

Seeing Tang Yi return, Binglian came out immediately with a look of relief on his face and said: "Brother Tang Yi, you are finally back."

"Lian'er is worried. Are you scared to be on the warship?"

Tang Yi said apologetically.

Bing Lian shook her head and said, "Lian'er is not afraid, but is worried about brother Tang Yi's safety. Now that brother Tang Yi is back safely, I feel relieved."

Seeing Bing Lian's sensible appearance, Tang Yi felt a little distressed and pitiful.

At the same time, Tang Yi decided in his heart,

No matter what, he would come up with a gift that was sincere enough to compensate Binglian.

Otherwise, I would be very sorry for Binglian.

After making the decision, Tang Yi said: "Let's go! Get out of here first."

"Yeah!" Binglian nodded.

The warship moved on.

But this time, the warship moved forward in the void very smoothly.

I didn't encounter anything else on the way.

In this way, Tang Yi drove the Supreme Warship and used the void to shuttle out of the Divine Realm of the Realm.
  At the same time, he passed through the edge land and returned to the boundaries of the major empires.

However, after Tang Yi returned to the empire,

He did not return directly to Mengyue Empire.
  Instead, it appeared in the Eastern Empire.

The Dongdai Empire is still far away from the Mengyue Empire.
  After seeing such a situation, Tang Yi suggested to Binglian: "Lian'er, why don't we rest here for a day and then return to Mengyue tomorrow?"

Binglian responded obediently: "I listen to brother Tang Yi."

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Tang Yi took control of the warship and landed in a nearby city.

Of course.

Tang Yi would definitely not blatantly sail the warship directly into the city.

Although Tang Yi has this strength,

This is too arrogant.

Although Tang Yi likes to show off,

But I don't like to show off.

Therefore, he parked his warship on the outskirts of the city.

The two then walked to the city.

After entering the city, Tang Yi learned that the city was called Red City.

Red City is a border city of the Eastern Empire.
  However, although this place is marginal, it is not desolate at all.

On the contrary, it is very prosperous.

People come and go in an endless stream,
  Among the pedestrians, there were also a large number of caravans.

These caravans are equipped with a large number of warriors.

Tang Yi took a quick look.

I found that the strength of these warriors was very good!

The average strength has reached the level of the Holy Lord.

The leader is even at the Saint Emperor level.

Tang Yi was very surprised that a mere caravan could be guarded by such powerful warriors.

After entering the city, after walking for a while, Binglian stopped.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Binglian stop, Tang Yi asked in confusion.

Binglian said to Tang Yi: "Brother Tang Yi, I think I should wear a veil or a hat."

"Huh? Why?"

Tang Yi asked doubtfully.

"Look around you!"

Binglian motioned to Tang Yi to look around.

Tang Yi looked around.

Suddenly, he saw that countless pedestrians around him were focusing their attention on them.


Is it focused on Binglian?

These passers-by looked at Binglian with eyes that ranged from surprise to admiration to lingering and even... obsession and admiration? Um?
  Seeing the gazes of these pedestrians, Tang Yi immediately turned his head and looked at Bing Lian in confusion.

A year ago,
  Binglian is already extremely good-looking,
  And it has a feeling of Xiaojiabiyu.

Make people pity.

And after a year,

Binglian has grown a lot,
  The figure becomes better and the appearance becomes more refined,

The whole person looks more feminine.

If Binglian a year ago was an uncut jade,

So now Binglian,
  Just a beautiful piece of art!
  Seeing Binglian like this, Tang Yi suddenly realized,

Secretly, no wonder Binglian needs a veil or a hat!
  No wonder pedestrians often look sideways!
  "You really need a veil and a hat!"

Tang Yi immediately said seriously.


Bing Lianjiao laughed, thinking that brother Tang Yi was a fool.

"Lian'er, wait for me."

Tang Yi said.

With that said, it sank into the system.

After all, Tang Yi is a man of his word. Now when he says he is looking for the veil, he must look for the veil.

However, he couldn't just find a veil.

Otherwise, this is too cheap.

With Tang Yi's identity and Binglian's identity, he must find a good veil.

After all, Lian'er is a top beauty, right?
  Tang Yi entered the system store and started looking for a suitable veil.

Soon, Tang Yi found it.

[Banshee Veil]: Supreme Equipment
  Attributes: HP, HP, defense, damage reduction, speed.

Passive effect: Banshee resists.

Banshee Resistance: Can resist an attack from the Supreme Skill (this special effect can be triggered infinitely, but each time it is triggered, it needs to be cooled down for 300 seconds.)
  Additional skills: Banshee or
  Banshee Or: After activation, any enemy target cannot attack the wearer for 10 seconds.

Supreme combat power index increase: 3000 points.

Price: 400 Supreme Coins.


The supreme combat power index of this banshee veil is only three thousand points.

For Tang Yi, it was simply not enough!
  But this piece of equipment is not used by Tang Yi himself at this moment.

So it doesn't matter if the supreme combat power index is a little lower.

In addition, Binglian has not been promoted to the supreme level at this moment.

Supreme combat power means nothing to Binglian.
  Therefore, if the supreme combat power index is lower, just lower it.

Most importantly, this piece of equipment is a supreme piece of equipment.

At the same time, the properties are very good.

Passive special effect is a life-saving skill that can withstand the damage of a skill.

The additional skills are also life-saving skills.
  After use, the wearer can be in an invincible state for 10 seconds.
  No one can attack.

These two life-saving means are of little use to Tang Yi.

After all, Tang Yi's current opponents are all opponents above the supreme level and are extremely powerful.

If Tang Yi could withstand his opponent's attack, then this life-saving equipment would be of no use.

If Tang Yi himself cannot withstand the opponent's attack,
  Then this life-saving equipment will definitely not be able to withstand it.

So this piece of equipment is meaningless to Tang Yi.


It didn't make sense to Tang Yi, but to Bing Lian, it was different.

This piece of equipment might be able to save her life.

And the price of this piece of equipment is not expensive, only 400 Supreme Coins.

Tang Yi directly spent 400 Supreme Coins to buy it from the system store.

With a flick of his right hand, Tang Yi took out the banshee veil.

Since the Banshee Veil was an item purchased by Tang Yi from the system store, he had not seen the appearance of this item.

After taking it out now, Tang Yi saw this piece of equipment for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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