Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2458 Invincible at the God of War level? Have you asked me if I have Binglian?

Chapter 2458 Invincible at the God of War level? Have you asked me if I have Binglian?
  "It is true that there is no rule that women cannot appear on the stage, but... this is my competition to recruit a bride. I set up the stage to choose a husband of my choice. And girl, you are a woman like me. We cannot be husband and wife. What’s the point of being on stage?”

Although there is no rule that women cannot challenge on stage,


An Huanlan still didn't understand the significance of Binglian's appearance on stage.

"Who says it's meaningless? Can't I marry you as my wife? There is no rule in this world that a woman cannot marry a wife! I also want to marry you as my wife."

Binglian's voice was sweet, but her words were extremely rogue.


"Okay, in that case, follow the rules! If you can withstand my three moves, you will be qualified to challenge. As long as you defeat me, then I will be your wife!"

Facing Binglian, An Huanlan was also very speechless.
  She didn't understand why Binglian did this at all.

How do two women get married?

How to pass it on to future generations?

But since there are no rules that stipulate that women cannot participate,

An Huanlan couldn't drive him off the ring either.
  Therefore, facing Binglian's challenge, although she was speechless and helpless, she could only accept it silently.

"My name is Binglian, and I am also a God of War. Please give me some advice from Miss An."

Binglian said.

As she spoke, she assumed a defensive posture, ready to face the challenge.

She looks like this.

At first glance, it's not a joke.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers didn't mind the excitement and talked about it.

"This girl looks like she's serious!"

"It's really interesting. This is the first time I've seen a woman come to participate in a martial arts competition to find a bride."

"How do women and women become husband and wife?"

"Looking at the figure of the ice girl in front of me, I think she must be a beauty. I heard others say that beautiful women also like beautiful women. I didn't believe it at the time, but now that I see this ice girl, I believe it."

"Very good, I support this girl!"

"Girl, I support you! I hope you can do what none of us can do!"

"Although I support this girl named Binglian, she is just the God of War. At the level of the God of War, Miss An is almost invincible, and no one can be her opponent."

"Yeah, I hope this ice girl won't lose too badly."


And the other side.

Tang Yi held his forehead with one hand and had a headache.

This is too much fun.

Do you really challenge others?
  Let’s not talk about whether we can win or not.
  What if we really win?

How to do?
  Do you really want to take someone home?
  Let someone else be your concubine?

This is too ridiculous.

Of course,
  Although Tang Yi feels that Binglian is very naughty now,
  But he wasn't angry either;
  Not even stopping Binglian’s behavior,

After all, she didn't do anything bad, she was just a little naughty.

"When she comes off the stage later, I have to give her a good word. I can't let her be so naughty. Besides, this is someone else's competition to recruit a bride. How can you mess around with such a serious matter? This is a matter of life for others. When it comes to other people's futures, you can't be so messy."

Tang Yi thought.

Besides feeling that Bing Lian is fooling around,

Tang Yi was also very confused at the same time.

I wonder why Binglian came to the stage to challenge.

Judging by breath,

Tang Yineng knew that Binglian was also at the God of War level.

And he had just been promoted to God of War not long ago.

After all, Binglian returned to the realm of the gods of the realm, became the direct disciple of the realm king, and practiced with the realm king.
  After all the calculations, the time is just over a year.

In more than a year, being able to quickly advance to the God of War level is already very good and a genius.

And Binglian is just the God of War,
  How to challenge the invincible An Huanlan, the God of War?

Tang Yi could tell that An Huanlan's strength was at the God of War level, and he was really, really powerful.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is invincible.

Such strength,
  How to challenge Binglian, the newly promoted God of War?
  Tang Yi didn't understand this.

He is really not famous, so why does Binglian come to the stage to challenge An Huanlan.

And you said you wanted to win him a concubine?
  How to win?
  Tang Yi was puzzled.

His eyes returned to the ring again.     In the arena.

Hearing Binglian's words, An Huanlan said, "Are you ready?"

"Come on!" Binglian said.

Hearing this, An Huanlan didn't hesitate and struck out with a palm.

It hit Binglian's chest directly.

This palm is urgent and fast!
  The breath is very powerful.

The power contained in it.

Very scary.

An Huanlan didn't show mercy just because Binglian was a woman.

in contrast,

The power used in this palm was even more powerful than the second palm used against Jingfeitang!
  With a palm blast,
  There were bursts of sound that broke through the air, and the sound was terrifying.


Face this palm.

Binglian was not as dignified as the previous challengers.

in contrast,

Her behavior was extremely casual.

Seeing An Huanlan strike with a palm,
  Bing Lian just stretched out his hand slightly and blocked a slender hand in front of him.

It was as if he was trying to resist An Huanlan's palm with his slender palm.

Seeing this scene, An Huanlan sneered in her heart,

The audience in the audience also shook their heads.
  I feel that Binglian is too generous.

How strong is An Huanlan at the God of War level?
  Everyone has seen it before.

Even warriors at the Saint Emperor level who suppressed their strength to the God of War level were no match for An Huanlan.

Even An Huanlan's palm couldn't bear it!

At the God of War level, An Huanlan is invincible.

Her palm was very terrifying.

However, the woman named Binglian in front of me,

His strength is also at the God of War level, comparable to An Huanlan.

Facing An Huanlan's palm,
  But such a big deal!

Instead of going all out, he just stretched out a palm to resist An Huanlan's palm.

This is simply reckless.

Seeing this scene, the audience under the ring were surprised and speechless.

At this moment, seeing Binglian reacting like this,
  Everyone felt that Binglian was going to be in bad shape.

She felt that Binglian might be injured by An Huanlan.

Whether it is An Huanlan himself,

Or the people watching,
  Everyone thinks so.

Even Tang Yi was ready to take action.

Take action at any time, but rescue Binglian,

Binglian cannot be harmed.

But what no one expected was this!


There was a loud noise,
  The entire arena shook suddenly.

An Huanlan's terrifying palm exploded with extremely powerful power.

Terrifying power shook the arena.

  This extremely terrifying palm was firmly caught by Binglian's slender little hand.

Binglian's thin body seemed to be as motionless as a big mountain.

No matter how powerful this palm is, no matter how hard An Huanlan exerts it,
  Can't even make an inch.


An Huanlan's palm made Binglian take a step back.
  Even if Binglian moves a little,
  It's completely impossible.

Binglian not only resisted An Huanlan's palm, but even resisted it very easily and beautifully.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was stunned, and everyone was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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