Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2456 The Invincible God of War, An Huanlan

Chapter 2456 The Invincible God of War, An Huanlan
  "Mu Yunfeng, Mu Yun Business Group, has met Miss An."

The figure who jumped onto the ring slightly arched his hands and introduced politely to the beautiful woman who got off the ring.

This figure is a warrior in his twenties, with a gentle appearance.

Dressed elegantly.

If it weren't for the weapon slung around his waist.

He looks like a scholar,
  Rather than a warrior.

This warrior named Mu Yunfeng had to be said to be very polite.

When getting ready to go into the ring, I introduced myself.

After getting on the ring, he introduced himself again.

And every move is polite,

It gives the impression that he is very polite.


Miss An Huan Lan'an, who was competing in a martial arts competition to find a bride, didn't accept this trick at all.

She said coldly: "Are you ready? You have to suppress your strength to the level of a God of War, and then withstand my three attacks without losing, then you are qualified to challenge me!"


Mu Yunfeng nodded and said, "I'm ready, please ask Miss An for advice."

Hearing Mu Yunfeng say he was ready, An Huanlan didn't say much and just blasted away with a palm.

After all, this is the first move, so she is very casual!
  The power of this casual palm cannot be underestimated!
  At least at the God of War level, it is a very terrifying palm.

Faced with this palm, Mu Yunfeng did not dare to neglect.

After all, his strength at this moment has been suppressed to the level of God of War.

If he had not suppressed his strength at this moment and faced this palm with strength above the Saint level,
  This is of course no problem,

It can even be said to be a piece of cake.
  It can be resisted easily.

but now.

After suppressing his strength to the level of God of War,

Facing this palm with the power of the God of War cannot be so easy.

This palm is so powerful, if one is not good,
  He might even be seriously injured.

Therefore, Mu Yunfeng does not dare to neglect at this moment!

I saw him concentrating, crossing his hands in front of him, and trying his best to resist this palm!
  Ideas are beautiful.

The reality is very cruel.

Although Mu Yunfeng was already prepared,

He was also very serious about An Huanlan's palm and went all out to deal with it.


An Huanlan's palm was too powerful within the God of War level.

It can be said to be an invincible existence at the level of God of War!
  If you don't use means, if you don't use martial arts,

There was no way he could withstand this palm.

and so!

With one strike and collision, An Huanlan blasted Mu Yunfeng away with one palm.

He fell out of the ring as hard as a sandbag.


After Mu Yunfeng was kicked out of the ring, An Huanlan's cold voice immediately sounded on the ring.

The voice was very cold and without any emotion.

It seemed that she was not competing with anyone just now, nor was she competing to recruit a bride.

But like swatting away flies,
  Kill one fly and let the next fly come on.

Seeing this scene, the whole place was silent, and you could hear a pin drop.

The venue, which was originally very noisy and noisy, seemed as if time had stood still.

Everyone seemed frightened.

Nonsense, can you not be scared?
  That Mu Yunfeng just now was at the Holy Spirit level.

A warrior at the Holy Spirit level,
  Suppressed to the level of God of War,
  Generally speaking, if you want to defeat a warrior at the God of War level,
  That was a breeze.

  Mu Yunfeng, a warrior who had reached the Holy Spirit level, could not even catch An Huanlan's palm after suppressing him to the God of War level.

Just a palm,
  Mu Yunfeng was defeated.

Isn’t this surprising?
  Everyone never expected that An Huanlan would be so strong at the God of War level!

Even if a Holy Spirit level warrior suppresses his strength, he cannot defeat him.

"What? No one has come up to challenge me? Ha! Men like you want me to marry you? Look in the mirror and see if you are worthy?" An Huanlan glanced at the audience and said indifferently.

She looks very beautiful and has an invincible figure, but her personality is very tough.

As Binglian said, this An Huanlan is a very tough and forthright girl.

Hearing An Huanlan's words, the faces of all the men under the ring turned red and white, looking very ugly.


But they couldn't refute An Huanlan.

Because they don't have the strength to refute.

Dare to refute?
  With your strength suppressed to the level of God of War, can you block someone else's palm?

Wouldn't it be even more embarrassing if he couldn't stop it if he refuted it?

Therefore, all the men in the audience looked very ugly.

Everyone has something to say,
  But nothing could be said.

"I'll challenge you!"

At this moment, another person came on stage.

I saw a figure jumping onto the ring and challenging An Huanlan.

But this person is not a young man.

This man looked to be at least forty or fifty years old, completely middle-aged.

A middle-aged man actually came to challenge An Huanlan.

Old cows eating young grass?
  Although there is no rule that martial artists above middle age cannot be allowed to take the stage,
  But the appearance of a warrior of this age still aroused everyone's dissatisfaction.

"Are you crazy! How old are you? At your age, I'm afraid you already have children, right? You're actually here to compete with Miss An?"

"I've seen a lot of old cows eating young grass, but I've never seen an old cow eating flowers. This is so shameless."

"This person is indeed very shameless. His strength has reached the level of the Saint Emperor! Even if he suppresses his strength, he still has the combat experience and strength of the Saint Emperor level. With such strength on stage, isn't this bullying Miss An? No, This person cannot count, please step down immediately!”

"Yes, this person cannot be on stage."

"The older you get, the more shameless you become!"



However, in the face of everyone's dissatisfaction, this middle-aged warrior did not care at all.

I saw him arching his hand towards An Huanlan and introducing himself: "Jingfeitang, the guard commander of the Jingshi Business Group, has met Miss An! Before I came on stage to challenge, I admired Miss An very much, so I came on stage here. I want to Challenge Miss An and hope that Miss An can teach you."

Although this warrior was a middle-aged warrior, An Huanlan did not refuse his challenge.

Instead, he asked indifferently according to the treatment given to previous challengers: "Are you ready?"

"I'm ready! Miss An, please give me some advice!" said the middle-aged warrior named Jingfeitang.

Hearing this, An Huanlan didn't hesitate, just like before, she casually struck out with a palm.

This palm is as powerful as before.

At least at the God of War level, its power is terrifying.

Facing this palm, Jingfeitang was also very serious and went all out to defend.


The terrifying power struck Jingfeitang, causing his body to shake suddenly.
  The arms used to resist trembled slightly.

However, Jingfeitang withstood this palm!
  Although his body was shaking wildly, he withstood it and was not blown away.

(End of this chapter)

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