Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2452 Wind Hidden Hat

Chapter 2452 Wind Hidden Hat
  The banshee veil is a rectangular white gauze scarf.

It is very different in appearance from ordinary veils.

The general veil is triangular,
  The banshee veil, however, is rectangular.

In addition, there are many inscriptions sewn on the banshee veil with white silk.

These inscriptions are on either side of the Banshee's veil.

If you don't look carefully, you can barely see these inscriptions.

At first glance, all you can see is a pure white gauze scarf.

Of course, that's not the point.

the most important is,

In the center of this white veil,
  There is also a looming strange creature with the head of a human and the body of a snake.

This creature with the head of a human and the body of a snake is very slender and bumpy. It looks like it should be a woman.

But the specific appearance,

Because it was sewn into the veil and appeared and disappeared, Tang Yi couldn't see it very clearly.

I don’t know how this effect is produced.

After Tang Yi looked at it for a moment, he handed it to Bing Lian and said, "Lian'er, here you go."

"Hey! This veil is so beautiful! There is a pattern in the middle. Wow, the pattern disappears and appears, it's amazing! What kind of veil is this?"

Although the veil is magical,

But Binglian only thought it was an ordinary veil,

So he took it from Tang Yi's hand without hesitation.

But when the ice ripples take the veil,
  After feeling the energy and breath on the veil,
  It suddenly dawned on me.

"Brother Tang this a piece of supreme equipment?"

Binglian said in surprise.

As the sixth young lady of the Bing family and the direct disciple of Lord Kaiou,

Binglian naturally recognizes the supreme equipment.

As soon as she touched it and felt it, she knew it was a supreme piece of equipment.

Tang Yi did not hide anything, and directly admitted frankly: "Yes, this is a piece of supreme equipment, called the Banshee Veil. It has a passive effect, and an additional supreme skill. The passive effect is that it can resist A supreme skill attack, and the additional supreme skill makes oneself immune to any enemy attack within ten seconds. It can be said that this is a life-saving equipment."

"This...Brother Tang Yi, this is too expensive. I can't have it. I just want an ordinary veil. You can take it back."

After knowing that it was the supreme equipment, Binglian quickly pushed the banshee veil back.

"When you came out, you said you would listen to me in everything. Are you going to disobey me now? Are you going to refuse even what I give you? Take it!" Tang Yi pushed back.

"But..." Binglian still hesitated.

After all, this is supreme equipment.

She is still very far away from the Supreme,
  It would be too ostentatious and wasteful to have this supreme piece of equipment.

Totally unnecessary.

In her opinion,

She takes an ordinary veil,

Block your appearance,

Don't let others notice,

that's enough.

But before Binglian could say anything, she was interrupted by Tang Yi's eyes.

Tang Yi pretended to be unhappy and said: "Stop it, Lian'er, just take it for you. Now you are my fiancée, so what if I give you one or two gifts? There is nothing valuable or not." Yes, this kind of equipment is very common to me. If I want, I can take it out at any time! So just accept it."

"Okay! I'll accept it then. Thank you, brother Tang Yi." Bing Lian said sweetly.

After all, brother Tang Yi said so, how could she not accept it?

Moreover, brother Tang Yi just called her his fiancée.

This is the first time brother Tang Yi has called her that.

This made her heart sweet.

"Put it on. Let me see if it looks good." Tang Yi said with a smile. Very satisfied with Binglian's well-behaved behavior.

Binglian nodded and put on the veil according to Tang Yi's instructions.

In an instant, her beautiful face was wrapped in a white veil.    When she is not wearing a veil, Bing Lian is a beauty that has captivated the country and the city, with a stunning appearance.

But after putting on the veil, this beauty has not diminished even half a bit.

Although the face has been obscured.

But that looming beauty,
  That beautiful silhouette,

But it couldn't be blocked.

Even, wearing this veil,
  Binglian adds a mysterious flavor.

It seems that she is more beautiful, more elegant, and more eye-catching than before wearing the veil!
  After seeing Binglian put on the veil,

become more eye-catching,
  Tang Yi frowned, shook his head and said, "This won't work!! Absolutely not!"

"What's wrong? Brother Tang Yi?" Binglian was puzzled.

Since there was no mirror, Binglian had no idea what she looked like after putting on the veil.

So Binglian didn't know what Tang Yi was talking about.

"Hey! It seems that the banshee veil I chose is too ostentatious. I have to give you a hat." Tang Yi said.

With that said, regardless of Binglian's reaction, he quickly sank into the system again.

Then I found a suitable hat in the system store.

[Fengyin bucket hat]: supreme equipment
  Attributes: defense, defense increase, blood volume, blood volume increase, damage reduction, recovery speed.

Passive special effect: wind assist

Wind Assistance: In strong winds, the speed will be greatly increased, and you can move and walk with the wind. Even a breeze can get a huge boost.

Additional skills: Wind Hidden
  Wind Hidden: Can transform into the wind and hide in the wind, lasting 10 minutes.

Supreme combat power index: 3000 points.

Price: 300 Supreme Coins.



This piece of equipment is much cheaper than the Banshee Veil.

The supreme combat power index is also three thousand points.

The previous Banshee Veil was a life-saving piece of equipment.
  And this Fengyin bamboo hat is a piece of escape equipment.

Speed ​​up, stealth,

It is simply a magical escape technique.

After Tang Yi spent 300 Supreme Coins to purchase this piece of equipment.

Then he took it out of the system backpack.

This hat is brownish gray in color.

There is a black wind character in the center of the hat.

Same as ordinary bucket hats.

Half a meter wide, rounded shape, wide edges,

There is a circle of patterns engraved on the edge, as well as inscriptions that appear at intervals.

There is also a circle of black gauze surrounding it, which can completely block the view inside the hat.

The shape of the Fengyin bamboo hat is not special, it is similar to most bamboo hats.

There are just some more patterns and inscriptions.

After purchasing this piece of equipment, and then looking at it for a moment, Tang Yi handed it to Bing Lian: "Here!"

"Brother Tang Yi, this is it again!"

Bing Lian did not follow immediately, but looked at Tang Yi doubtfully.

She was already a little scared,

She was afraid that Tang Yi would give her another piece of supreme equipment.

After all, I have accepted one before. If I accept another one...

Tang Yi immediately put it into Binglian's hand and said: "This veil is good-looking, but just because it's so good-looking, it can't cover your face at all, and it still makes you very eye-catching, so I chose it again specially. A bamboo hat is given to you. In addition, you are right, this bamboo hat is also a supreme piece of equipment. It is called the Fengyin bamboo hat. Like the previous Banshee Veil, it has a special effect and an additional supreme skill. . And the special effect is that it can be assisted by the wind. As long as you are in a windy place, you can increase your speed. The additional supreme skill is called Wind Hidden. After using it, you can hide in the wind so that the enemy cannot find it."

(End of this chapter)

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