Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2455 Are there competitions for marriage these days?

Chapter 2455 Are there competitions for marriage these days?
  "Brother Tang Yi, those people from Niu Kun's business group seem to have caught up with us just now, and they are still snooping around at the door."

Binglian seemed to have noticed the situation outside the inn door, and whispered to Tang Yi.

"Don't worry about such small characters." Tang Yi replied.

"it is good!"

Binglian nodded.

The two people just ignored the people from Niu Kun's business group and went back to their rooms.

After cleaning up, he came out of the room.

The two were going to go shopping and see the customs and customs of Red City.

After all, you’ve come here, so you can’t help but go out and take a look, right?

Just like that, the room was opened,

Tang Yi and Binglian went out.

And those people from Niu Kun's business group followed Tang Yi and Bing Lian after they left.

As if they were followers, following Tang Yi and the others.

The two men thought they had not been discovered.

But in fact, Tang Yi had discovered them long ago.

After all, even warriors like Bing Lian who have not yet reached the holy level can detect them.

Not to mention Tang Yi.

It's just that Tang Yi and Binglian didn't care about these two followers.

It's time for two people to hang out and eat.

It was as if nothing had happened and it was unrestrained.

"Brother Tang Yi, look, there are many people over there."

While the two were strolling down the street, Binglian suddenly pointed her finger somewhere.

Tang Yi looked in the direction Binglian pointed,
  I saw it immediately,

Somewhere in the street stands a huge arena,

The edge of the ring was crowded with spectators.

The arena was extremely lively at this moment. The audience was surrounding the arena, noisy and the atmosphere was extremely lively.

"Go on!"

"Everyone, hurry up!"

"If you win, you can marry An Huanlan home. What are you waiting for?"

"If I had the strength, I would definitely go up and knock An Huanlan down, and then let her beg me to marry her. This would be so cool."

"This bitch is too arrogant. Someone go up and teach her a lesson."

"She actually looks down on us men. Can some dear friend teach her how to care for her husband and raise her children?"

"This woman is beautiful, but unfortunately she is too hot."


The audience was shouting under the ring, and it was not a big deal to watch the excitement.

"Brother Tang Yi, let's go over and take a look."

Seeing this scene, Binglian suddenly suggested with great interest.

"it is good!"

Tang Yi nodded.

The two of them walked towards the ring like this.

When he came closer to the ring, Tang Yi understood what happened.

It turns out that someone is competing in a competition to find a bride!

At this moment, there is a plaque placed beside the ring.
  On the plaque, there are four big characters written: contest to recruit a bride.

At the same time, there are several rules written below this sign.

Tang Yi glanced slightly,
  I saw it written above.

One, you cannot use martial arts.

Second, special means cannot be used.

Third, you can only use your own strength and skills. Four, suppress your own strength to the God of War level.

5. No weapons can be used.

Sixth, only those who can withstand three attacks without losing can challenge.

"There are quite a few rules."

Tang Yi glanced at it slightly and immediately commented.

After the evaluation, Tang Yi looked towards the ring, wanting to see what this person who wanted to compete in a martial arts competition looked like.

I saw it immediately,

On one side of the ring stood a woman.

The woman has an oval face and very delicate facial features.
  Just her appearance is absolutely impeccable.

The most important thing is that women have a feeling of ‘perfection’.

From any angle,

All perfect,
  It can be said that she is a beauty with no blind spots at 360 degrees.

Of course, Bing Lian is also such a beauty, with no blind spots at 360 degrees.
  It's perfect from every angle,
  Moreover, Binglian is even stronger than the woman in front of him.

Beauty is even better.

Even her temperament is countless times higher than that of the woman in front of her.

However, Binglian's figure was not as tall as the woman in front of her.

The woman in front of me is very tall, with a figure that is exactly that of a model.

In addition, her dress is also very elegant.

I saw that she was wearing a ponytail and a flower-colored skirt.

A plain belt that matches the dress tightens the skirt, making the figure even more perfect.

In short, paired with this long skirt,
  The woman in the ring is even more perfect and captivates the country.

Although it is still a little bit worse than Binglian, it is not far behind.

Logically speaking, such a woman does not need to compete in martial arts to recruit a bride.
  All she had to do was climb up and say that she wanted to get married, and it was estimated that the place would be filled with people seeking marriage, and even several nearby streets would be full.

Of course, there are a lot of people now.

But if she ascends and shouts, I'm afraid there will be more.

After all, beauties of this level are hard to find.

But now, she has to compete here to find a bride.

This made Tang Yi very confused.

And aside,
  After briefly sizing up the ring and the woman on the ring, Binglian turned her head, smiled at Tang Yi, and said, "How about it, brother Tang Yi, is the sister on the ring beautiful? Do you want to marry her home?" ?”

Tang Yi glared at Bing Lian and pretended to yell: "Lian'er, what nonsense are you talking about? I already have you and Ling'er."

"I'm not talking nonsense! What's wrong with Sister Xianling and me? Even if we have Sister Xianling and me, we can still find another one."

Bing Lian said seriously: "I think she is quite beautiful! She is so pretty and has long legs. What's wrong? Doesn't brother Tang Yi want to marry her back?"

"Lian'er, stop joking, it's not funny at all."

It’s true that the woman in front of me is beautiful.
  But that doesn’t mean you have to marry her back if you’re beautiful, right?
  It's not like he falls in love with anyone he meets.

So when he heard Binglian say this, Tang Yi only thought that Binglian was joking.

"I'm not kidding. She is so beautiful that even I am moved. Don't say that Brother Tang Yi is not moved by you. I am happy to match such a beautiful sister. And this sister exudes a certain charm. She has a sassy aura, so she must be a very cheerful person, and her character is definitely good. Compared to Shangguan Siyu, she must be a good sister," Bing Lian said.

"Lian'er, can you please stop mentioning Shangguan Siyu. I have nothing to do with her anymore."

Tang Yi said: "Although the engagement has not been completely terminated, it is completely the same as it is now. So don't mention her again."

"I'm just comparing. If Shangguan Siyu wasn't so powerful, I actually think that with her appearance, she would still be worthy of brother Tang Yi. Hehe."

Binglian stuck out her tongue and smiled mischievously.

Tang Yi tapped Binglian's forehead and was about to say something, pretending to teach the naughty Binglian a lesson to let her know the consequences of talking nonsense.

But at this time, I saw a figure jumping onto the ring.

"Mu Yun Merchant Group, Mu Yunfeng is here to give me advice."

Seeing this figure, Tang Yi immediately retracted his hand, pretended to glare at Bing Lian fiercely, and then turned his attention to the ring.

(End of this chapter)

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